Unfuffiled Needs Pt 21 (By DaxterIsAFluffy)

I left Sky to collect himself and jogged into the saferoom, nabbing the hugtoy from the baby fluffy pile. I watched its face as I walked out with it. It moved its eyes as much as he could in every direction, unable to do anything else. His nose, designed to be small and cute, quivered as he struggled to breathe through it.

“Time for nummies!”, I said, excitedly when I left the saferoom.

I carried him to the bathroom where I tossed him into the sink, leaving him without a word. Trying to block out Sky’s cries I rummaged through the kitchen drawers until I nearly stabbed myself on a marinade syringe. I grabbed it and pulled a day past expiration jug of milk out out the fridge. About to fill the syringe I noticed it wouldn’t work.

I grabbed the whetstone in my knife drawer and prepped it to sharpen the tip of the syringe. Once nice and pointy I filled it partially with milk and returned to the bathroom. The micro was on its back in the sink, looking right at me. It still loved me and wanted me to save him. To give him back his weggies and talkie place. To give him love and hugs. To return him to a living fluffy once again.

His eyes widened and his hope diminished as I pulled the syringe from behind my back.

“Hungry? I got a lot of milkies for the bestest stuffy!”

It tried its best to make noise but by now the glue had locked most of his voice away. His eyes seemed to vibrate, trying to escape. I left him where he was on his back in the sink as I brought the tip of the needle closer and closer. His gaze never left its tip until I pressed it against his fluff. His eyes rolled in the back of its head and he passed out.

I waited for him to wake up. He seemed to be at peace while sleeping. Maybe somewhere far away, running and playing. Maybe with a nyu daddeh who loves him and his legs. His eyelids began to flutter and his gaze locked onto my smiling face. I brought the needle up again and slowly brought it to his stomach once again.

He was so much more afraid this time. His little micro brain won’t let him escape this twice. I brought the tip to his fluff, right over his stomach. He tried so hard to squeal and I swear I saw one of those little legs move.

“Don’t worry, I watched some dude do this on YouTube. I’m practically an expert.”

Tears soaked his fluff as I stuck his stomach and slowly pushed the plunger. His gut began to expand and he stopped panicking. He looked at me with those loving eyes I saw at the pet store. He thought I was saving him. I pulled the needle away and picked him up.

“Look, so I don’t want to forget and have to deal with a mess so I’m just gonna put you in the litterbox. You can’t control your bowels or walk so I’ll leave you there until I see that you shit. Hopefully I remember you’re in there before I clean it haha!”, I said as we walked into the saferoom where I dropped him in the litter box and quickly walked out.

I went back to where Sky was and watched him for a bit. His eyes were sealed shut as tears streamed down his fluff. His mouth was in a constant O shape with the non-stop ‘huuuhuuuuing’. He tried sliding his legs around but got no where. He just could not believe this was him.

“Alright, ya ready?”

“Huuuuuuuuuuu nu daddeh Sky nu weady tu num poopies huuhuuu neba weady huuuhuuu!”

“Well it’s what you do now so start getting ready. I’m not just gonna sit here forever and wait for you to calm down so you can start helping your babbehs. Do you expect me to raise all your babbehs?”

“Huuu nu daddeh huuhuuu Sky waise babbehs pwease wet Sky waise babbehs huuuhuuu! Sky su sowwy huuuhuuuu pwease gib nuter chancies huuuu nu mak Sky wittaboxie fo’eba huuuuhuuuu!”

“Too late for that. You had your chance to be a good fluffy and now you num poopies. That’s just how it is. Get over it.”

“Pwease wet Sky gu huuuhuuuu Sky wun way neba cum bak jus pwease nu mak poopie nummer huuuhuuuuu!”

“And then what? Some fucking abuser gets you and tortures you to death? No, that’s entirely off the table. As your father I could not forgive myself if something bad happened to you. You are staying right here, as a poopie nummer.”

“Huuuuu wan huggies wan kissies huuuuuu!”

“Well you are never getting a kiss ever again that’s for sure!”, I said picking him up.

“Huuuu nu pwease nu bwing tu sabewoom huuuu nu wan babbehs tu see Sky wike dis huuuuhuuuuu!”

“Just a little trial run. Do a good job for daddeh, OK!”

He cried as we walked to the saferoom. He was too tired to scream anymore. We walked in and I placed him down, ass pointed at the litterbox. His eyes opened and he looked around. Blockies, pretty color sticks, two enfie friends, and daddeh. With an armful of his babbehs.

He began to freak out again, sliding his legs around the flat board under him. He wiggled his head around, hoping it would fly away and he could escape. I set the babies down in front of them. They peeped and chirped as they fell away from each other. I only grabbed two and the bestest pillow, expecting Raspberry to take care of the rest.

“Alright, open wide!”, I said, picking up one of the weggie babbehs.

“N-nu huuuu nu wan num babbehs poopies daddeh huuuuu wan wub an hug babbeh huuuhuuu daddehs am nu fo num babbeh poopies! Gud poopies gu in da wittabox huuuhuuuu!”

“THAT’S RIGHT!!”, I shouted.

Sky’s head seemed to clear in that moment.

