untitled by Scum

“nu tuch nu-nu stick!”, the fluffy squealed. He pinched the biotoy’s tiny penis harder and growled drunkenly,
“I own you! Every fucking part! Every drop of blood! You are just a thing! You understand?” The human shook the fluffy by it’s phallus until the skin of it’s protective hood began to tear. The fluffy screamed as it flailed it’s hooves at the human’s vicelike grip. The human slammed the freshly weaned colt against the makeshift workbench back first and held it there.
The fluffy gasped and wheezed as it’s breath was driven out of it.
“Say it!”, the human bellowed. The tiny colt only cried and wheezed so the human pinched the base of it’s penis again. the fluffy’s sobs and screams blended into a garbled squeak. “Say it or I’ll rip it off.”, the human demanded. Between sobs and dry heaves the fluffy squeaked,
“fwuffys nee huhuhuh huggies an wuv…”
“Say it again.”, the human ordered as he twisted the fluffy’s penis. The fluffy tried to scream but only made choking sounds and kicked it’s legs desperately trying to escape. The human slapped it’s balls and repeated, “Say it again.” The fluffy only squirmed and convulsed as it gasped for air. The human released the fluffy and took a deep breath as he grabbed a paint stirrer. “Say it again.”, he said as he looked down at the colt laying on it’s side, it’s legs curled up to protect it’s battered genitals.
“fwuffys neeeeehehehe huggies annn wuv.”, the fluffy cried. The human griped the fluffy by one of it’s hind legs and lifted it off the workbench. “nu wike bad upsies” The human smashed the fluffy in the balls with the paint stirrer and a fresh scream erupted from the battered fluffy. The human whipped the fluffy’s scrotum in quick succession until it’s cries turned into ragged gasps again. He dropped the fluffy head first onto the bench breaking several teeth. The human dug through a drawer in the workbench and after some searching pulled out a large box of sewing needles. The fluffy flopped about as it tried to get to it’s feet but was likely concussed. The human reached past the fluffy’s legs and stabbed the needles into it’s balls and scrotum and buried them as deeply into the flesh as possible. Needle after needle was jammed in, nearly one hundred, while the inebriated human hummed the mama song under his breath. The fluffy passed out some time while the human was jamming needles in to it which of course the human had planned for. The human washed his hands and put on safety glasses and rubber dish washing gloves before retrieving a small vial of black liquid labeled Pure Cap from a mini fridge. He filled an eyedropper about a third of the way and left it in the vial as he turned his attention back to the fluffy’s penis. The human gently pulled back the protective skin exposing the bright red penis and dripped several drops onto the most sensitive skin. The fluffy shot awake and began convulsing violently incapable of breathing let alone screaming. The human smiled as he watched for a moment but realized that was about as far as he could go with out durping the wretched creature. The human unceremoniously grabbed the fluffy by the meat and fluff of it’s back and walked out of the basement and across the backyard. When they reached the tree line the human said, “Be sure to tell your friends!” and yeeted the fluffy into the trees. The human then returned to the basement and poured a shot of scotch. He kicked it back and looked into a box filled with shit spattered colts huddled together in fear. The human smiled at the colt’s and asked,
“So whose up next?”


I would have much rather have done this as a comic but I can’t do art.


Wish I could draw but writing is till a great medium.