Two Sides - Chapter 1- Made by LenexTLI

It was a late Autumn noon with leaves lying on the ground in Max’s Garden and the temperature slowly sinking, winter coming soon. Max though, not being too bothered by this, as his house had efficient heating and him generally liking winter.

As Max made his way towards his car, a woman with a pink earthie fluffy walked across the opposite site of the street. The Fluffy wore tiny pink shoes with sparkles on it to protect its fragile hoofs from the harsh and cold asphalt. It was happily singing about having “wawm weggies” and “wuv wawks.”

Max didn’t mind fluffies but also didn’t particularly like them. Fluffies were notorious animals, known for shitting and pissing a lot, having annoying personalities, always demanding things, and the typical smarty and mares wanting “tummeh babbehs” bullshit.

His sister in New York had a fluffy which he had seen a few times when visiting her, and he remembered it being somewhat decent but not decent enough to convince him to get one, even with his sister saying that they were great companions for when you felt alone.

After thinking about fluffies for a bit, Max got into his car and started driving, his destination being the local park. It was his day off from his job, Max working for an insurance company from home. The salary was good, thus allowing him to live in a nice house which had a big garden, shed, basement, and even attic.

As Max pulled over at the parks parking area, he saw Foal-In-A-Can Vending Machine standing close to the parks entrance. Max becoming curious and walking towards it. Inside where a handful of small canisters will foals of different colors and sex’s inside. The foals inside were all ‘plugged’ using a water-soluble insert, with the inside of the canisters being softened out with cotton to prevent the foals from injuring themselves. The foals’ eyes were shut, with a layer of fuzz covering them, showing that they were very young.

Max knew that these vending machines were generally not a good idea, as if they were left un-monitored, teenagers or other people would just shake the machine to upset the foals and make them cry, it also being bad if the vending machine was in a very cold or very hot area, as it would mean the foals would surely die from hyperthermia or hypothermia. But it was not his problem, continuing inside the park.

He sat down on the bench at the center of the park, his usual spot, taking out a bag of chips he brought as a snack. Max would often come to the park, it was a calm and soothing place for him, with nature basically all around him in its natural beauty, even with many of the leaves having fallen off, but this only adding to its astonishment.

From behind him, Max heard the rustle of bushes and talking.

“Nummies?” a high-pitched voice spoke from behind him.

Turning around, Max saw a blue earthie mare walk out of the bush, carrying three foals on its back, their eyes still closed.

The fluffy, not seeing the bench in front of it, bumped right into it, nose first.

“Owwies!” The mare cried, its foals waking up and starting to peep and chirp with confusion.

The mare noticed its babies crying and instantly stopped complaining.

“Babbehs nu sad wawwas! Mummah wiww num wows nummies fo‘ miwkie, su babbehs nu cwy!” It spoke gently, the foals calming down from hearing its mother’s voice.

The mare turned around again, now looking directly at a surprised Max.

“Hewwo nice mistah! Gib nummies fo‘ mummah, su Mummah make miwkies fo’ babbehs?”

“Uhhhhh…” Max stuttered, looking at the pack of chips and then back at the mare and its foals. “Sure…”

Max placed the bag on the ground, a few chips falling out in front of the mare.

“Fank yu nice mistah!” The mare thanked him gleefully.

Max watched the mare chow down on the chips as if her life depended on it. Before Max could even think about when her last must have been, she finished eating.

“Fank yu fo’ nummies! Babbehs ne‘ miwkies!“

“Don’t worry about it,” Max said, giving the mare an awkward smile.

“Mummah hab wots happies!” The mare spoke, giving Max a bright smile. “Babbehs hab bewwy owwies fo’ wong time!”

Max felt a small sting in his stomach, thinking about the small foals starving as their mother looked for food. A random though popping up in his head.

“What if I take them in?” Max thought.

Max looked at the mare, who was now sitting on her rump and feeding her babies milk from her teats. From what Max had seen so far, she was better behaved then most fluffies he had met, the mare thanking him and not even asking for a warm house or for him to be his new daddy. With that in mind, maybe keeping her, even if its for a little while, wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

“Hey, do you want to come with me and live at my house?” Max asked.

The mare looked at him, still sitting on her rump, having a puzzled expression on her face.

“Nice mistah wan gib mummah an’ babbehs housie?” The fluffy asked with big eyes.

“Yeah, but only until your babies are better and its safe outside!” Max replied.

Suddenly the mare started crying, Max almost jumping up in confusion.

“Everything okay?” Max asked.

“Yesh, mummah happies fo’ wawa housie an’ nyu daddeh!” The fluffy replied, still crying.

The crying resulting in the foals waking up and peeping in distress, not understanding why their mother was crying.

“Okay, okay, stop crying for now! Your babies are confused!” Max told the fluffy, who immediately stopped crying, but still sniffled a bit.

“Nu wowwies babbehs! Mummah an’ babbehs hab now nyu an’ wawm housie!” The mare told the foals, them not understanding but at least having stopped crying now.

Max stood up and picked the mare up, being careful not to move the foals, wanting to prevent them from crying again. As he walked towards the car, he saw a few teenagers standing by the vending machine with a cannister containing a foal in their hand. The boys opened it and pulled the small brown earthie foal out, its peeping and chirping in distress at the sudden cold temperatures.

