Two young fillies sat in their saferoom, using the tablet that their owner had let them borrow so that they could remain in communication with their friend, a sweet young colt who used to live across the road, now kept in contact via videocall.
“tinkewbeww am doin’ su gud at daycawe, met a nice nyew fwend!” the elder sister said into the screen"
“dat am su gud! Wub yew fwend!” the colt replied joyfully as he clapped his stubby little hooves together.
Before any other continuation could come from the sisters, the two fillies’ mother came storming into their corner of the safe room, kicking open the unlocked playpen door and huffed loudly!
“wich wun ob mummahs bebbehs mayk bad poopies?” the enraged mare inquired.
“umm, tinkwebeww nu no…” the older sister replied.
“weww wun ob yew did da bad poopies…” the matriarch accused.
A cold and threatening silence fell for what felt like an eternity until it abruptly ended.
“…DIS-GUS-TANG!” she suddenly screached as she stomped her hooves before waddling off to tell her owner of this grevious violation of the house rules.
The two fillies cried themselves to sleep that night, their beaten and freshly scarred bodies huddled together in the abyssal dark of the sorry box, with bellies empty save for the feces that they were forced to eat. Tinkerbell nor her sister were aware that they would never earn their tablet time back or see their friend ever again, no matter how well the two behaved. Their mother was fine however, she just weaseld out of one hell of a beating…