55748 - abuse artist_babbehteef author_dhylec comic pregnant thecrowsclinic torture1080×1920 1.61 MB
Thanks to @StoneRouge for reuploading.
@babbehteef has given the okay for Crow’s clinic to be reuploaded, but only the finished pages, not including the ones that have been sketched out.
Is there a chance it will be completed?
God i hope this will be continued
Noooo! Spare the Dancies and Splorins!
I hope to see this finished. This artist’s work is among my favorites.
There is an ending, but it’s only sketches
oh shit… that’s gonna be brutal
I freaking love chonky peagusi! They always look adorable…
… YEa I know that it’s probs going to die brutally…
I would do damn near anything for @babbehteef to do more of these. The Crow Clinic is badass!
Amazing art
Alright, uploaded some drafts and unreleased sketches!
Gonna work on inking & colouring them. In the meantime, enjoy!
…jesus it’s been that long?!
This is going to be the best comic ever. Thank you for returning. Your fluffy art is the best!
awww thanks! i’ll do my best to deliver
and oh gods i don’t think mine’s the best lmao! there are a lot of great artists here too!!
“Nuuu bad upsies” He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and she’s throwing a tantrum about it. Some fluffies are so entitled
My God this brings so may memories! I remember it was a chick under the plage doctor mask, Anyone know what happened to BabbehTeef and Dhylec?
BT returned end of last year and posted some updates. Dhylec? God only knows.