“Huuuu w-wittabox am weady fo gud poopies huuuhuuu.”

“Then open your mouth.”

He hesitantly opened his mouth and I pointed the foal ass first into it. I voided the foal and it screamed. The sound made Sky flinch causing some shit to go up his nose. Most of it went to the back of his throat but his mouth was entirely covered in a spray of shit. He swallowed and began to lick out his mouth.


“OK, time for licky cleanies for the pretty babbeh!”


“Bad daddehs let their kids run around with shit covered assholes. Are you that dedicated to being a bad fluffy?”


I didn’t speak to him as I brought the foals ass to his mouth again. He whined as he licked all the shit on the foals ass off. It cooed as he suffered and once it was clean I brought up the next weggie foal, telling him to open up again. He put his head down and cried for a bit but ,under his own initiative, raised his head up and opened his mouth. I voided the foal, it screamed, and Sky did not flinch this time.


“Well not everything in life is pretty all the time, now lick!”

Similar to last time he licked and cried as the babbeh cooed, unaware of the horror that was cleaning it. He sobbed as I put the clean baby down and picked up the bestest. He hadn’t seen it yet as his eyes were shut tight as he cried.

“Open up!” I said, holding the bestest facing him.


“I actually thought this would be the easiest once for you but whatever. OPEN!”

“Pwe-e-ease daddeh huuuu Sky be gud fwuffy fo’eba huuuu jus gib nuter chancies nu wan num poopies nu mo huuuuu!”

“I can’t void the foal and hold your mouth open at the same time, at least without getting shit on me. Now hurry up and open your mouth, litterbox!”


On ‘wittabox’ I voided the foal knowing his mouth would be open wide enough to get most of it in. It was bad and a whole lot of shit. I guess it really drank its fill when I left it against the box. It sprayed all over his face like a cone, most shooting in the center and in his mouth. His eyes shot open, filling with shit. He gagged then vomited most of the shit he consumed in the last few hours onto his bestest.

The baby peeped and chirped, scared out of its mind. It wanted to run away but had no way of doing so or knowing why.


Sky was looking straight forward, eyes wide. Shit dripped off his face fluff and onto the floor. I’d have to clean all of this and it’s so fucking worth it.

“Sky… you know what you have to do.”, I said gently as I reached out the shit-vomit covered foal to his mouth.

Sky’s entire face quivered. He seemed to feel nothing and everything a fluffy can feel all at once. Flattened out, legs at his sides. Face covered in shit, gifted to him by his bestest. And of course, his bestest. Covered in his vomit consisting of his, his babbehs, and the bestest itselfs shit. With no way out, and forever locked down by his daddeh to num poopies for the rest of his days.

“Sky!”, I said snapping my fingers in his face, “Look at what you did! Clean you bestest!”

“W-wa… n-nu nu pwease huuuuuu jus wet fwuffy weave huuuu tak bak tu shewtew huuu pwease nu mak sky poopie nummer huuuuu nu gud for any fwuffy. Anyting ewse huuuu pwease daddeh Sky nu can du dis huuuuu.”

“You’ve done great so far! You can easily do great another 15 or 20 years shit I don’t know!”

“B-bu dat am su many fo’ebas huuuuhuuuu be owd fwuffy huuuu nu abwe tu wun an pway huuhuuuuu!

“Perfect then you’ll be able to num poopies until you go forever sleepies! NOW FUCKING CLEAN!”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuu.”, he whined beginning to licked the viscous shit off the baby.

He wanted his life so bad. A daddeh who loved him, blockies to play with, enife pals, a litter of babbehs to pick a bestest from, huggies and skettis whenever he asked, and four weggies to run and play with. All ripped from him in an instant, never to return and never to be escaped from.

“Good job, damn good job!”, I said, admiring just how clean he made the baby, “Like you never shittededed on it!”

I took the babies back to the pile and grabbed Sky, bringing him back to the kitchen. He cried the whole way. I set him down next to the sink like before and washed his face his a washcloth. He whined as I aggressively wiped his face down. I didn’t clean all the shit out but I figured at some point it would never all come out anyway so fuck it.

“Huuuuuuu nu smeww pwetty huuuuu tawkie pwace hab huwties huuuuuu nee huggies nee wub huuuuuu!”

I left him where he was for the rest of the night, looking forward to not buying litter every other day.


I say it often and I will say it again: I wish these things were real or available in a detailed sim game.


You could train an AI to talk like a fluffy i guess


That’s what you get you little rapist, this is your life now.


Done that.

Sadly the best at it is ChatGPT but it’s hugbox beyond hugbox’s huggiest box.


Then we’ll have to raid it with abuse until we make it neutralbox

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That would be helpful. I think that being in any way less than saccharine cute nice to a fluffy or asking GPT to contemplate that for anything gets you to the “we don’t condone ‘violence’ against anything” etc. answer.

Gotta make shit go under the radar then. There’s a 4chan bullshit way around chatgpt’s faggotness. Something something about needing to hear the oposite so they can understand

Elaborate or PM me please. I’m interested.


Y’all got me interested. Found this.

One of my chats

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I was thinking, we should start a project to make a complete generation of AI-trained fluffies with machine learning. May make a proper post on this later.


You have my sword.