Uphie (Part 04) [by MEY]

Millie closed her phone with a smile. This was going to be a delightful weekend, but she needed to prepare. She looked at the clock: 11:00 am, she had roughly 5 hours before her guests would arrive and she knew what to make. She rummaged around her cupboard and found just what she was looking for, a box of Betty Crocker’s Double Fudge Brownies. Alize’s favorite dessert. A delicious reward for her darling dear, as thanks for going to all this trouble for returning her Fluffy, though she had other rewards in mind.

As she began to prepare the oven and the ingredients, she turned on the small TV in the kitchen. The news was on, she wasn’t really listening. It was all just background noise. There was something about the stock market finally rising after months of downturn, something about the F3 members being arrested in one of the town nearby, something about the civil war in one of those Democratic Republic nations, and something about a bunch of teenagers reviving the disco scene. However, one story caught her attention. The local government was talking about the temporary revival of the Cleveland act, due to the severity of the mega-herd situation.

The news channel went on to remind the public of the policies under the Cleveland act. A change in title that affected all Fluffies outside of private residences or Fluffy-related establishments, changing their classification from bio-toy/pet/pest to Environmental & Socio-Economic Risk Species/ESERS. Under the Cleveland act it was an individual’s civic duty to eliminate any ESERS on sight or trap the ESERS and notify their local Pest Control department, or request another individual to eliminate the ESERS, if they could not do that, they were at least required to notify their local Pest Control department on the last ESERS location and viewers were reminded that failure to do so could risk another event like Cleveland, as well as incur a $5,000.00 fine.

Millie remembered the days the Cleveland act was in effect nation-wide. Back then she was too busy with her career to care about Fluffies, but even then, she knew how hard it was to be a Fluffy owner during those time. Having a collar on your Fluffy or keeping them in a stroller / carrier was not enough, as some leashed Fluffies were runaway, furthermore runaways could sneak into strollers and carriers, and back then the government did not want people sparing a ESERS because they thought it was owned, so there were hardly any punishments for eliminating an owned Fluffy that had been mistaken as an ESERS.

Back then, an Owner could even be holding their Fluffy and still risk it being killed, with a concerned citizen, most likely an abuser or anti-Fluffer, able to easily argue that they thought the owner had found an ESERS and was unable to eliminate it, so they did their civic duty in eliminating the ESERS. It was certainly a crazy time. Not that she really cared. She didn’t have a Fluffy back then, and even if it were to be issued now, she had no intention of letting Uphie roam outside the house.

She looked at her phone. It would seem that Mabe had saw the news as well. Her best friend was ranting about the Cleveland act and saying how it was all just an excuse to force Fluffy owners to buy the ESERS exemption carriers, a government-approved Fluffy carriers with the ESERS logo engraved and a biometric lock. It was quite expensive, but any Fluffy inside an ESERS exemption carrier maintained their status of bio-toy / pet and the protection of being an owned Fluffy.

Millie messaged Mabe some words of condolences. She could easily sympathize with Mabe’s plight, after all the life of a Hugbox Fluffy owner was often an expensive one and she was once a prime example. How much had she spent on making sure that Uphie had the best life a Fluffy had. The castle bed, the portable ball pit and slide, the dance floor and the Fluffy TV to name a few of the many, many things she bought. Thousands of dollars spent on Fluffy toys and accessories and yet she had spent only $20.00 on Uphie herself.

She looked at the can inside the glass cabinet in the living room. The can that Uphie came from. An impulse purchase that Millie had made out of sheer curiosity. It just felt so random now. She was in town to visit her cousins, Gremmie and Hans, and she just happened to come across one of those Fluffy Marts under Hasbio. The vending machine was just outside and the purchase was so simple. She put a $20.00 bill in the slot, picked a random number and then she got a can with that adorable beige foal.

She had to hand it to Hasbio, a simple $20.00 product and they hooked a three year customers who was willing to splurge on so many of their over-priced products, and if Uphie hadn’t run away, she knew that the she would still spending so much more on her fuzzy bundle of love and joy, and in fact it would have probably gotten worse, as that whole baby debacle had really gotten to her, and she was already considering getting Uphie a special friend. If Uphie hadn’t run away, she would probably had two adult Fluffies and goodness knows how many foals. A whole Fluffy family to vicariously live through, imagining their luxurious life as her own, and she would have probably have ended up breaking up with Alize.

Millie bit her lip in annoyance at that thought of how close she was to losing her adorable, doll-faced boyfriend. Mixing the batter in the bowl, she stared at the fudge in complete silence, thinking about how much Alize, Gremmie, Hans and Mabe, supported her to make sure that she came out of her depression. Now that she was better, it was crazy to think that such a tiny thing could hurt her so badly, and Millie was determined not to let Uphie her hurt again. There was going to be some changes in the household. She was going to be stricter and she was no longer going to fall prey to Uphie’s adorable looks, or at least she hoped so.

She filled the cooking tray with the fudge mix and placed it in a heated oven, before setting her timer to 40 minutes. Looking at the clock it was 11:52 am, and she smiled as she was making good time. She started heating some leftover for lunch, then began rummaging her cupboards for some canned sketti. Her darling had promised Uphie and her children, some delicious sketti and she did not want the Fluffy calling her boyfriend a liar, besides Uphie was coming back home, she wanted to make it an unforgettable return.

She smiled as she found what she was looking for. A small cardboard box filled with Uphie’s old feeding bowls and a dozen cans of special sketti. She wondered if Uphie’s children ever had sketti before, if they did not, this sketti was bound to hook them in. Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking, the sound of delicate hooves tapping on her front door and a high pitched squeak say “Wet Smawty n famiwy in housie”. My goodness, what was all this kerfuffle? She thought to herself, as she went to open the door and she found herself staring at an orange Smarty with a red mane & tail, his special friend, a pink Fluffy with a light blue mane & tail and their five little foals: pink, blue, yellow, yellow and white.

