Da Twiwight Place: The Root Of All Evil [Part 1] [By BFM101]

The black screen slowly lit up to reveal Alicorn presenter Wod Sehwing in the middle of an empty room, his trademark suit and candy cigarette already set up on his body.

“Hewwo fwiends. It be wong time. Wod Sehwing nu fink see yu gain, bu dewe am awways mowe stowies an coh-seh-nawy tawes tu teww. Nyo, we hab stowies befowe bout bein cawefuh wha yu wish fow, bu wha if yu nu wish fow aneefing, wha if yu onwy wan wha aww Fwuffies wan? Wub.”

Wod Sehwing took a drag of his cigarette and tossed it away.

“Nyo wub am bestesh fing, aww Fwuffies wub wub. Bu wha if dat wub put yu on a wun-way twip intu…

Da Twiwight Pwace.”


The cruel words of his Smarty whipped at Flotsam’s back as he ran away from the alley he had called his home for almost a year now, the insults stinging all the more knowing they were coming from his own father.

Flotsam was a poopie stallion, even by brown standards he was a horrid shade of dishwater dullness with a mane of rotten grey just for good measure. Just to rub salt in the wound, he was a boring Earthie as well, no horn or wings to make him stand out from the crowd. He was, in essence, the ugliest, most boring stallion who had ever lived.

The only reason he hadn’t been killed outright by his Smarty father and bitch-mare mother was that he had six brothers and sister, too many for his poor, exhausted, precious, fat bitch of a mother to clean properly. No, it would be on Flotsam to clean the shit off of his siblings backsides, whether he wanted to or not, his first memory was of his Bestesh Sister’s ass being thrust into his face while he was still a half-blind Chirpie and the stench of shit seeping its way down his throat.

He remembered the taste of shit and vomit before he could remember milkies.

The final straw came today; Candycane, a seasonal red and white stripped mare tossed out for being out of season, had been found by the herd a few weeks ago. In that time she had struck up a friendship with Flotsam fuelled by their shared history of being discarded by those they thought loved them. That friendship quickly blossomed into something more, until Candycane, driven by hormones and the steady heat of springtime, asked Flotsam to be her special-friend.

Flotsam’s erection barely grazed Candycane’s special-place before one of his brother yanked him away, laughing at how an ugly poopie stallion could think they were going to have enfies. The whole herd taunted and cackled at him, two of the toughies held Flotsam down as he was forced to watch his brother force himself onto Candycane, punishing her for the crime of being kind to a brown stallion.

Flotsam kept fighting and screaming and crying, even as his second brother took over and raped Candycane as well. He stopped crying however, once his father arrived, pushed his rapacious son away from the abused mare, and forced himself onto the weeping Candycane, his hefty bulk pushing down hard on the mare until one of her back legs shattered from the pressure.

She screamed in agony at the same time the fat Smarty finished inside her.

Smarty had turned to his poopie son to rub his face in it some more, only to see Flotsam had ran away, too angry, too heartbroken, too scared to do anything else. He couldn’t save his hypothetical children, he couldn’t save his beloved Candycane, but he could save himself, as awful and selfish it made him feel.

Flotsam spent the next several night teetering on the edge of depression, the guilt and pain over being unable to save Candycane ate away at him and more than once he turned to go back to her, but the fear took over and he turned away again, each time feeling guiltier and guiltier.

“Nu am faiw, Fwotsum jus wan wub, wan hab gud speciaw-fwiend, nu eben need be pwettiesh Fwuffy, jus be nice tu Fwotsum, an wan hab babbehs, wan be gud daddeh an hab famiwy tu wub. Huuuhuuuuu.”

So engrossed in his own misery, Flotsam didn’t notice the chain-link fence in front of him until he’s ran into it, the sudden stop and the loud clinking scared him as he let out a loud yelp and a fart.

“Am sowwy Mistah Fencie, Fwotsum weave yu awone nyo.”

As Flotsam turned away from the fence he spotted her, a lone mare sat at the other end of the garden, her back hunched as she softly sobbed. Flotsam stood and watched her, her Fluff appeared yellow at first but he could see it blend into orange and reds the further down her body it went, her mane was likewise gradient coloured while her two Pegasus wings were mismatched red and yellow.

She was, in his eyes, the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, even more than Candycane. And he had to console whatever heartbreak ailed her.

“Hewwo? Pwetty mawe?”

