Unnamed Fluffy Game -Sneak Peek of the UI and fluffy models.

Hello everyone, Unnamed Fluffy Game Director anon6161455 here! I am pleased to announce that a collaboration project long in the works over at The Fluffy Server discord is bearing fruit, a fully interactive, 2.5D fluffy game where you take the role of a breeder and embark upon the perilous world of breeding and training fluffies. This is a screenshot from the internal build we are currently working on, including all five of our fluffy life stages, various interactions, and dialogue.

Our current internal build, which you may be invited to test when it is a bit more properly coded, includes:

1,500 possible fluffy color combinations.
A full fluffy lifecycle from birth to death, encompassing three foal stages (peeping babbeh/newborn, chirpeh babbeh, talkie babbeh, adult, and grey fluffy)
A neutralbox approach to fluffies-you have influence over how your fluffy behaves through discipline, training, and love! Want to train a good fluffy or make it a shitrat? That is up to you!
4 distinct temperaments for talkie babbehs, adults, and grey fluffies! You influence how they act and behave, with nearly 70,000 words of dialogue that differs between temperaments!
23 different player-fluffy interactions.
Various needs to take care of!

Future updates will include:

Stores with cameo appearances from members of the Fluffy community!
Fluffy on Fluffy Interactions like foals and their mothers, foals and other foals, many more!
An in-depth breeding system encouraging either a hugbox premium approach or a factory-like mass breeding industrial approach!
Events and challenges!
Fluffy monetary balancing! Be careful or you could end up in bankruptcy!
A fluffy encyclopedia!
More great art done by the famous grm1_1!
And more!

I’d also like to thank the team for the tireless effort they have put in so far, with over 12 writers, multiple contributing artists and 9rm1, and our programmer, Sora, who you will all be able to see in the credits screen!

Additional coders, artists, and writers are welcome to throw in their hat here, and if we need help we will contact you! We may also release or invite select people to test out the mechanics and balance of the game in preparation for the release of a demo SOON ™.


Hey Dan! I’m moving this to the Fluffy Games category.


Sure! New to the site, you put it where it makes the most sense!


For anyone who has yet to hear of this project, I can confirm that there are tens of thousands of lines of dialogue in it already.
(many of them are hilarious, and most of them can be attributed to @Mister-Shitrat)


This sounds just incredible! What scope! I am allllllll about this!

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I would love to test this out if you ever want a stress tester. ;D

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is there a certain channel on the discord where this is taking place, would also love to play this as soon as your ready to release it in any shape its in

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Oh yes. Can’t wait to play it

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When i read “store cameo appeareance from members of the community” i instantly though about cabbage merchant


This looks so amazing, I’m looking forward! I’ll gladly be beta tester/game destroyer


Don’t you hate it when MunstahMummah spawns a demon in the middle of your safe room?


Oh dĂ­os mĂ­o, me encanta!

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I might be obsessed with the idea with this game cause i keep coming back to check like every 6 hours, please send help.


More hyped for this than for cyberpunk2077


I come back once a day myself. Update us starving degenerates!!! Pleeeeeeeeez

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are we close to getting our hands on a version of this?


The internal build has been released to a few people for QA, then it’ll be released to the rest of the staff in the game server, and we may allow some people from here to beta test it soon after that or concurrently. Probably in a few weeks.


I could’t say better.


I know it’s more hugbox oriented but will we at least get a sorry stick or sorry box?


Since nobody has updated this I guess I’ll have to.
The main coder has gone on indefinite hiatus.
This project is now on hold.
The Fluffy Game curse is real.

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