“Oh my god. What an adorable little family!” she exclaimed with a squeal.

The Smarty looked annoyed “Am nut adowable n nu wittle!” it exasperated.

“Oh! Of course not! You are a big, strong Smarty aren’t you?”

That certainly made the Smarty happy and he beamed with pride as he lifted his head up high.

“Would Smarty and his family like to come inside? I am making sketti.” Millie asked sweetly.

The Fluffy family all stared at her wide eyed. They all rushed inside excitedly, cheering at how easy it was to get a nice, warm house and food. Millie quickly set aside a part of the living room for them. She didn’t mind the dirty, snowy hoof prints they were leaving in her house, they were such cute creatures after all, and she even let them rest on her nice carpet next to the electric heater. They looked at her with such lovable faces as they commented on how soft her carpet was and how warm her house was, and she made sure to tell them how much she enjoy their company showering them with compliments and praises, as well as soft pets and gentle hugs.

The microwave made a ting to signal her lunch was ready, and she took it as an opportunity to excuse herself, so that she could prepare their lunch. She got two cans of the special sketti and filled them into two feeding bowls, then quickly heated them at 3 minutes each. She came back to the living room to find that the mare and her foals had formed one of those absolutely endearing Fluffpile, though the Smarty was looking a little impatient.

“Wewwe sketti hooman wady pwomise!” he squeaked.

“Right here” she said with a big smile, placing the two bowls of the fresh, hot sketti on the floor.

She could not help, but grin at the sight of the family scampering towards the food bowls and stuffing their faces with sketti, and she continued to watch them ate as she eat her own lunch. It was amusing watching the Fluffies’ faces turn from starving to pure bliss and listening to the joyous peeps of the foals. She noticed that only three of the foals were eating sketti, and realized why when the mare stopped eating to feed her two other foals milkies. It was an endearing sight, and Millie wondered if Uphie was a good mother like this mare, and she made sure to remember which foals were weaned and which were not.

She kept eating in silence, and watched as the mare approached her. The Fluffy mother walked to her with confidence, a sign that it already trusted her and looked at her with those big, cute eyes, before asking “Nice hooman wady be nyu mummah for famiwy?” Millie smiled and picked up the mare, placing the fuzzy mother on her lap and stroking her mane softly.

“Y’know. My old Fluffy is come home today. Her name is Uphie.”

“Uwpee?” the mare interjected with confusion

“Yup Uphie. She’s a mother with two children, and I think they will need friends. Uphie will need a fellow mummah like you, and her two babies could be friends with you five foals.”

The mare had a wide, innocent smile and was nodding enthusiastically. “Wiwy can be fwen with Uwpee. Babbehs can be fwen wit Uwpee babbehs!”

“Wonderful! Then I guess I’ll be your new mummah.”

It was like the foals were waiting for that, because the second they heard that, they all raced towards Millie and began trying to climb her leg, making cute noises in celebrating and declaring how much they loved their new mummah. She picked up the five energetic, fuzzballs and placed them on her lap with their mummah, and the six Fluffies all formed a fluff pile on her lap, making an assortment of happy sounds as they celebrated the start of their new lives as domesticated Fluffies. Only one did not join, the Smarty, who had already finished all the sketti from his own bowl , and was now eating the sketti from the bowl of the mare and her foals. Hungry little thing, she thought to herself.

Against the soft protest of the mare and her foals, she set them down on the floor and approached the Smarty. She knelt down next to it and began stroking it’s mane softly, an act that the Smarty seemed to particularly enjoy.

“You are a brave and strong, right Mr. Smarty?” she suddenly asked.

The Smarty nodded and puffed out his chest “Dat wite”

“Oh good! Then can this brave, strong Smarty help me scare off a munstah in my shed? I’m sooo scared.”

The Smarty thought about it for a second, then nodded “Ok Smarty, hewp scawdy hooman with munstah, den hooman haf tu gib Smarty mo sketti.”

“Absolutely!” Millie replied with a sweet smile.

Content with her answer, Smarty puffed his chest out and snorted, ready to deal with the munstah. Millie picked him up and carried him outside to her backyard, he pouted his cheeks ready to deal with the munstah. She pointed the shed, saying that the munstah was inside. The Smarty nodded and puffing his cheeks as he continued pumping himself with confidence, but as they approached the shed, Millie began to notice the Smarty trembling.

“Are you scared Mr. Smarty?” Millie asked.

“N… Nu!” The smarty managed to utter hesitantly.

Millie suddenly stopped in front of the compost bin next to the shed. Opening the compost bin, the overwhelming stench of rot, excrement and decay quickly assailed their noses, and the Smarty looked at Millie with confusion, as it scrunched its nose from the overwhelming smell.

“Wewwe munstah?” the Smarty asked.

“I’m the munstah” she replied with her sweet smile.

Before he could react, she held the Smarty over the bin, and then she squeezed his side. He began to screech as she crushed his sides and he began to expel his waste inside the compost bin. A torrent of urine and feces cascaded upon the compost like a waterfall of filth. The Smarty pleaded for Millie to stop, but she kept squeezing. She could feel the Smarty’s ribs and began to squeeze even harder until she heard a crack and felt the bones snap within her grasp and she grinned triumphantly as the Smarty let an even louder scream.

