Update on The Journey and other content announcements from Nundevwizer

Hello all Nundevwizer fans!

I’ve been quiet on FluffComm for a while so for those of you who might be thinking I’ve ghosted the site, I just want to reassure you that I’m still here. In fact…

I’ve been hard at work putting together the story of The Journey, the long-awaited sequel to Survival of the Foal-ist. I don’t have a window of when the first pieces of the story will come out because I’m still working on the plot as we speak so ill post an update once the plot is put together and I’ve ironed out all the kinks and dents.

I also wanted to announce all the series two stories that will come out and that all stories posted after The Journey will have the S2 marker in their name to designate as such.

here are the stories that will be a part of Series 2:
please note that the names of these stories and their order may change over time before they are posted.

  1. The Journey
  2. The Brown Mile
  3. Breeders Dozen
  4. Bad Science
  5. Da Pweacha
  6. Meatbawls N Skettis
  7. (TBA)

Also a sequel to The Journey.

More stories will be announced in the next update (within the next two weeks up to a month tentatively)

in the meantime, have a nice day.


yeah, sometimes there’s not much time for small fluffy ponies :c
Would be looking for it!

Wait, you can plot things out in advance? And prep? I just wrote by the seat of my pants and sometimes run out of steam halfway through! :stuck_out_tongue:

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