Two old greentexts about young fluffy abusers?


I’m looking for two old textposts (10+ years old probably) I saw on the booru back in the day (RIP).

Here’s what I remember about each. I’ve tried searching them up here and other places, but with no results. These are two different stories about kids intentionally/unintentionally abusing fluffies, likely from unrelated authors.

  1. A story about a bored 12 year old boy who uses a hot glue gun on a pet mare, shoving it in her mouth and probably elsewhere. A choice line from it when the boy reacts to the mare with a mouthful of hot glue is “This is funnier than the Annoying Orange!” There was also some mention of him going to go watch Korra once he got tired of abusing the fluffy.

  2. A story about a very young child (possibly even a baby or a toddler) getting a fluffy as a gift, but taking and “unwrapping” the fluffy with their hands, unintentionally tearing away fluff/flesh until there’s nothing left but bones.

If anyone has these stories or any leads, I’d appreciate it! Thanks.

"Tales of a Fourth Grade Abuser" 1* by Splinter17 {FB ID: 6253}

>be 10 years old
>by yourself at home after school
>Mom’s at work
>you’ve never met your dad
>no siblings
>be outside in the front yard, playing with your handheld Nintendo, but bored out of your mind
>you wonder if Legend of Korra is on
>you like that show
>“Wook! Hooman!” “Wan’ daddy!” “Hungwy, wan’ nummies!”
>Look up
>a trio of fluffy ponies, two white pegasi and one purple bloated pegasus, are waddling over your front lawn to you
>well, the purple one is being rolled over to you
>they’re so cute!
>“Pwease wuv fwuffies! Mumma need daddy fo’ babehs!” “Wan’ pway?” “Fwuffy need nummies!”
>you smile

>you haven’t had fun with a pet since your fluffy died a few months ago
“You three are the cutest things ever! Come here, I’ll be your new daddy.”
>they’re so happy
>“Hooway!” “Fwuffy wuv daddy!” “Yay!”
>you take them to the back yard, carrying the unicorn while the pegasi walk
>you’re going to have so much fun!
>you place the pregnant mare down, and look at the three fluffies
“So guys, what do you wanna do first?”
>“Fwuffy hungwy!” “Fwuffy wan’ nummies!” the two normal-sized fluffies reply
>the bloated mare yawns cutely. “Wan’ sweepies…”
“Alright then, I’ve got just the thing. You two, wait here, okay? I’ll bring something tasty for you.”
>“Otay!” the two reply as you pick up the pregnant mare
>you simply place her on a lawn chair, and head inside your house
>you enter your garage from there
>now where is it…

>ah-hah! found it!
>you come back outside
>the white fluffies seem to be playing a rousing game of hide-in-plain-sight-and-seek
>the purple dam is sleeping on the lawn chair, snoring cutely
“Okay you two cuties, I’m back! And I’ve got yummy food for you!”
>“Nummies, nummies!” “Gif food pwease!”
>you take the object in your hands
>“Huh?” “Wat dat?”
“This is the food tube, guys! I’ll put in your mouth and pull the trigger, and you’ll have a mouthful of yummy stuff!”
>the stupid fluffies don’t know any better, seems legit
>you sit down and let the white fluffies line up for “food”
"Okay now fluffy, open wide and say “Aaaaah.”
>the fluffy complies, opening up her mouth and saying “Aaaaah!”
>you stick the glue gun in her mouth and pull the trigger
>she gets a mouthful of white-hot clear stuff that burns her mouth and tongue
>she tries to back off, but you hold on her to neck to keep her still
>you let her go after a few seconds

>she runs in circles and whines in pain and tries to spit up the glue burning her, but her mouth won’t open
>how funny! you laugh out loud
>not a creepy evil laugh either
>this is genuine happy laughing, you haven’t had fun like this in a while
>the unfed fluffy looks both confused and scared as her sister runs around, her screaming muffled and trying to spit up the glue in her mouth(and failing)
>“Wh-wha? Wha happen? Sissy no wike foodies?”
“Oh, she’s just being silly. Here, have some!”
>though nervous, the fluffy opens up when you command her to
>you hold her neck, put the glue gun in her mouth and fire
>once again, a fluffy gets a mouthful of red hot glue
>this one barely has time to scream before the hot glue scorches her mouth and tongue
>now you have two white fluffies with their burned mouths glued shut
>running around in random directions in a panic
>sobbing and making moaning “Mmmmm! Mmmmm!” sounds
>you roll on the ground laughing
>this is funnier than the Annoying Orange!
>reminds of you of good times with your old fluffy