She went inside the shed and threw the Smarty onto a work bench. He was still screaming and he was gripping his now broken sides with his hooves as he writhed around in agony, but there was still some fight in him, as he tried to bite Millie. She clasped his jaw shut with one hand and she could see it in his eyes, the look of rage mixed with fear, the belief that he still had a chance to defeat this meanie hooman, the idiotic ignorance of this Smarty was absolutely entertaining, and Millie began to grin even wider. She must have looked absolutely terrifying, as the Smarty’s bravado quickly shattered and he began to cry. She let go of his mouth to hear what he had to say.

“Pwease nu huwt Smawty” He pleaded pathetically “Fwuffy am onwy fo huggies and wuv”

Millie squealed in satisfaction with a sadistic smile. This was the best. Shattering a Smarty’s bravado, and hearing them desperately plead for mercy after they realized how monumentally screwed they were.

“Oh no! Did you not like my huggies?” she said with a giggle.

The Smarty started shaking its head in terror.

“Bad huggies. Bad huggies” it squealed, causing Millie to giggle again.

“Okay, then how about I give you some wuv”

As she that, she put a condom on the wooden handle of a hand shovel. The Smarty had no idea what she was doing, but he kept staring at her in fright, as he trembled violently. He began to shake even more violently when her felt her hand press down on him and pin him down, and before he realized what she was going to do, it was too late. His eyes practically bulged out of their sockets and he made a high pitched scream, as he felt the cold, dry latex of the condom covered wooden handle, penetrate his asshole and practically ripped his anus wide open.

The Smarty squirmed and squealed, shaking its legs around in a desperate attempt to escape, but it could only endure as the handle of the hand shovel went in and out of his arse. He looked at Millie and could see her sadistic smile further fueling his own terror, and continued struggling until he eventually ran out of energy and gave up. The Smarty laid his head on the workshop table and continued to beg for mercy, as Millie continued thrusting the wooden handle in and out of his ass.

Eventually Millie stopped. There was a loud plop as she pulled the wooden handle out of his ass and she grinned as she looked at the condom covered in feces and blood. She removed the condom carefully and forced it into Smarty’s mouth before using a rubber band to keep his mouth shut. The Smarty could only make muffled screeches as it was forced to taste the bitter flavor of it’s own feces and blood, with the Smarty only able to shed tears of pure misery, as Millie produced a small tin box.

“This is your new home.” Millie said with a sweet smile.

The Smarty looked at the box in confusion. It clearly understood that the box was far too small for him to live in, but Millie was no quitter and she was dead set on making sure that this poor Smarty had a nice secure home to live in, even if she had to force him in.

She picked him with up a grin and watched as he tried to break free, then placed him on his side inside the box, and began forcing him to curl as she tried to get his whole body to fit. The Smarty was letting out muffled screams of agony as she forced his body to bend further than it was supposed to and pushing down on his broken ribs, he tried to scream, but his mouth was still sealed and Millie paid him no heed, as she began cracking his bones to fit the square tin box, eventually though with enough effort, she had got him inside the box.

The Smarty had passed out from the pain with his head titled in an uncomfortable angle and his lower half completely bent over itself. She wondered if it had died, but she smiled when she saw its eye twitch ever so slightly and from one of the drawers in the shed, she produced a new tool she had gotten from an abuse website, My Little Revival Shots, a Fluffy abusers favorite tool for ensuring their victim survives prolonged sessions of brutal torture. It was a small box filled with comically small injections. Each injection filled with a rather dangerous mix of adrenaline and other chemicals, whose names escaped Millie. It was strong enough to jump start a Fluffy’s heart and bring it back to the realm of consciousness. It had terrible long-term effects on a Fluffy, but then again it, you never used it on Fluffies that were going to live a long life.

She stabbed it into the Smarty, injecting the chemical mix, his eyes suddenly open wide. She could see the terror in his eyes and hear the muffles as he once again tried to scream. Millie smiled cruelly as it was now time to test how durable these Fluffies really were. She produce a spray from the drawer, another tool she got from the abuse websites. It was labeled The Itchy and Scratchy show, with a simple purpose. Spray it on a Fluffy and enjoy the show of a Fluffy desperately trying to scratch an itch. A different devious mix of chemicals that caused extreme skin irritation amongst Fluffies. What would happen if you sprayed it on a severely injured Smarty pumped full of whatever was in the My Little Revival Shot? It was time to find out.

She didn’t say what the spray was. Didn’t want to ruin the surprise, but the look on his face told her that he already knew. He didn’t know what it did exactly, but he knew that it was bad. He closed his eyes and made a pathetic whimper when she sprayed his side, then he gave her a confused look when nothing happened. She continued to watch with a cruel smile, as the face of perplexity turned to realization and the realization turned to horror as it began to make muffled screeches.

He was definitely saying something, but it was hard to make out given that his mouth was still tied shut, and honestly Millie did not care. She simply watched with contentment as the Smarty desperately shook about in a desperate bid to sate whatever irritation he was suffering from, and she would have continued watching, but her entertainment had been cut short by the sound of her watch’s alarm.

“Oh! My brownies!” She said aloud, as she quickly exited the shed.

She entered the house to find the mare sitting in front of the door looking absolutely frightened.

“What’s wrong dear?” she asked gently, as she picked up the mare.

The mare quickly hugged her and whimpered “Wiwy heaw scawy noisie fwom ouwside n get scawed, was wai fo mummah n specaw fwen to com bacc”

She began to jiggle the mare, like she was calming a baby down, and stroking her mane as she walked to the kitchen.

“Aww there there. It must have been so scary for you?”

The mare hugged her tightly and she could feel it relax in her embrace.

“Wewwe specaw fwen?” The mare suddenly asked.

Setting the Fluffy on the kitchen counter, so that she could get the fudge out of the oven, she nonchalantly replied “Your special friend ran away”

The mare looked at him wide eyed unable to process what Millie had said, before managing to utter “Sp… Specaw fwen… Wun away?”