The mare yelped and turned around, seeing a bashful Flotsam on the other side of the fence.

“Nu gib Em-bah scawdies wike dat, gib heawt-huwties.”

“Fwotsam sowwy, jus see pwetty mawe hab sad wawas. Wan knyo wai.”

Ember’s face dropped as the memory of why she was out here to begin with came back to her. “Huu, Em-bah hab wowstesh heawt-huwties, daddeh gib Em-bah babbehs way.”

Flotsam gasped. “Oh nu, dat am howwibew. Dun daddeh knyo dat babbehs need deiw mummah?”

Ember sniffed back more tears. “Em-bah teww him dat, bu daddeh say babbehs am nu gud, nu wook pwetty. Pwetty babbehs can stay cos gib daddeh munies su can hab wots of toys an sketti, bu nu-pwetty babbehs nu gib munies su need tu gu way. Daddeh say dat babbehs gu tu gud homesies by dey am tuu wittew tu be way fwom mummah. Huu, Em-bah wan babbehs bak.”

Flotsam’s heart immediately went out to the red and yellow mare, instinctively he pushed his hoofs against the chain-link fence and tried to hug her, pressing a crossed pattern into his Fluff as he strained himself trying to comfort the crying Ember.

To his surprise however, he heard her giggling.

“Siwwy Fwotsam, Em-bah show yu how yu git in.”

Flotsam stepped back and watched as Ember pushed the chains from her side and moved the fence outwards, revealing a small hole for him to fit through. With most Fluffies lacking the awareness of pulling, the fence was still safe from outsiders as pushing it in would never get past an upturned lip on the frame. Pushing it outwards however, was very much possible, and Flotsam squeezed his way into Ember’s garden, looking back with amazement at what he’s just seen.

“Em-bah am su smawt.”

Ember blushed at the compliment. “Fank yu, Em-bah wike nice wowdies. Wai am Fwotsam hewe aneeway?”

Now it was Flotsam’s turn to start crying. “Huu, Fwotsam wun way fwom homesie, famiwy am biggesh meanies, caww Fwotsam ugwy an poopies. Neba show wub, neba gib huggies, jus huwties. Den Fwotsam hab friend, Can-dee-cane, Fwotsam wub hew, an she wub Fwotsam, wan be Fwotsam’s speciaw-fwiend. Bu dummeh meanie bwuddas gib Fwotsam wowstesh huwties an gib Can-dee-cane bad speciaw-huggies, den daddeh gib hew wostesh speciaw-huggies, gib Can-dee-cane weggies wowstesh huwties. An aww famiwy waugh.”

Flotsam didn’t realise how much he had been crying until he felt Ember’s hoofs wrap around him, then the dam burst and he openly sobbed into her arms.

“Huuuuuu, Fwo…Fwotsam am wows….wowstesh Fwuffy. Nu he…hewp Can-dee-cane, ju…ju…jus wun way cos am dummeh sc….scawdie babbeh.”

“It ok, Fwotsam nu am babbeh. Famiwy sound wike biggesh meanies, dey gib Fwotsam foweba sweepies if he stay.”

“Yu… yu fink?”

Ember nodded and hugged Flotsam even tighter. The stallion kept crying, but he felt a little better now.

“Nu am faiw, Fwotsam jus wan famiwy tu wub, am dat tuu mush?”

Ember slowly let go of Flotsam and looked into his eyes, simultaneously the two Fluffies felt something stirring between their legs. As they gaze into each others eyes, they silently agreed to…

“Wan hab babbehs?”

Ok, maybe not that silently.

Lucas Armstrong let out a long sigh as he closed the door, his heavy shoulders falling back onto the sturdy wood as he slowly sunk to the floor.

It had been six months, and this was the third litter of Ember he had to give away.

He knew it was foolish starting a breeding business, it wasn’t even meant to be a full-time thing, just a small side hustle to get some extra funds. He paid a pretty penny for Ember and her sister Frosty but despite her phenomenal gradient pattern and colours, Ember only birthed dull, boring foals, the kind that even hugboxers would struggle to care about.

Like a madman he had seen one result, done the exact same thing and expected a different result. Three litters, 12 shitty kids and a small fortune later and he’s finally given up. With no buyers for the kids, Lucas had to abandon his plans of letting Ember keep the kids until they were weaned and using the profits to split the difference of food and upkeep and just gift them away or sell them so cheap that he’d still be making a loss on postage costs. Friends, family, even a few more well-off breeders who could afford a bad litter now and then to see if Ember’s genes were recessive or not. All people he knew weren’t likely to hurt a baby Fluffy.