>this goes on for a few minutes before the fluffies, completely unable to open their mouths and in absolute pain, are reduced to laying down, sobbing and trying to make muffled whining noises
>this is less funny
“I’m bored. Run around, you stupid things!”
>the fluffies sob and tremble more when you yell at them, too scared and in anguish to run
>eh, leave 'em. they’ll die from not being able to eat or drink water, after you kick them out in a little bit
>you look at the purple dam
>lol, dumb bitch slept through everything
>what to do with this one?
>she can’t run in the first place, so gluing her mouth shut would just result in another sobbing fluffy who won’t run
>and that’s terrible
>light bulb!
>you walk up to her with the glue gun
>bend down behind her butt
>now where is it…
>now that you’re touching her, the mare wakes up
>“Zzzzznuh? Wha daddy doing?” she asks, wiggling her legs as she futilely tries to turn around
>ah, there it is!
>you giggle
>you position the glue gun near her marehood

>“Nu nu nuuu! Wha daddy doing?! Pwease no touch fwuffy dere!”
>you can barely contain your excitement
>you insert the tip of the glue gun
>“Nuuuu! Mumma no wike dis! Daddy, no huwt pwea–”
>you pull the trigger
>the dam shrieks like a banshee as white hot glue is ejaculated into her cooter
>you keep this up as the unfortunate fluffy squeals shrilly in unimaginable agony, crying the whole way
>you stop only after one extremely painful(and hilarious) minute
>by the time you withdraw from the fluffy, you’ve been laughing so hard your sides hurt
>the fluffy is reduced to sobbing and blubbering about her absolute anguish as you laugh
>suddenly, she starts shaking violently
>“N-n-neeeeee’ make big poo-poo-poo-poopiiiiieeees!”
>oh boy, this is just too much for you
>you’ve glued her vag shut, so there’s no way the foals will come out
>you bet they’ve been burned up by the hot glue anyway

>you watch the fluffy dam try and fail to give birth
>“W-w-w-why no make p-poopies?! Mumma n-n-no undastan’!”
>lmao, the dummy doesn’t even know she’s in labor!
>you have to turn away from her to stop laughing and catch your breath
>this beats the shit out of Fred videos!
>breath in, breath out, try to ignore the fluffy’s pained mewling
>okay, we’re good now
“That was so fun! You fluffies are the funniest things ever! Didn’t you have fun?!”
>the only response is the dam’s confused babbling and crying and the other fluffies’ pained moaning
>you’re bored again
>these fluffies are useless now
>stupid useless fluffies!
>you pick up the two white fluffies, take them out to the front, and toss them in the garbage bin
>their pained moaning becomes more frantic as you toss them in and shut the lid, leaving them covered in smelly trash and trapped in darkness

>you return to the fluffy dam
>she’s still sobbing and wondering why she can’t poop
>you pick her up and walk to your neighbor’s fence
>“F-fwuffy sowwy D-d-daddy, p-p-pwease make huwt stop…”
“Tony! Oh Tony! Look boy, I got a treat for you!” you shout, calling for your neighbor’s pit bull
>like a good boy, Tony trots over to the fence
>“N-n-nuuu! Fwuffy not nummies! P-pwease no huwt!” the mare cries, realizing what you’re going to do to her
“Goooood boy! Here’s your treat!”
>you drop her and let the dog catch the fluffy in his mouth,shaking her around furiously
>as you turn around and head for indoors, the dam’s cries for help become pained sobs as she is torn to pieces and eaten
>you wonder if Legend of Korra is on
>you like that show

Also on pastebin

*part 2 not found, probably was never written

You got something more specific for the second story?

Cheers dude!

Unfortunately that’s everything I can think of about the “unwrapped fluffy” one. I checked through some keywords on txt files from the fluffybooru archive MEGA and had no luck. (keywords like unwrap/unwrapped/unwrapping and stuff).
It was definitely a fluffy gifted to a baby or toddler, though, I’m pretty sure. Fluffy was probably a foal.

Maybe the word “peel” was used instead of “unwrap”? But I swear it involved some small child that didn’t know better that kept trying to further “unwrap” his present.

If it helps, I probably found that greentext on the booru in 2013 at the very latest.