Millie nodded as she placed the fudge on the dining table to cool, and then she picked up the mare again, so that she could ease it. The mare had no idea what to say, so it could only cry into its mummah’s shoulder in disbelief, startling the other foals. Millie continued comforting the mare as the foals crawled towards her in frightened curiosity, as Millie broke the bad news.

“Sorry little ones, but your daddy ran away.”

The foals looked as shocked as when she had broken the news to the mare and they all began to cry. She began to pick them all up, carrying a mare and her five foals in her arm and let them all cry it out.

“I know. I know. I’m so sorry for all of you. I tried to stop him, but he suddenly screamed and I dropped him, then he ran out the fence.”

The Fluffies all looked at her in disbelief but none of them uttered a word. The mare was the one to break the silence, simply screaming “Y!!!”

Millie gently petted the mare again “I don’t know, but some Smartys are like that. They don’t want to stay at home even though it is nice and warm, they just want to be free even if it meant leaving their special friend and babies.”

The mare did not offer any counter argument. Millie wasn’t sure if it was because she was still processing the loss of her mate or because her relationship with the Smarty was strained, but she took full advantage of the silence.

“You don’t need Smarty anyways. You have a new mommy. Me! You guys love me right?”

The foals began to smile and giggle in agreement, letting out cute little chirp as they uttered the word “wub nyu mummah” over and over. This seemed to cheer the mare up and she began to nuzzle Millie. She too said “wub nyu mummah” as she snuggled up to Millie, and her foals were quick to join her.

Millie stroked the fuzzy mother’s mane again and turned on the TV in the living room. That instantly commanded their attention, who all quickly surrounded the TV. The positive stimuli of bright colors and cheerful songs, as multicolored foals sung and dance, was mesmerizing for foals. The mare, however, looked confusion, she seemed unable to understand what she was looking at.

“Nyu mummah hab mo babbehs?” the mare asked.

“Oh you’ve never seen a TV before?

The mare shook her head “Nu Teebee in big housie onwy oddah Fwuffies. Many oddah Fwuffies.

Millie guided the mare’s hoof, letting her touch the screen, so that she could understand that there was a sort of barrier between her and the TV foals. She explained that this was a Happy Box that used hooman magic to show these dancing and singing foals to many other Fluffies. The explanation seemed to sufficed, as the mare was no longer confused and was now able to fully enjoy the experience. She too became mesmerized with the screen, allowing Millie some time to finish the rest of her lunch.

The mare’s words had definitely confirmed her suspicion. This Fluffy family was most likely part of that mega-herd that Hans was talking about, one of those escapees from that Fluffy Sink facility, and they had most like split from the mega-herd, maybe not enough food or warmth or the Smarty wanted to break out on his own and form his own herd. Well it did not matter, more Fluffies would always be a welcome sight in this household.

After finishing her meal and cleaning the dishes, she looked at the clock: 01:27 pm. She still had time. While the mare and her foals continued watching the TV, she went back to the shed to check on Smarty. By some horrid miracle it was still alive, though the Smarty would have probably called it misfortune, as its eyes were now bloodshot and moving rapidly from side to side. It was still trying to scream, but it seemed to have damaged it larynx, as the screaming though muffled sounded a bit hoarse, and it was still trying to squirm out, though with much less vigor than before.

“Still feeling itchy?” she asked the Smarty.

She got a pathetic whimper as a response and smiled sweetly. She showed him the spray, causing the Smarty to panic and let out muffled screams as it desperately tried to break free again.

“Want another spray?”

Even with his mouth tied, she could hear him scream “Nuuuuuuuuuuu” and she could not break into another sadistic grin, as she pointed the nozzle at him and sprayed. The Smarty made another muffled scream as the aerosol mist covered his body and he began to shake even more violently, as Millie left the shed, she waved good bye. She wondered if he would still be alive the next time she came back and returned back to the house noticing that the mare and the foal had not taken their eyes off the TV, none of them seemed to have realize that she had gone.

She snuck into Uphie’s safe room and picked up one of the plastic storage boxes, bringing it outside and setting it down on the floor next to the Fluffies. The noise grabbed their attention and they all looked at the white plastic box in curiosity and stared at her. Millie was grinning again because they all looked so cute and she revealed the contents. An assortment of Uphie’s old toys. She showered them upon the mare and her foals. A dozen colorful huggy friends each with their own unique pleasant scents, colorful wooden blocks and a rainbow colored balls. The Fluffies stared at her wide eyed, but soon began to cheer.

She sat back down on the sofa, watching them play and noticed that Alize had sent a message. He was already at his Aunty Sera’s clinic and Uphie and her foals were getting their check up. It was seriously so sweet of him to do this, Millie thought to herself. She sent her boyfriend a suggestive selfie of herself as thanks and smiled in delight when he sent her back the blushing emoji. She licked her lips, she could not wait to devour him later that night, but that was later, she had other things to play with first.

Sitting down on the couch next to the Fluffies, she picked up one of the foals and begin tickling its belly, prompting cute little giggles from the foals and it looked at her with such heartfelt affection. The other foals began crawling towards her, clearly envious of all the attention their siblings was receiving from their new mummah, they began tapping her leg and pleading her to “gib wub and huggies”, she giggled at all this attention she was getting and picked up all the foals.

Placing them all on their back on her lap, she began gently tapping their bellies prompting a chorus of happy squeaks, giggles and “wub nyu mummah”. She kept playing with the foals and noticed the mare looking at her with jealousy. The mare approached her shyly and sat on her rump, then stretched her fore legs towards Millie asking “Can Fwuffy hab babbehs bac?”

