Unfuffiled Needs Pt. 9 (By DaxterIsAFluffy)

I left them whining and crying and grabbed my keys. It was time to go to the pet store to break another fluffy. Walking in I was met with the crying foals once again and smiled as I walked to the stallion pen. Before I could get a good look I heard something from the pillowfluff pen. Three of the rejects from last time.

“Huuuhuuuu meanie munstah man tak weggie box fwuffy an nu weggie fwuffy huuhuu. Nao fwuffy am dummeh fwuffy huuuhuuu. Meanie nummie gibber sa fwuffy be wittapaw soo huuuuhuuuu wai munstah man nu sabe fwuffy huuuhuuu.” “PEEP PEEP CHIRP HUUHUUU Wai meanie cum bak nao huuuu. Nyu daddeh way tu wong tu hewp babbeh. Wan wun an pawy an gib huggies gain huuuu. Wai tak weggies huuuhuuuu?” “Weggies pwease nu be ma. Pwease cum backsies huuuhuuu. Babbeh nee weggies nee tu gib huggies. Nu one wub nu weggie babbeh huuu.”

I ignored them and returned my attention to the stallions. A perfect fluffy caught my eye. Bright blue fur and a pink mane. He was sleeping, wagging his tail and opening and closing his little mouth with a constant smile. Maybe dreaming of skettis. I reached down to grab him.

“SCREEEEE MUNSTAH!” a fluffy playing with blockies screamed causing my new fluffy to groggily rise his head.

“Wa whewe mun-SCREEEEE NUUUUUU SABE FWUFFY HUUUHUUUU NU WAN BA UPSIES S-S-SCAWDEY POOPIES HUUUHUUUU Ba fwuffy mak ba poopies huuu!” He squealed as I picked him up facing away from me. Thankfully his scaredy poopies landed in the pen on top of a small pile of sleeping fluffies causing them to scamper and trample each other. He seemed to understand his situation more and calmed down as we walked to the checkout counter and made this fluffy’s new life official.

“Huuuhuuu whewe munstah tak fwuffy? Nu wan wose weggies nu wan fo’eba sweepies huuuu.”

“I’m not a munstah I’m your new daddeh!” I said as I put him in the passenger seat of my car prepped with a towel. He was now quiet and wide eyed, “We are going to your new homsie and you will have new friends and the bestest nummies.” I closed the door gently and got in the drivers seat.

“Fwuffy hab n-nyu daddeh?! F-FWUFFY SU CITED YAYYYY! FWUFFY HAB DADDEH MAK HAPPI DADDEH DANCE!!”, It began to dance on the seat and I pressed the gas pedal causing him to hit the back of the seat and fall flat, “Owie biggess huwtie huuuu nyu daddeh gib huggies fo owies pwease huuu mak aww beddur?”

“I’m sorry but I’m driving right now and that wouldn’t be safe.” I said beginning to drive faster, “You’ll just have to be a brave fluffy til we get home.”

“Otay daddeh fwuffy be gud stawwion. Huuuu fwuffy guin tu fas pwease swo dow daddeh nu wan huhu.” it was looking out the window while wobbling on the car seat, “Huuuhuuu tu scawy huuuu scawdey peepees huuuuu su sowwy daddeh huuuuuuhuuu. Nee huggies su muchies nee wub. Wai daddeh nu gib fwuffy wub fwuffy wub nyu daddeh.”

I didn’t respond for the rest of the drive. When we got home and I got out of the car the fluffy began to cry and scream begging me not to leave him as per usual. He was lying down in his own piss stain on the towel and looked up at me adorable when I opened the door.

“Huuu pwease daddeh. Gib upsies? Nee upsies an huggies nu feew pwetty an su scawed. Daddeh gi- Nu daddeh nu pwease daddeh nu wan peepee towew! Huuuuhuuuhuuu nu wan be in peepee towel huuu am su ba fwuffy huuuuhuuu fwuffy desewbe be in peepee towew.” He said as I wrapped the towel around him tight and picked him up. He wouldn’t be getting out on his own.

I covered his mouth as I quickly walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I couldn’t have my fluffies knowing yet. I set him down in the sink as he “huuuhuuued” and left him to return to the saferoom. Raspberry looked up from his curled up position and trotted towards me as I walked in.

“Daddeh? Ho many fo’ebas tiww nu-nu stick gwows bak? Feew wike bee su many fo’ebas awweady.”

“It hasn’t even been two hours. These things take time. It could be a couple of days or weeks or even months. I’d get used to not having it for now.” I said flatly walking away towards the mare. He just toppled over and sobbed.

“Huuuuu daddeh pwease wub fwuffy pwease huuuhuuuu fwuffy wub daddeh su muchies jus wan gib huggies an du dancies fo daddeh.” she whined as I walked to her. I knelt down next to her and whispered in her ear.

“Wanna go to the parkies?”


Raspberry didn’t even move from his spot on the floor. The mare was looking up at me with more excitement than I’ve seen from a fluffy. Her torso was bouncing back as she tried to raise her front hooves for upsies.

“SU CITED SU HAPPI CAN’ WAY FOR PAW- Da-daddeh w-wai? Nununu pwease fwuffy guin tu pawksies! Nee weggies fo pawksie huuuhuuuu wai gu pawksie wit weggie box huuhuuu pawksie nut fo weggie boxie huuu.” The joy and excitement drained out of her face as I picked her up by the weggie box. I carried her over to the litterbox.

“Good fluffies need to make gud poopies and peepees before parkies.”

