Da Twiwight Pwace: The Jungle (by recreationalsadist)

My third submission to @BFM101 's Da Twiwight Pwace - Community Project . It’s based on the Twilight Zone episode The Jungle.

The black and white alicorn Wod Sehwing appears in front of an apartment and begins speaking.

“Fwuffies aways need make gud poopies in wittewbox. AWAYS. A twuth Awan am about tu weawn.”

Alan is a happy fluffy. He has the prettiest special friend, lots of super fun toys, and a big saferoom.

His Daddeh has just finished reminding him to always make good poopies in the litterbox.

“And don’t forget that if you EVER break my rules a monster will eat you and Doris.”

But Alan doesn’t believe in monsters. The saferoom is safe, he and Doris have nothing to fear.

So Alan poops outside the litterbox.

Then he hears a roar.

He turns around to see that a lion has just killed Doris and barely has time to scream in terror before the lion pounces on him and begins messily eating him alive.

Wod Sehwing trots out.

“Su yu can see dat yu aways need make gud poopies in da wittewbox. Ow ewse.”

Drips of liquid fall on Wod’s head. He looks up to see the lion looking down at him.

Wod looks directly into the camera.

“Ow fwuff.”

The camera falls, there’s the sound of a conflict, and then the camera is back on Wod, who’s breathing heavily and has his fluff all messed up.

“Awso aways wemembew nu tu twy to cut cownews by hiwing non-union munstah-handwesw.”


Your chances of being killed by a lion while shitting are rare… but never zero.