At least he hoped they weren’t likely to.

The question remaining now was what to do with Ember? He could sell her but a good breeder would ask to see her lineage records and question why – at least on paper – Lucas hadn’t bred her while a bad breeder wouldn’t care but would likely have her fucked to death trying to squeeze one good foal out of her. Neither was a viable option, beside he’d grown fond of her and was half-tempted to give up the breeding business and just look after her and Frosty themselves.

Lucas straightened himself out and walk-through to the back-hall where Frosty was staring out the glass door into the back garden. To see Frosty with Ember you’d never think they were sisters, Frosty was a unicorn, and her coat was a chilled mix of whites, blues and purples, sharing a similar gradient pattern to her sister but was their only similarity. This was also shown in their personalities, where Ember was warm, open and friendly, Frosty was more reserved and closed off, which was the reason Lucas hadn’t bred her yet, too much risk of her snapping at any errant stallion who got too close.

“Hey Frosty, your sister in the garden?”

“Yeh.” Frosty nodded. “She wiv a stawwion.”


“Dey wook wike dey habben speciaw-huggies. It a bit gwoss.”

Lucas glanced out the window and sure enough, she brown piece of shit was fucking his Ember right there in his own backyard. Quickly moving Frosty out the way, Lucas rushed out to save her, of all days, this rapacious fucking prick had to pick the day her foals left to assault her and…

“Ooh, wub speciaw-fwiend.”

Lucas slid to a halt, the situation was worse than he realised, this wasn’t assault. It was love.

“Enfenfenf… GUD FEEWS!”

Lucas had been so taken aback by the consensual humping that it wasn’t until Flotsam finished that he was brought back down to Earth. By this point Flotsam and Ember had noticed him as well, Ember running up to him excitedly.

“DADDEH, DADDEH! Em-bah am mummah gain nyo.”

Lucas blinked several times, staring between his beautiful, warm coloured friend, and this random stallion who looked like he’d been stained by dishwater.

“Ember, I… why did you… what happened here?”

“Ooh, Em-bah am ousside habben sad-wawas wen nice stawwion Fwotsam awwive an ask way Em-bah hab heawt-huwties. Em-bah teww him bout daddeh nu wetting babbehs stay wib mummah, an Fwotsam teww Em-bah bout his speciaw-fwiend gitten wowstesh speciaw-huggies fwom meanies. Em-bah wet him intu gwassie pwace su can hab huggies, den Em-bah wan Fwotsam tu gib speciaw-huggies su Em-bah can be mummah gain.”

Lucas stared back at Flotsam, the little guy at least had the decency to look a little guilty. “Pwease nu be angwy nice Mistah, Em-bah be su nice tu Fwotsam, Fwotsam nu mean tu gib speciaw-huggies bu Em-bah weawwy wan be mummah an Fwotsam neba git be daddeh befowe an aww Fwotsam wan is famiwy tu wub.”

Lucac let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, the situation was too simplistic to be complicated, and too complex to be simple. As he tried to rack his brain over what to do, he settled on an easy option until he could work things out better.

“Ok Ember, I’ll let you and… Flotsam, have these babies….”


“Let me finish. You can have THESE babies, I never expected something like this to happen so I never warned you not to have special-huggies with random stallions. I’ll let you have these babies and if you’re good, I may even let you keep a few of them, but you must behave, both of you, and you must both agree that you won’t have any more babies without my permission. Do you both understand?

“Yeh daddeh.” Ember nodded, slightly less enthused than she had been before.

“Yeh nice Mistah, fank yu.”

“Ok, let’s get you both inside and cleaned up.”

With smiles slowly growing on their face, Ember led Flotsam inside to introduce him to his new home, the two Fluffies walking side by side and giggling to each other. Lucas watched the two, annoyed but not fully pissed off with the turn of events, he was already on the fence about the breeding business and now Ember had fully convinced him to give it up. Even saving him some money of buying a new stallion for her.

Afterall, with a stallion that ugly, and a mare unable to make anything other than ugly foals, he wasn’t getting anything from their kids, so it wouldn’t be worth bothering with.