Millie chuckled and returned the five foals to their mother. The mare’s frown quickly changed back to a smile and she was quick to say “Tank yu mummah!” as she held the five foals in her front legs and rocked them gently left and right, but she noticed that the three of the foals were looking at her. The weaned ones.

“Can babbeh hab mo sketti?” one foal suddenly asked, the other two weaned foals nodded in agreement.

Millie sat on the floor so that she was closer to the foals and petted the foal that had asked.

“I’m sorry little ones, but you just had sketti, maybe later?”

The three foal let out a soft whimper, but made no further argument, as they nuzzled their Fluffy mother. Millie tapped them all on the head softly and looked at the mare, asking if it was the first time they had sketti before. The mare nodded.

“Onwy heawd of sketti, bu Wiwy n babbehs nebah hab sketti befo nyu mummah gib.”

“Do you want sketti?”

“Nu. Nut hungwy.”

Millie smiled, as she patted the mare’s head, and sat back on the sofa as she began scrolling her phone. Alize had sent another update on Uphie. Mabe had sent her an apology gif regarding Millie leaving the party early, saying that she that she was being insensitive and forgot about the wounds Uphie had left. Millie wasn’t really sure what she was talking about but reassured Mabe she was fine.

More notably, a lot of her friends were sharing videos of feral Fluffies swarming their fair little town and one friend had sent this video of a rather boisterous lady screaming at children for harming one of these poor furry creatures. She was screaming so loudly that the Fluffy began to wail, screaming “too woud!” before shitting itself and staining her blouse with fecal matter. The lady was so mad that the veins on her forehead began to flare, and she screamed “disgusting rat!” before flinging it against a wall and killing it instantly. There were a few seconds of silence before the lady realize what she done and the clip was cut just as she stared at the camera wide eyed, causing Millie to burst out into laughter. That in turn startled the mare and her foals.

“Sorry” she said with another laugh “Ignore me.”

The mare and her foals resumed what they were doing. The mare was still watching the Fluffy TV channel, while one foal hugged one of the stuffed friends, practically melting in the softness, and another foal tapped on a wooden block, clearly clueless on how to use the object, but she noticed three of the foals were not doing anything, they were just staring at her with ominously wide eyes and half open mouths, leaking with drool. They were the weaned ones. She rubbed the cheek of one such foal.

“What’s wrong little one?” she asked sweetly.

“S…sketti?” It asked.

“Sorry. Little one, but like I said before no sketti. Maybe later, okay?”

The foal let out a helpless whimper, but managed to nod. She noticed it was trembling, so were the two other Fluffies. It would seem that they really wanted sketti. She looked at the clock: 02:05 pm. It was time to wrap things up, Alize was coming here soon. She stood up and petted the mare.

“Upsie?” she asked.

The mare stared at her wide eyed and gave her a big smile. She stood on her hind legs with her front hooves out stretched towards her. Millie obliged her and picked up the mare. The Fluffy wrapped her front legs around Millie’s neck and nuzzled her chin, whispering “Fwuffy wub mummah” repeatedly. Millie felt a wetness around her chin, the mare was crying, undoubtedly tears of joy. Millie smiled again as she walked outside. The mare noticed this, asking her “Y bwing ouwside. Iz cowd.”

“I have something special to show you.”

It was special indeed. Millie brought the mare to the shed to show her the horrific sight of her special friend trapped inside the tin box. He was no longer moving. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head and there was some foam spewing from the gaps of his still sealed mouth. He was dead.

“That’s a little disappointing” Millie commented.

The mare stared at her special friend in the box. Her eyes were one of incomprehension and fear. She looked at Millie, only able to ask “S… Specaw fwen?”. Millie smiled sweetly and stroked her mane.

“I am going to do the same to you, Lily. You and your foals. Torture them beyond belief…” she whispered.

The look of betrayal in the mare’s eye, was as sweet as honey and brought about a sadistic grin, as Millie continued. “…That is unless you can convince your foals to runaway with you.”

With those words said, Millie placed the mare on the floor of the shed and then walked back inside her house, leaving the mare to process everything in silence. She returned back inside to see the three weaned foals staring at the dining table. They looked hungry and the moment they saw her, they ran towards her as fast as their little legs could carry them.

“Nyu mummah! Can hab sketti?” One of them asked.

“Oh. Little ones.” Millie uttered as she pretended to cry.

“Nyu mummah?! Wat wong?” Another foal asked.

“Oh it so horrible. Your mum called me a mean monster and she tried to attack me.”

The other two unweaned foals had heard this and had joined their siblings. Millie took this opportunity to picked them all up and place them on the kitchen counter, bending down so that she was at eye-level to all of them.

“I am going to be honest with you five, okay?”

The five foals all sat on their fuzzy little bottoms, giving innocent nods in agreement.

“You mummy wants to leave because she wants to find daddy, and she wants to take you all with her.”

Millie noticed the foals looking at each other in confusion. They did not really seem to understand the implications of such a move. So Millie broke it down for them.

“If you leave. That means no warm house, no human mama to protect you, no TV, no toys, and no sketti forever.”

The last one really got a reaction, as the three weaned foals began to panic.

“Nu sketti forebah!” One screamed.

“Dun wan! Dun wan!” Another added.

“Fwuffy mummah bad mummah! Bad mummah!” The third screamed.

The distress displayed by the three weaned foals, clearly had an effect on their unweaned siblings, who both began to cry, as they too mourned the loss of such comfort. Millie held back a smile, this was exactly what she wanted, and it was time to secure the foals.

“Wait! There is a way you can stay, but it will require strength, do you five think you can handle it?”

The foals had all quietened and nodding with enthusiasm and determined faces.

“You need to tell your mummy that you want to stay. That you don’t want to go to the cold, scary outdoors to find your dummy daddy, and if she still wants to go, then tell her you all aren’t coming.”

