ugly little fucker — part 1 and preview [by guzzlingly]

fat fuck with edentulous arches and face that only a mother could love.

i just got an apple pencil and am loving it so far. it’s quite a learning curve compared to what i’m used to, so i’m painting grotesque foals as practice

part two ft. big heart hurties should be finished sunday


Damn thats very well detailed! You’re very good at drawing them


thank you! honestly it took ages to do because i can’t decide how i want my fluffies to look :sweat_smile:


It does remind me of that scene of mcgohnagal where they are neglected even being able to talk


A part of me wants to ask what would your next art look of them and what abuse or other arts would look like in your style.

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oh sweet! i’m definitely open to prompts and requests, lay it on me!


this is one of the best compliments i’ve ever gotten, i love mcgonagall back from the booru days


Before i say anything…what are your limits and restrictions or rules to the request/prompt as so its not either complicated or contain themes you may not like?

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Love those gums, ugly little thing <3


Really love it


THANK YOU!!! i was taking edentulous impressions today and thought it was so disgusting. it quite literally inspired me


i love how detailed he look


yknow i spent some time thinking about this and can’t really think of anything i have hard limits on. i’ve been doing digital art for a while so i don’t think anything’s necessarily too complex (watch me say that and then i get asked to paint the fluffy Sistine Chapel). just has to tickle my fancy i guess!


The request or prompt is:
“A mummah’s bestest chubby fat foal is shaved bare bald by the owner to teach the mare no favoritism.”
Essentially its a weird discipline method by the human to both make sure she doesnt pamper the chubby blob and care for the rest of the foals AND to weed out any potential smarty syndrome before it has a chance to grow in the foal. This could be a possible 2 pic, Before and After format possibly but if its a chirpie you think it should have its puffy eyes closed or open?

I didn’t want to request anything extreme at the start as i was cautious and didn’t want to put too much detail into the prompt turning it into a fullblown comic lol.

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Such a disgusting little creature, he deserves whatever fate is coming to him.


So expressive! I love it and want to stomp it


I see it and the desire to erase that smile is high xD

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holy shit i LOVE this prompt! it’s funny, one of my favorite motifs is fluffies losing their “pwetty fwuff / taiw / mane”

i can only draw thursdays and sundays, but rest assured i’m definitely drawing this one lol


Most generous of you :slight_smile: thank you and you want thrm to have a bit of mane developed too to add to their mummah’s praise? Like its a bit more developed than this orange chirpie’s mane to make it very noticeable so mummah think its the prettiest babbeh. And maybe a bit of tail main developed too like its a tuftvat the tip like a brush or cow tail? Wuite the special pudgy babbeh eh?

Sorry for if im proposing these details too, mostly asking if you would like them added ofc if they make the prompt more fun or funny to you

Lovely, probably the unavoidable horrible destiny involving lots of pain, hardware supplies and probably some poop too will be lovely