Unlucky [by Maple]

A quick vent, I’m not doing so well. Need to work some shit out.

You are a fluffy. Not a pampered house pet, no, you weren’t lucky enough to be born with that sort of destiny. You were a feral, born on the streets. Lucky enough to be your mother’s second favorite, spared the fate of your “nummy babbeh” siblings. Your colors were like your father’s, you were told. A paler green than him, your mane not quite the same purple as his but close. You only had your mother’s word on that, you’d never met him. He died well before your birth, he met an unknown fate gathering food.

Today you’re alone, nursing an old injury. Your front hoof is swollen and leaking juices you don’t have a name for, thick, yellowish, and foul smelling. You don’t know what the waves of heat wracking your malnourished body mean, but you know it’s bad. You know it means you’re going to die soon. You aren’t sure what hurt you, you must have stepped on something you didn’t see. A shard of glass, maybe. Not being able to walk properly meant limited food, as most of the trash cans required two hooves to push over.

Somewhere, you knew your more favored sibling lived with your mother still. You were ousted when her new special friend came along, he got to stay. Lucky him.

Somewhere else, you knew fluffies had mommy’s and daddy’s, were beloved and cared for. Not you, humans had always treated you with disdain. No hugs, only hurt.

Other fluffies tolerated you right up until you got sick, your festering hoof making them fear for their own health. You were ignored, isolated, when you weren’t outright attacked. It didn’t matter how much food you’d given them, how close friends you were. Your pain was uncomfortable for them to know about.

And so, you lay. Gazing at the four walls of your waterlogged cardboard home. Waiting for the sickness to take you.

You aren’t even allowed the blessing of a quick death.


fuck bro, hope your shit gets handled and you start feeling better man.
great stuff



hope everything gets better for you in a hurry yo! Letting things fester is never a good thing but i know that some things just get worse before they get better.

you are an excellent storyteller though so I know whatevers going on, you will come out the other side of it better than ever!


Feels like a soap opera