Flotsam took to domesticated life surprisingly well, aside from an innate fear of bathtimes and saving food for fear of not having enough later, he soon came to appreciate the safety and security of his new life. With Ember’s gentle hand and Frosty’s sharp tongue to keep him stead, the trio made a cosy little life for themselves.

Now at last, the day had come and Ember was straining with her birth, Flotsam had been dutiful and helpful throughout her pregnancy but now that his children were coming, he was freaking the fuck out. Something Frosty quickly called him out on.

“Gu keep sissie happy dummeh, Fwos-tee an daddeh wook afta babbehs.”

It was a gentle jab, Frosty actually liked Flotsam and how much he adored her sister, but she knew Fluffies like him needed a firm hand to get the message across. She parked herself behind her sister just as Lucas arrived with a warm towel and a hair-band for Ember’s tail.

At her front, Flotsam licked his mate’s cheek and hugged her face. “Speciaw-fwiend am su bwave, Fwotsam wub yu su mush.”

“Em-bah wub speciaw-fwiend tuuuuuuooooooohhhhhhHHHHHH!!!”

A sharp push behind her ripped her right out of the moment, Ember pushed and strained as her foals slowly but surely started to find their way out of her body. Lucas readied his hand behind her, ready to catch the first foal as it fell.

But when he saw what was slipping out of her special-place, he was so caught off-guard he almost missed the foal falling out.

The kid was gorgeous, a unicorn colt with his mother’s gradient patterns of yellows and red, but his was gold and ruby, he had genuine glitter Fluff, something Lucas had only heard about, never actually seen before.

Lucas snapped out of his stupor just in time to catch the colt and placed him on the towel, it took him everything to turn back to Ember and not just stare at the colt. Even Frosty couldn’t comprehend what she was seeing,

“Dat babbeh am pwettiesh babbehs Fwos-tee eba see, it feew meanie tu jus caw him pwetty. Wike dat nu enuff.”

The two parents were too distracted to hear what Frosty was saying about their first born son, and Lucas wasn’t about to tell them, not when their second child was already coming out, and looking just as sparkly as her brother.

Over the next hour, Ember gave birth to five foals, alongside the golden and ruby unicorn colt there was;

A golden and orange striped Pegasus filly

A sapphire and amethyst gradient Alicorn filly

A black unicorn colt with iridescent golden flakes in his coat.

And a monochrome white Alicorn filly with sparkles in her coat and on her wings.

Five absolute gold mines, five foals that would net Lucas thousands alone but for all of them…. His eyes darted between the newborns - all fussing in their parents arms as Ember happily fed the first red unicorn and the sapphire Alicorn – and their father with his dirty brown coat. Not only did he have some of the best breeding genes Lucas had ever seen, but they were strong enough to bypass whatever shit-factory genes plagued Ember.

Lucas had a stallion who jizzed bank notes and he had just wandered into his back garden on a whim.

He was broken out of his train of thoughts by a loud belch from the red unicorn, Ember laughed and handed him to Flotsam who swapped his ruby son out for his sapphire sister.

“Heh heh, babbehs make gud buwpie noises. Dwink up babbehs, mummah hab wots of miwkies fow pwetty babbehs. Mummah wub babbehs, babbehs wub mummah.”

Flotsam curled up closer to his mate, keeping their newborn children warm and protected between their bodies. “Fwotsam wub speciaw-fwiend, hab pwettiehs babbehs EBA, eben munstah babbehs am…”

“Fwotsam.” Frosty’s school-teacher tone cut through him. “Dat nu wha babbehs am cawwed.”

“Sowwy, nu mean tu be meanie. Wingie-pointy babbehs am su pwetty tuu.”

Ember giggled, she knew there was no malice in Flotsam’s words, just a bad habit from his feral life he was trying to break. The three adults laughed and coddled on the foal endlessly, making sure each of them felt safe and loved, Lucas stood back and watched them all, the sounds of playfulness sullied by the clinking of coins in his head.

Then Frosty gently licked the black colt and said the inciting words. “Babbehs am su pwetty, Fwos-tee wish hab pwetty babbehs wike sissies.”

And before he could stop himself, Lucas spoke his unwanted answer.

“You could y’know.”

The three Fluffies all looked towards him, curiosity growing on their faces. There was still time to back out of this, Fluffies were dumb, he could lie, he could distract them, but instead his mouth started moving before his brain could stop it.