The boys laughed as it squirmed in their hand, searching for warmth and food. The boy holding the fluffy kneeling down and laying the foal on the cold asphalt. They watched as the foal began crying and peeping, the ground being too cold for it. Suddenly the foal opened its mouth.

“Mu…mummah…MUMMAH!” It cried, the traumatic experience resulting in it desperately trying to get the attention of its non-existent mother.

The boys just kept watching as it shivered heavily, its movements slowly beginning to slow down. Max knew that a foal of that age would not survive long in these dropping temperatures. As he reached his car, he noticed that the boys seemed to have grown bored of it and decided to just leave it to die, dropping the canister it was once in on the floor and walking way, leaving the foal shivering and chirping on the ground calling for its mother.

“One second!” Max said, placing the fluffy and its foals on the passenger seat, closing the door but making sure the cars heater was on.

Max walked over to the fluffy, which at this point, was barely moving and breathing. It peeped weaking, trying to crawl with its underdeveloped legs towards any source of warmth. Max simply watched as it fully stopped moving, now just lying there motionless, having died due to the cold rather quickly, being alone in its final moments.

He sighed and walked back to the car, getting inside, being greeted by the mare singing to its foals about soon being warm, having lots of nummies, and nyu daddy. This bringing a small smile to Max’s face as they began driving home.


Nice start, the mummah got someone to be her new owner, while the other side of things a poor foal died due to some idiot kids, world is cruel. :cold_sweat::sweat:


wat. wtf. wheres all the damn torture and other hilarity

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There’s one case of foal abuse as promised in the tags. Otherwise? I think “hugbox” and “wholesome” were the main drivers. No telling what comes next, mind you.


The abuse will come soon, don’t worry, this was mainly an introduction

Yep, this chapter was not mainly about abuse but had to label it as such as there was some in the story, and the themes of hugbox and abuse will vary through this series


I’ve noticed a tendency for folks to want to use the abuse/hug/neutra/sad tags per chapter versus per series, so I just assume that just because one chapter is X that chapter Y might be different :slight_smile:

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Yeah, we tend to do that because maybe some chapters are sad, while others are happy, and others just straight up abuse, and so we want to label each chapter to inform people what they are in for, and not add a general genre/theme to the complete series.

Lol this guy went from indifferent to hugboxer pretty fast.

And when he went for the brown foal, I thought for sure he was going to take it home and the mare was going to refuse to take care of it. And he would learn the dark side of fluffies.


Wouldn’t really call him a hugboxer, but you can see it as him not wanting to feel guilty for leaving a small animal with its babies in the snow starving. Regarding the name of the story (and upcoming chapters) you can take see it as both for the fluffies and Max himself, if you’d like to.

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Given the lives they live, worrying about the welfare of random fluffies you find outside is pretty hugboxy.


Okay, yeah that is actually pretty accurate, I don’t think I considered that when writing the story. Often when I write (in this story and upcoming chapters) I tend to think what I would do, cause I feel neutral towards fluffies, like idm hugbox but I also like abuse, so I’d imagine what I would do in this situation and write it down.

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Beat me to it! That’s what I expected to happen in the next couple paragraphs.

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I really like your writing style. It’s concise and descriptive. You did a good job painting a picture with just a few words. This chapter is only a few paragraphs, but it feels meaty, if that makes sense.

literally adopts the first mare that asked for nummies


Like, just say Max is a hugboxer whose fluffy just recently died. Makes more sense than someone who doesn’t particularly like them adopting a whole family on a whim (even if it’s temporary [spoilers: it won’t be])

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He’s not really a hugboxer, I said this before to someone else. Imagine you were in the park and were generally neutral towards animals (cats/dogs), so you didn’t like them but also didn’t hate them, and then you saw a kitten that was pretty much starving and you knew it would die with winter coming soon, you’d feel bad for it/your conscience would tell you to not leave this animal. That’s basically what happened here, Max not really caring about it, but only taking it in so that he would not feel bad for leaving it to die.

Hopefully that explained the bit of confusion, shouldve written it a bit different and explained what he felt exactly.

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Yeah, I see that. But if that’s the case, he comes off as not only indifferent, but also very impulsive. Meaning

  1. He’s probably done this before (and still doesn’t care for fluffies) and/or
  2. His impulsiveness will strike again, and he’ll bin the family as soon as they become annoying/ inconvenient

Which wouldn’t make for a good hugbox story. But I noticed you mentioning abuse in another comment. Him getting bored/annoyed/impatient so he starts abusing the family is very much in line for how he acted in this chapter.

Either way, interested in where this goes :slight_smile:

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Gotta agree with the part that he does not really care for them (Spoiler: He really doesn’t, only took them in so he wouldn’t feel guilty, basically to make himself feel better).

And I’m glad you enjoy my story so far!


I can completely relate. A good friend of mine always saw cats as ungrateful asshats (which, let’s be real, they sometimes are).

Then one day out of the blue, I go visit him and see a cat in the garden, so I joke about it and say “hey, you got a new cat I see!”, to which he answered “Yeah, her name’s Mou”.

Boi I was flabbergasted. She had come over to his house one evening. Out of the blue, he decided to keep her, because she “seemed nice”. She’s been living with him ever since.


really like this start but i know it will go south soon

and love that a foul just dies/ cant be saved, not all can be good