The looks of hesitation amongst the foals’ faces proved that the mare was a good mother, but Millie knew that Fluffies were creatures of comfort and if she learnt anything from all the videos she watched, they were also very easy to persuade if you knew the right words.

“No toys. No TV. No sketti” she reminded them softly.

The three weaned foals proved to be incredibly easy to coax. The mere mention of no sketti had sent them on a frenzy, and they all began to shout “Nuuuuuuuu” which in turn sent their two unweaned siblings into a distress panic, with both chanting “Nu wan weave”. It would seem that they were ready, and just in time as Millie could hear the sound of aggressive tapping from the backyard door and the screaming of the mare “Gib babbehs bac nao!”

She picked up the five foals and put them back on the floor and then opened the backyard door. The mare sprinted past her legs, spotting them immediately and screaming: “Babbehs! Babbehs! We nee gu NAO!”

“Nuuuuu” One foal screamed

“Babbehs wan staw wit nyu mummah!” another foal added

The mare looked shocked, but remained undeterred “Nyu mummah am meanie munstah dat gib daddeh wostest owwies n gib mummah n babbehs wostest owwies if staw at housies.”

One of the foals was clearly not listening “Nu!” It exclaimed “Wan staw wit nice nyu mummah! Wan sketti!”

Hearing that word, the other two weaned foals began screaming “Sketti!”

Millie grinned “That’s right little ones. If you go with your mummah, you will never be able to eat sketti ever again.”

That sent the three weaned foals into a frenzy and they began screaming “Nu! Wan sketti! Sketti! Sketti!”

The mare clearly had no idea how to handle the situation, so she did what she felt was best, use force. She grabbed one of the foals and put it on her back, as it continued to scream “Wan sketti!” The other two foals began to run around the mare, throwing a tantrum and avoiding their mummah’s grasp.

“Staph!” the mare screamed “Bad babbehs! Bad babbehs!”

The foal on her back began biting her, and the two other foals did the same. The remaining two foals could only watch in speechless horror. Millie herself was amused by the whole thing, and watched as the mare lost all emotional control. The mare, now enraged, flung the foal on her back, back onto the floor and stomped on it with both front hooves, leaving the other four foals completely speechless. By the time the mare had regained clarity, it was too late. She had killed the foal. It’s belly had exploded under the pressure of her hooves and left behind a small puddle of blood as it’s insides spewed out of it’s corpse, and it also left her four other foals completely terrified of her.

“B… Babbehs. Mummah… Mummah nu mean tu…”

Millie watched from the side silently, trying to hide her smile, as the mare desperately tried to regain the trust of her four remaining foals. She tried to tell them that it was not her fault and that she did not mean to give their sibling forever sleepies, but her pleas fell upon deaf ears as the foals screamed in alarm and began to runaway, leaving behind a trail of excrement in their wake. The mare tried to chase after them, but could not get far, as Millie suddenly grabbed her tail and tossed her out into the backyard, watching as the mare ejected her bodily waste mid-air whilst she flew out of the house and crashed onto the snow with a loud screech.

Millie smiled as she thought about how to torture the mare next, but her thoughts were interrupted when her mobile phone suddenly began to ring. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, as she closed the backyard door and went to the kitchen to grab her phone. Her mood quickly shifted when she realized that it was Alize who was calling.

“Hey baby” she greeted sweetly

“Yo Millie, just wanted to tell you check up just finished. Uphie and the foals are all fine. Uphie’s nose was a bit broken but nothing permanent.”

She looked at the clock. It was 02:35 pm, roughly 30 minutes earlier than expected. It would take Alize roughly an hour to reach her home.

“Oh wow. That’s great!” she replied

“Yeah. Anyways, the news says that the Cleveland act would start on Sunday, and I think many Fluffy shops will be closing during the act period. Do you want me to buy anything?”

Millie looked around. Her floor was dirty with Fluffy muck and so was the carpet in the living room. She needed more time to clean up, and she hadn’t even made the sketti for Uphie and her foals.

“Oh! Baby you’re too sweet, can you get me a bag of kibbles. Basic is fine. Oh and a bag of Fluffy diapers.”

“Got it! Want me to buy anything for you?”

“Hmmm? Maybe some pizza for us to share? I suddenly got a craving. “

“Pepperoni, deep dish style?”

“You know me so well babe.”

“Hah. Got it. Okay. Message me if you want anything else.”

“Thanks Lizeee. You are too sweet. Love youuuuu”

“Love you too Millie”

Millie hung up. Play time was over. It was time to prepare. She went to the hallway to clean up the foal corpse and was greeted by a rather surprising sight. Two of the foals were feasting on the flesh of their fallen sibling, devouring its organs. She approached them with morbid curiosity and noticed that they were chewing on the intestines specifically. It felt oddly cute and it took her a few seconds to register what they were doing, as she asked, “Do you two like your new sketti?”

“Tummy sketti nut as yummy as nyu mummah sketti” one foal replied.

“Bwuddha tummy sketti am ok” the other foal added.

Millie smirked and let the two foals continue devouring their sibling, as she grabbed a mop and soaked it some water and bleach. Cleaning the trail of excrement, she followed it to the carpet where she found the two other foals hiding amongst the toys, as they sat upon their own filth. Upon seeing her, the two foals quickly ran up to her and hugged her slippers.

“Mummah! Hewp!” they both cried in unison.

Millie picked the two foals up and placed them in her palm as they clung to her fingers, suckling them for comfort. She used her other hand to tickle their bellies, causing them to make cute little giggles and it seemed to ease them, as they looked at her with wide, grateful eyes. She could tell that they were feeling a lot more safe, as one foal whispered “wub mummah” and the other foal hugged her finger tighter with a little smile. She caressed their cute little faces, listening to their adorable chirps and they both beamed with pride when she called them a pair of adorable toys.

