Unfuffiled Needs Pt. 7 (By DaxterIsAFluffy)

I woke up around dawn. Today would be much like yesterday. I don’t believe I will even be able to look at fluffies the same way anymore. Raspberry will at least have the memory of his good life as he suffers for the rest of it.

I went to the kitchen and put a pot of water on the stove. I grabbed the spaghetti and cheap tomato sauce and put them on the counter. The special ingredient will go in at the end. I opened the sauce can and put it on the stove warmer as I made sure the pasta was perfectly al dente. I plated the spaghetti, added the special ingredient I kept in the freezer, and topped the whole thing with sauce.

I walked the heaping, steaming plate of spaghetti to the saferoom and opened the door. Light streamed in from the curtained windows perfectly landing on Raspberry. He was sleeping on his back, his legs splayed in all directions. His “speshul wumps” missing that one sp-

“Hey, guys! Wake up!” i said gently but happily, “Daddeh has skettis for his favorite fluffies!”

They both woke up. Raspberry bobbed his head up and awkwardly got on his hooves. The mare lifted her head and immediately tried to run towards me, failing and crying.

“Yaaaayyyy sketti dance sketti dance! Du sketti dancies fo daddeh!” Raspberry sang as he got on his hind legs and bounced around.

“Huuuhuuu wan du sketti dance tu. Wiww du besses dancies fo daddeh huuuhuuu. Pwease meanie box, wet weggies gu su can du dancies fo sketti huuuhuuu. Su many tummeh hewties.”

“Here you go!” I sat the plate down and Raspberry immediately went for it while the mare helplessly kicked her legs. He got sauce all over his face and front hooves. Spaghetti was flying every which way.

“Mhhmm wub sketti. I hab besses daddeh. Besses daddeh mak besses sk- wh- n-nu-nu stick?”

He had found the special ingredient.

“N-nu-nu stick? Wha duin in skettis? Wai wun fwom Wasbewwy? Di wun way tu eat skettis? D-daddeh Wasbewwy fin nu-nu stick!! Pwease hewp daddeh nee daddeh to hewp!!” He lowered his head and carefully picked up his amputated penis then walked it over to me dropping it at my feet. When he did he got on his hind legs and pawed at my leg.

“Daddeh wook!! Fwuffy fin nu-nu stick! Can daddeh hewp pu bak on!!”

I couldn’t believe it. I thought for sure he’d eat it but he found it and actually is acting like it just ran away. What are these things? I bent down and picked him up with one hand and his no-no stick in the other. Defeated I walked us out of the saferoom and to the bathroom.

“Yayyyy Wasbewwy su happi foun nu-nu stick! Nao can gib mawe besses enfies and make peepees wike stawwion gain!” He cheered. I would make sure this was short lived.

It was really cute actually. No matter what happens, what they do or how old they get fluffies will always be at the mercy of their owners. I suppose it’s like any other pet but dogs don’t talk. A fluffy could have a whole litter of babbehs and still be put in a sorry-box for bad behavior. They have no choice but to obey and listen which will make this very unpleasant for Raspberry.

He continued to cheer as I closed the bathroom door behind me and put him in the sink. I reached in the medicine cabniet and pulled out a small camping first aid kit. It had a sowing needle and thread which is all he would need. While Raspberry was still cheering about finding his dick I got the thread through the needle and tied it off.

“Okay Raspberry, are you ready to get your no-no stick back?”

“Yiss daddeh!! Su cited to hab bak abter su many fo’ebas!! Cited fo enfies wit mawe!! Cited fo gud stawwion peepees!!”

“Alright then little guy lean back in the sink for me.” I told him and he sat down in the middle of the sink and leaned back on the curved surface. He kept waving his front hooves in front of him in excitement. I changed that with the first stitch.


“I need you to be brave for daddeh. You have to be quiet and still or else your no-no stick wont go back on and we might have to do something even worse. Will you be a good fluffy and let daddeh help you so you can have your no-no stick back?”

“Y-yiss daddeh. Su many huwties bu Wasbewwy am gud fwuffy. Wiww be gud fo daddeh. Wiww be gud fo nu-nu stick.” he began sucking on his front hooves.

I nodded at him and made the second stitch. He let out a small peep as I did the next few. He would take sharp gasps of air every couple of seconds to null the screaming. I’d watch his face contort in pain with every stitch. He would even open his eyes, as much as he dared, to look at me for comfort. I made the last few stitches and pulled the thread taught then snipped off the excess. I picked Raspberry up in both hands, holding him out in front of me to admire my new handiwork.

“Look at you, you’re a proper stallion again!”

“Weawwy?! Fwuffy nu can see pwease wet Wasbewwy see!”

I turned him around to face the mirror where he got his first glimpse of normalcy in days. He gasped, bringing his front hooves to his face while the biggest smile stretched across it. I began flailing in my hands.

“YAAAYYYYYY WASBEWWY HAB NU-NU STICK GAIN! SU MANY HAPPIESS!”, he shouted as I set him down on the bathroom floor. He ran in circles around my legs singing, “Wub ou daddeh dank ou daddeh fwuffy su happiess wanna hug daddeh!”

“No huggies right now ok little guy? Besides you probably have other things you want to do.”

“Pwease daddeh? Nee wub an huggies.” he was standing on his hind legs with his front legs straight up, “Wan gib wub an huggies. Nu hab huggies in a fo’eba.”

I picked him up in both hands just far away so he couldn’t reach me and walked us back to the saferoom.

“Yaaayyyy upsies! Daddeh gib Wasbewwy huggies nao? Am gud fwuffy wite? Wai daddeh nu gib huggies? Du daddeh nu wub Wasbewwy any mo? Huuuuhuuuuu wan wub huuu nee huggies.”

I set him down in front of the saferoom while I opened the door. in the two seconds I took to do so my boy was already wrapped around my leg.

“Gib besses huggies to daddehs weggie. Daddehs weggie wike huggies? Wai weggie nu hug fwuffy back? Huuhuuu wan huggies.”

I just walked in with him on my leg and stopped next to his bed. While he sobbed I gently pulled him off me and put him down on his fluffy bed where he curled up in a little ball. I walked to the opposite corner of the room the mare was in and waited for Raspberry to remember what he truly wanted this whole time.


Top kek.


Now depending on headcanon, there’s a few ways this can go.

Is reattachment possible for Fluffies? If not, then Raspberry’s gonna have to deal with tissue rejection.

Has the dick started to decay a little being away from its owner? If yes then Raspberry’s gonna have to deal with numbness at best and necrosis at worst.

But most importantly - and personally the outcome I find most likely - can Raspberry wait long enough to be healed before he starts humping Box Bitch? I’m gonna say no on that one.


That seems a bit unlikely. The owner would have needed to not only reattatch the cock, but also should have repaired blood vessels as he did. Without it, the flesh is likely to rot because there’s no blood flow and the tissue will finish up dying and decaying.


The denial of huggies really is interesting to see where fluffys minds are at haha


The tissue shouldn’t reject it’s his own
I would be surprised if it has all the feeling to work perfectly again

Doubt so. From what one can read, the owner only sewed the dick on the outer border. Meaning there was no neural tissue fixing nor vascular repair. Pretty much, this fluffy has a dead weiner sewn to his crotch.

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So why did he decide to torment raspberry out of nowhere? It reads like he genuinely loved him, and then just flipped a switch for no reason.

Not in a bad way, because your stories are great, but you write all your protags like fucking autistic serial killers


Lmao yeah. I wanted it to be a more gradual proggression but then I got bored. That’s pretty much all my stories lol


Yeah fair enough

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