Update: Found two stories

Both are found, thank you everyone :>
I won’t delete this post in case I’d forget the stories again, lol

1: comic
The comic is about college/university professor who finds a laboring mare and he helps her, but the mare is bitch so he leaves her in some random room.
Found by @Fluffocalypse! Thank you! Link

2: textpost
I’m not sure about all the details, but it was about an owner that had a mare that wanted babies, first he tried to persuade her but then he let her go out to find special friend. The plot twist was that when some people found the fluffy, she was full of imbedded gems and jewellery, in eyes I think, and also some decorations in ‘poopie and special place’
Found by @meganonymous, thanks! Link


First one sounds familiar, I think the title had something to do with morality, you get what you give…

Second one sound vuagely familiar

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First one is Manners by Ryunnosuke


I know about the second due to a voice over I heard, but the name eclipses me.


Omg yess thank you!

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Looks like the second one is a fractalfluff story that hasn’t been uploaded here

Just a moment…



I was way off in my search. Lol

Good find.

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Omg yes! Thank you all so much!

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you get what you give

Sound like some New Radicals

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