She then placed them on the kitchen counter, prompting protest as the foals begged for their mummah to come back, but she was able to easily placate them by giving them a stuffed friend to hug, allowing her to continue cleaning up the living room. She threw the dirty toys into the plastic box, as well as the rolled up carpet, and then turned her attention to the two cannibalistic foals, who were still eating their sibling.

“You two! I think it’s time for more sketti” she said with a smile.

The foals quickly perked up and looked at her with big smiles.

“Nyu mummah sketti?” One foal asked

“Wan! Wan!” The other foal cried

“That’s right. I have a box full of sketti! Come here.”

The two foals quickly ran towards her and desperately climbed onto her palm. They cheered as she brought them out to the backyard. The mare was still there and had just gotten on her feet, but the two cannibal foals paid her no heed as they were too excited at the prospect of more sketti, and remained completely oblivious as she approached the compost bin. They only began to realize that something was wrong, when she opened the bin and their noses were assailed by the foul stench of the waste and by then it was too late, and they could only scream as they were dropped inside the box.

She stared at them with a cruel grin. The looks of betrayal on their little faces was delectable and it seemed that someone else wanted to join them, as she felt something to cling her leg. She looked down to see the mare hugging her leg with furious eyes, screaming for Millie to “Gib babbehs bac!” Millie loved that. She loved Fluffies with fight in them. She looked at her watch: 03:01 pm, she had a little more time to play. She peeled the mare off her leg, lifting the mare by the mane. The mare screeched “Bad upsie!” as she dangled it above the compost bin.

“Wiwy hatechu! Hatechu! Hatechu!” The mare screamed, as she began to unload whatever bodily waste she had left into the compost bin, raining piss and shit upon the two foals trapped inside.

It was like a trigger word for Millie, one that filled her mind with a sadistic, brutal blood lust, and she just lost control. She grabbed the mare by the fore legs and began to pull at opposite directions, forcing the mare to stretch painfully wide. The mare continued to scream as it tried to keep itself whole, but Millie kept pulling, watching as the mare’s flesh began to tear.

“That’s enough screaming” Millie said coldly, as she changed her grip.

She began to pull at the mare’s lower jaw, ripping it apart. Then she placed one hand on the mare’s shoulder, as she ripped off that left foreleg completely. Flesh, muscle and bone. She tossed the ripped off limb into the compost bin and noticed that the mare had passed out from the pain. That was no fun. She brought the mutilated mare into the shed and whipped out the My Little Revival Shot, injecting the mare with the small shot and awakening the severely injured mare, pulling the creature away from the kind peace of sleep.

Millie grabbed a shear from the rack, and began stabbing the mare’s belly over and over again, as blood splattered everywhere. She stabbed the mare for a good few second, leaving numerous deep stab wounds all over the mare’s body and then brought the mare back outside, dangling the Fluffy atop the compost bin. The mare was bleeding profusely yet by some twisted miracle it was still alive and conscious. With the mare’s lower jaw ripped off, it could only make guttural grunts, as it stared at Millie with bloodshot, panic-stricken eyes.

Millie did not say a word, as she dug her fingers into the stab wounds and began ripping off chunks of flesh. One by one, slowly tearing the mare apart piece by piece and dropping the chunks into the compost bin. Slowly. Savagely. She peeled skin from flesh, pulled on tendons until they snapped and tore flesh from bone. A blood rain fell upon the two foals trapped inside, as Millie held a cruel and unending smile. She did not even notice that the mare was no longer conscious, until she had ripped so much flesh that the mare’s internal organs began spilling out.

“Oops” Millie uttered, as she regained sanity.

She looked around, momentarily confused about what she was doing. She turned back to see only the upper half of the mare was still held in her arms and dropped into the compost bin. She had expected the foals inside to be distressed at the lost of their mother, but instead they had already started to consume her internals. Millie stared at them, still feeling a little dazed. She had abused Fluffies a couple of times now, but this was the first time she had done something so savage. It was frighteningly exhilarating.

She looked out of her fence, wondering if anyone had heard the screams of the mare. It would have been incredibly embarrassing if she had cause anybody distress, but there seemed to be nobody nearby. One of the benefits of living somewhat far away from the town. Millie shrugged, to be fair the sounds of a feral Fluffy screaming in agony was not exactly unheard of, though the blood that completely covered her hands was quite incriminating.

She headed back inside the house to wash, and found the half-eaten corpse of the deceased foal still in the hallway. She carefully picked it up and brought it to the kitchen with her. The two remaining foals were still sat on the counter top, hugging the stuffed friend tightly. Both of them had their eyes closed and were making loud chirp noises atop a puddle of piss. The second they saw Millie, covered and smelling of blood, the two foals went into a full blow panic, chirping like little alarms as they buried their faces inside the stuffed friend.

Millie ignored them. She discarded the half-eaten foal into the trash, cleaned the mess on the floor and washed her hands thoroughly in the sink. She used a lavender scented hand wash. One that left a pleasant smell on her hands and quickly allowed the two upset to find comfort in her grasp once again. Both continued crying as they hugged her fingers.

“This must be so scary for you two, huh?”

One of the foals stared at her and nodded.

“Yeah losing your daddy, mummy and all your other siblings must be tough, but don’t worry, my Fluffy will be coming here soon.”

Neither foals took comfort in her words. They continued to wail as they hugged her hand, and only began to calm down when Millie stoked their tiny foreheads. As she calmed them down, Millie looked at the clock. It was already 03:22 pm.

“Fuck” she said aloud, as she dropped the foals, causing them to wail again as they landed on the cold hard counter top.

