Unpopular Opinions

Heyo, its been a while since I posted on here. Glad to see everything is still kicking.
(Animated logo :eyes:)

Anyways I always wanted to do one of these for the Fluffy community and there doesn’t seem to be a similar topic so why not do one now! It can be anything related to the Fluffys or Fluffy related communities.

Edit: To throw my own two cents in:

I am not one to shit on artstyles (I can’t really with the stuff I pump out) but if I could get rid of one it would be that Deviantart-esque style. I don’t know the proper name of it but they usually include glowing eyes, edgy OCs, really slim, long Fluffies and usually very amateur. The type of stuff a lot of younger members of the community would make. It used to be more popular than it is now and I kind of hope it stays like that. I just never thought it fit Fluffies that well.


Hey HorseMann! Good to see you again.
Would you believe that just last week I saw a person stealing your art and trying to claim it as their own?
They’ve stopped now.


Hey great to see you again as well man! I honestly hope you’re joking. Its one thing to steal art and claim it as your own, its another to steal badly drawn art and claim it as your own lol


There have been two animated logos since you were last here.

Animated Logo 1Animated Logo 2

Were currently on Unity 3. There was kinda of a Unity 3.5 by the name of Poonity, but they are dead now.


Not a joke.
The person deleted their thieving account yesterday.
Yours wasn’t the only fluffy art they were claiming.
I actually expect they’ve joined us here and from now on they’re going to be making their own stuff.
And that’s the best outcome I could have hoped for.


Well I am glad it got sorted out. Thanks for letting me know, its a great thing to come back too. Don’t know whether to be flattered or in awe they would even bother with my stuff lmao. Made my day.


@anon81860662 is the person making our animated avatars.
This is actually one made for our theme week.
The one it replaced looked like this


Horsemann! Good to see you.

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Right back at you!

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their are to many kids in the community


Hellgremlin behavior, poopy baby stories, and generally making fluffy ponies into bad-natured abominations has made this whole thing about 90% less interesting than it started out. Bad things happening to little monsters can’t elicit a real emotional response because you would be stupid to care.

The concept of sweet, perfectly loving beings getting corrupted and thrashed by the real world and their awful makers was always more fun. But it’s nuanced, and not everyone in the audience wants that.


I like to think our current Unity is another of the same litter of foals.

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I’m not a fan of the idea of making fluffies into milkbags or litterpals. I understand that people like it because it’s abuse basically, but I’ve seen some people claim it’s actually practical from a business standpoint, and that’s just ridiculous.


with me i haaate the whole litter pal/enfie pal concpt, but with milkbags im more open 2 but that is cause i kiiiiiinda include milk mares under that label. 2 a degree i can see milkbags being useful seeing as natural milk would be far better then powdered but i also see thats its not very practical as a method seeing as more likely then not being milkbagged and living life as a milkbag would fuck up their hormones and what not and just fill the milk with everything negative and could easily fill the foals up with hormones and fuck up their growth and stuff


I totally forgot about enfie pals, I hate that concept as well. Because I like to imagine most fluffies as innocent and that they would most of the time have special huggies because they want babies.

Milkbagging is extremely illogical and unnecessary. It would make more sense for the companies to keep them in a small space, without cutting off their legs and strapping them down like that. It would be way easier and less expensive, and take up about the same space, and they’d probably live longer too. If they were real they’d be kept like how milk-cows are kept.


I would think milkbags would be practical, though not ideal, but litterpals is most definitely a terrible idea.


To be honest, I think in a way milkbags would be even more impractical. It would be easier to keep them like cattle are kept. I’m thinking of something like this. (And of course, there would be other companies that keep them in a more humane way, on fields.)
There’s no way businesses in real life would go through all the extra trouble and maintenance of milkbagging them. In the case of litterpals, I can see abusers doing that to a fluffy. But it doesn’t make much sense for another fluffy to want to use them.

But at the end of the day, I’m not a fan of either milkbags, litterpals or enfie pals, but I don’t mind if other people like them.


@The-Master-Butcher You raise a good point about good-hearted fluffies not wanting to use enfiepals/litterpals. Without disagreeing, counterpoint: I appreciate when this is explained away as sheer cluelessness (either naturally occurring or deliberately conditioned).

For example, I remeber reading one sadbox story where the POV fluffy thinks that the litterpal enjoys eating poop, and goes out of his way to make extra “poopies nummies” for them.


That’s actually a good point I hadn’t thought about. Now I think about it, I probably dislike the idea of milkbags the most out of all three.

But like I said, just because I don’t like these things, doesn’t mean I think other people shouldn’t use these tropes. Because really it doesn’t matter that much if it’s realistic because fluffies themselves aren’t very realitic.


i could see milkbagging being profitable. However, if the happiness of the mare determines milk quality, then its likely not feasible. I don’t think most factories would bother removing the eyes though, since its extra labor for no benefit (assuming milk quality is a constant). Milkbagging would be like the fluffy-mill equivalent of the fluffy dairy industry. High production and lower quality.

Idk though. too many variables to really say for sure. Milkbags would probably make more sense in a factory environment than some guy operating from his backyard. Hell, I would host a fluffy herd in my backyard to eat the grass in exchange for sketti days and protection during the winter. (Along with taking their milk).