“Huuuhuuu pwease nu wook daddeh am embawwass huuuhuu.” when she realized I would not be shaken she began to empty her bowels while looking down, “Huuuu fwuffy mak peepees on weggie box huuu nu wan scwatchy weg.”

I walked over and grabbed a wet wipe from beside the litterbox and wiped the box and back legs before grabbing her, box and all, and taking her to my car.

“Huuuu wan wun an pway at pawkies nu wan gu ib stukies in weggie box huuhuuu id gib biggess heawt saddies!” she cried as I put her down in the passenger seat and closed the door, leaving her for the new mare.

I walked into the bathroom and was met with the stink of piss and shit. The fluffy was crying and trying to flail his way out of the towel.

“Nu wan be in peepee an poopie towew huuuhuuu daddeh sabe fwuffy from meanie towew. Fwuffy make mo scawedy peepees and poopies huuuuu. Hewp fwuffy.”

I grabbed him with one hand and held him away from me putting my shirt of my nose with the other. I started the bath, plugged the drain and laid the wrapped up fluffy on his back in the filling tub.

“Huuuhuuuhuuu daddeh pwease hewp fwuffy. Fwuffy wiww bib besses huggies an wub and dan-W-WAWA S-SCREEEE WAWA BA FO FWUFFYS!”, it began as the water began to surround him, “DADDEH HEWP FWUFFY FWUFFY NU WAN BA WAWA! WAWA AM MUNSTAH! SABE FWUFFY!” I gave a quick tug to the front of the towel and the stallion flailed around til he was free. Once he made his way out I quickly grabbed the towel out of the bath and put it behind me. He slipped and tripped his way to the side of the bath, frantically trying to scramble out.


“It’s a bath, little guy! I will help you get all nice and clean and we can see your new saferoom! Just be a brave fluffy for me OK?”

“SCREE-Eeeeee huuhuuuu nu wike wawa daddeh huuuu.” he said sitting down, “D-daddeh hewp fwuffy ged aww cweansies? Mak pwetty fwuffy gain?”

“Of course now just be still and everything will be OK. Daddy is here.”

He stared at me the whole time scared out of his head as I washed him. He would whimper when I would splash water on him and cooed as I scratched his fur and scrubbed him down. After completely covering him in bubbles and soap he jumped around the tub blowing bubbles around and laughing. I pulled the drain and brought the shower head down.

“Teeheehee fwuffy wub bubbew fwen teehee-wa wai daddeh gib upsies? Fwuffy wan p- SCREEEEEEEEE huuuhuuuuu why gib ba wawas tu f- SCREEEEEEE HUUUUHUUUU!” he cried as I sprayed him with the shower head cleaning all the soap off and setting him down in the center of the tub, dripping wet. “F-f-fwuffy s-s-su cowd-d-d huuuuhuuuu PEEP huuuu. Daddeh? Pwease gib fwuffy wamsies huhu.”

I had considered drying him off with the poopie towel. I really wanted to. I decided to use a clean one in an effort to not make my saferoom any dirtier than it already gets. I grabbed a couple wash cloths and put them on the sink.

“Ready for upsies? Daddeh is gonna give you the bestest drysies and warmsies then you get to see your saferoom.” I said to the fluffy as I knelt down and grabbed him.

“Dank ou daddeh. Wawa gib wowsest scawys an cowdies.”

I gently rubbed him with the washcloth. He cooed the whole time and nuzzled my hand as I dried his face. After I was done I cradled him in my arms and began to walk to the saferoom.

“Teeheehee fwuffy su happi tu hab daddeh. Can fwuffy hab namsies?” he asked putting a hoof in his mouth.

“Sure how about Sky?” I said putting together that the sky was blue and he was blue.

“YAAAYYYY teeheehee Sky wub namsies! Wub daddeh su muchies!”

“And daddeh loves you.” I said embracing him as I opened the saferoom door.

Raspberry looked right at me as I opened the door.

“Dadd- oo id dat daddeh? Dat nuw fwuffy fwen?! Can Wasbewwy hab huggies negs?!?!” he exclaimed slaloming through my legs.

“Daddeh is busy right now but this is a new friend!” I said setting Sky down. Raspberry tried to walk into my arms as Sky walked out but I simply stood without acknowledging him.

“Hewwo nyu fwen!! Su cited to hab sabewoom and daddeh! Neba hab anyting befo! Namsies is Sky! Wut is ‘ours?”

“N-namsie Wasbewwy. Wan pway bwokies wid fwuffy?” Raspberry said trying to keep himself together.


They both walked to the blocks and began poorly stacking them and watching them fall just to do it all over again until the heat death of the universe. Without saying goodbye I left the saferoom and headed back to my car. I thought about how the two of them would get along and wondered if Sky would notice that Raspberry was different than other stallions.


wait i am a little confused,sky is a mare or an stallion?


Hold onto your butt Raspberry.

Cos I think Sky is gonna want to hold it for you


Ah, the fun begins!
Will the owner keep the bitch in the box so she only watches EVERYONE wun and pway? Will he punish her for bitching? (hopefully so)
Will Sky enf the shit out of Raspberry once he notices the later lacks a cock and thus, by fluffy logic, is a mare? Will Sky cuck Raspberry a la Griffith on Guts?
But most importantly, will the owner abuse Sky too?
I can’t wait to read out!


Lovely. Whoever comes out with these first in real life is going to have a lot on their conscience.


I’m ready for 20 more chapters.

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I hope he abuses Sky in ways only the others can’t see. he could actually give him huggies and wub and just keep ignoring the others pleas for hugs.

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