She ignored them and washed her hand thoroughly again. Then she went to the dining table to inspect the fudge brownies. They had cooled down allowing her to cut them into bite sized pieces, and then she placed them back in the oven at a low temperature to warm them up for Alize, but she still had not made the sketti for Uphie and the foals. She looked at the box of special sketti she had given to the Fluffy family. They were not a Hasbio product, but rather some sketti that she had bought from another abuse website.

There were many who said that sketti was like a drug to Fluffies, and this guy decided to make that a reality. They found the right chemical compound to develop the Fluffy equivalent of crack and mixed it with Hasbio’s canned sketti mix. She heard a rumor that some owners were using this sketti as a way to keep their Fluffies from leaving, but from the way the foals acted, the mix was too strong, and if Uphie and her foals had it, how long would it take before they resorted to cannibalism, and how long before the severe sketti addiction would rot theirmind. This was unacceptable, Millie had a lot of horrible things planned for Uphie and her foals, and these super addictive sketties were not going to ruin it.

However, she still wanted to make sketti for her runaway and the spawns. Her darling Alize made a promise to them and she did not want her shitty little princess thinking that her lovely boyfriend was incapable of keeping such a promises. She began rummaging the cupboards and found the necessary ingredients for home made spaghetti. She grabbed one pot and heated the tomato sauces inside, while she used another pot to boil the water. Meanwhile, the two foals were still crying and pleading for her love and attention. Millie held them in her hand and stroked them gently.

“Aw. There there you two don’t cry. New mummy is here.” She spoke softly and sweetly to ease them.

“Hungwy mummah.” One foal said in a miserable tone “Wan miwkies”

“Don’t worry. Uphie, is coming home soon. She is a mother as well. She has only two children, so she will have lots of taste milk for you.”

The two foals looked at Millie, and she could see the hope in their eyes. She smiled gently and began to really sell them on Uphie.

“Uphie is such a lovely mother, and she will definitely love you two so much. She will sing for you. Give you plenty of love and hugs. She will make sure that you have toys everyday and she will make sure that you are never alone. Would you two like that?”

Of course the two foals loved it. Whatever fear and misery they may have held in their hearts, was quickly forgotten by the prospect that they were getting a new mother. One who would care and love them, just as much as their old, and as their spirits lighten, Millie encouraged them to chant the name of their new mummah.

“Mummah Uwpee! Mummah Uwpee! Mummah Uwpee!” They both cried in unison.

“Oh my god! You two are sooooo adorable!” Millie cried out with a squeal.

Both foals smiled as they reached for Millie with their forelegs out stretched. Millie picked them up and held them close to her face so that they could hug and nuzzle her chin.

“You are just going to love your new mummah Uphie. I just know it.”

They both giggled and continued chanting “Mummah Uwpee!” repeatedly, as Millie kept cheering them on. One of the foals had even gotten so happy that it started to dance on her palm. She continued to entertain them, until she noticed the pot of tomato sauce boiling, and then she toss the dancing foal into the pot. The other foal had no time to react, as she dangled it above the pot and squeezed its belly, forcing it to defecate into the spaghetti sauce, before dropping that foal into the boiling tomato sauce as well.

“Wostest burnies huwties!!!” One of the foals cried.

“Y dwop babbeh!!!” The other foal shrieked.

Both of the foals looked to her for help, trying desperately to climb out, yet only capable of flailing about. The looks of betrayal as she drowned them in the boiling sauce, still aroused and amused her, but she could not shake this feeling of annoyance, the sketti did not feel horrid enough to compare the crack laced sketti that she originally planned to serve, and then it hit her. She knew exactly what to add.

She stopped boiling the tainted tomato sauce and went to the garden shed, grabbing the tin can with the long deceased Smarty. Bringing it to the kitchen. She managed to yank the Smarty out of the tin box and then made a clean, long cut across its belly. Blood began to pour out of the cut and she drained it in the sink, before pulling out the organs and throwing them on a chopping board. She began chopping up the organs into tiny pieces and then dumped it all into the tomato sauce.

Unfortunately, she was only half way done when she heard the sound of a car slowing down just outside. She looked at the clock: 04:25 pm. Ah well she thought to herself. The brownies are done and that’s what is important. A small grin escaped her lips, as Uphie and her foals were almost here.

“This is going to be so much fun” she said to herself with a sweet smile.

First ch.
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Lore dump, because I didn’t know where else to put it:

Characteristics of an ESERS exemption carrier or EEC

Rectangular with rounded internals. Designed to be colorful to appeal to the Fluffies. The carrier was designed to comfortably house one average-sized Fluffy, partly to force Fluffy owners to buy more than one if they sought to transport more than one Fluffy outside during periods where the Cleveland act was in force, and partly to prevent pro-Fluffy activist from illegally protecting ESERS, due to limited space.

To prevent abusers from breaking in, the carrier was made of a sturdy plastic with a layer of carbon fiber. The carrier door was made of a steel alloy with a biometric lock. The ESERS exception logo also came with the additional protection of a fine, charging $1,000.00 to any individual that was caught trying to destroy an EEC without reasonable cause. (E.g. the biometric lock was damaged and my Fluffy was trapped inside).

The sides of the carrier were cushioned and had a layer of soft, colorful, pleasant scented fur to provide a Fluffy with protection and comfort, whilst the floor had a double layer of cushioning as well as thin layer of rubber to allow for the easier cleaning of bodily waste.
The top of the carrier had a built in light source, multicolored to appeal to Fluffies, with an easy slot to replace batteries and bulbs.

In-built speakers also allowed for owners to play music for their Fluffy during stressful periods.


Great story per usual, loved your content about the carrier as well.


Wonderful.I am very satisfied with this abuse. Your story has always been great.