“Well, if it’s ok with Ember and Flotsam, since Flotsam gave your sister such pretty babies, it would only be fair if he gives you some as well.”

Flotsam blinked, still processing what Lucas was telling him. “Daddeh wan Fwotsam tu hab speciaw-huggies wiv Fwos-tee?”

“Only if she wants to, and only if Ember is ok with it.” To anyone other than a Fluffy, Lucas’ smile would appear desperate, trying to escape this fucked-up situation he was taking them into. To his annoyance however, Ember was far too kind for his own good.

“Dat am gweat finkie-pwace pwan daddeh, Em-bah wub sissy, wan hew tu hab pwetty babbehs tuu.”

Frosty looked over at Flotsam, as much as she liked his company she never saw him as a potential mate, mostly because he was her sisters mate but also his colours weren’t that appealing to her. But then she saw the five beautiful foals he had given Ember and her maternal itch took all control.

“Weww… maybe sum pwetty babbehs nu am wowstesh fing.”

Flotsam gulped as Frosty led out of the safe-room and over towards the Fluffy bed in the living room, situated right in front of the TV. Lucas watched them leave the room, for a brief moment he considered rushing after them to stop this madness, but then the sound of clinking coins deafened him, and he turned back to Ember to distract himself.

In the living room, an awkward Frosty and Flotsam tried to make themselves comfortable.

“Du Fwost-ee wan tu hab huggies fiwst ow…

“Nu, it bestesh if Fwuffies jus git dis oba wiv, am jus enfies, nu speciaw-huggies.”

Flotsam nodded as Frosty bent over, positioning herself for him. Flotsam placed a shaking hoof onto her back, still confused if this was the right thing to do, but then the smell of her musk wafted through his nose and instinct took over.

With a firm thrust, he inserted himself and started bucking his hips as though on auto-pilot.

“Enf, enf, enf, enf.”

Frosty felt a surprisingly pleasant sensation pulse through her, she wasn’t too keen on the idea of special-huggies, as much as she wanted her own babbehs the actual thought of the act was a bit iffy on her. But she had to admit this wasn’t as bad as she expected, it was quite nice actually.


Flotsam’s pace quickened, Frosty started humming at the pleasurable warmth building inside her, she was happy to keep this as a one time thing but she was glad the experience was fun in the meantime.


Frosty recoiled slightly at the sensation of something splashing her on the inside, but then Flotsam rolled off of her and she could feel her tummy starting to form what would eventually become her first litter. And that pleasant warmth inside her continued to grow as she imagined how pretty they were going to be.

“Fank yu Fwotsam, Fwosty knyo yu am gun be gud daddeh tu sissie’s babbehs, an nyo yu gun be gud ddadeh tu Fwos-tee babbehs tuu. Nyo wet’s gu bak, teww sissy da gud newsies.”

As Frosty left the living room to return to the safe-room, Flotsam stayed behind to think on what had become of his life, a month ago he was an abused and maligned outcast, who had his one chance at love and a family torn away from him by his own father. Now he was a father himself with two of the prettiest mares he had ever seen, with a good home and a loving owner to boot.

“Fwotsam am da wuckiest Fwuffy eba.”

Flotsam smiled to himself and followed Frosty out of the room, as he left the door closed behind him, revealing Wod Sehwing on the other side.

“Am happy ending wight? Poow poopies stawwion git hab wub an famiwy wiv his own wittew hawem? If we end da ep-ee-sode hewe den maybe, bu dis am nu da ending. Nu eben cwose.”

Wod Sehwing bent his neck to pull out a candy cigarette from the front pocket of his suit jacket. “Dewe am mowe tu Fwotsam’s stowy, bad fings, meanie fings, aww in da namesie of being gud tu sum Fwuffies, bu nu tu aww. Aww dis an mowe, wen we take a wetuwn twip tu…

Da Twiwight Pwace.”


I hope Candycane shows up again.


I laughed to hard at the twilight zone refernce when went over the outtro again.


Loved this! Those sound like insanely pretty babies, I really enjoy the idea of brown Fluffies carrying strong genes for other colours. It makes sense, since brown is every colour mixed together.

Can’t wait for the awful daddeh-betrayal.


Sure you are buddy :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Oh no I feel a coming twist is upon us :scream:


This sounds so promising for Flotsam. But then I remember who’s writing this…