Uphie (Part 06) [by MEY]

Uphie let out a soft huu huu inside the Fluffy carrier as she stared at nothing. It was still darkie time inside the carrier and she still had tummy hurties and coldie owwies. It had felt like so many forever and Uphie felt so tired, but it was hard to sleep. Beside the hurties and owwies, the carrier had begun to fell too tight and there was no space to properly move, plus the back of the carrier had started to smell like poopies. At least the smell place hurties from dummeh daddeh had stopped, Uphie had spent alot of time crying and begging the owwies to go away before it finally did, not that it made her feel any better.

All this pain and discomfort was nothing to Uphie in comparison to the realization that mummah no longer loved nor wanted her. Mummah was going to send her to a shelter, because she had a new Fluffy, her own babbeh: Gweenie babbeh, or Wewe as mummah called her. It was unbelievable and it broke Uphie’s heart. All that effort to find mummah. Walking through the scawy fowest, running from munstahs, dealing with the dummeh herd, dealing with dummeh daddeh. She had endured through so much just to get back to her mummah, and this was how she was repaid? Betrayed by her own babbeh and abandoned by her own mummah. She would have been furious if she wasn’t so distressed.

She let out another pathetic whimper and another set of hu hu hu. It was the only thing she could do. There was nothing left. The good life she dreamed of getting back had yet again become a dream and all that was waiting for her was that horrifying shelter. She had finally remembered the name: Fwuffy Heww. It was all about the life of Fluffies living in a shelter. The cages. The fighting. The Smartys. She remembered that Fluffy who got turned into a pillow Fwuff, then an enfie Fwuff, and then a poopie-enfie Fwuffy. Uphie remembered that it was so scary that mummah got so angry and started shouting at the teebee, so how could mummah think to send her there now?

Simple. Mummah did not love her. Gweenie. No, Wewe, was a wuv theiw that stole of mummah’s wuv and huggies. What a terrible, ungrateful babbeh. She had done so much for Gweenie Wewe. So much. Who went out to find nummies fo Gweenie Wewe even though it was scary and hard? Uphie did. Who ran away to protect Gweenie Wewe from munstahs? Uphie did. Who brought Gweenie Wewe to mummah housie? Uphie did. Without Uphie, Gweenie Wewe would never have met mummah, and yet Gweenie Wewe went ahead and stole her mummah’s mummah. Gweenie Wewe was the worst babbeh ever.

But again, it was hard to feel angry when all Uphie could feel was dejection. The only comfort was that she had her Bestest babbeh. She stared at Bestest babbeh, her cute foal was nuzzled next to her, barely seen in the darkie time, but still visible. It brought her strength knowing that she at least had one good babbeh, and as she thought about it, she realized that she would need to work hard to protect Bestest babbeh in the shelter, or could she perhaps convince mummah to not send Uphie and Bestest babbeh? Was that possible? How?

While Uphie continued to think of ways to convince mummah, she heard the door open and she tensed up. Who was coming? Dummeh daddeh or mummah? There was a sound. A swiiioosh and then suddenly it was bright time, well kind off. Uphie could see the inside of the carrier and the wall in front of her, and then she felt the carrier get picked up. She continued to remain tense, straining her senses in an attempt to decipher who it was. She could not see anything and she could not hear anything, but she smelt something nice. It smelt of flowers. It smelt of mummah.

She looked at Bestest babbeh with determination. Bestest babbeh was still asleep and she was going to do everything she could to make sure that they don’t get sent to a shelter. She continued looking out of the shelter waiting for mummah to come. She felt the carrier get put down and saw she was on some kind of table, and from one of the small gaps in the carrier, she could see the no see wall and the bwight time light from outside. It was bwight time? She heard something move from outside and Uphie turned back to the cage door, and there she was.

“Mummah!” Uphie cried out with glee.

The mare scampered up to the cage gate and placed her hooves on the bars. Stupid door. If they weren’t in her way, she would have run up to mummah for huggies. Uphie began rattle on the door. She wanted out. She wanted to hug mummah. She looked at mummah with pleading eyes.

“Pwease wet Uwpee ou Fwuffy cawwiew mummah”

Mummah had an elbow on the table and her head in her hand, and she was holding a cup on the other hand. More importantly, she looked unhappy. She had a frown and said nothing, as she suddenly pushed one of Uphie’s hooves back in the carrier.

“Mu… Mummah?” Uphie repeated hesitantly.

Uphie began to feel scared and sad again. That’s right, mummah didn’t love her anymore. She had been replaced. She backed up a bit and lowered her head, resting it on the floor, as she continued to look at mummah and give her most saddest yet cutest look, along with a faint whimper. She wasn’t sure how to do it, but she needed to get back mummah’s wuv and make sure that mummah did not send her to the shelter. For her and for Bestest babbeh.

“Uphie…” Mummah suddenly.

She spoke softly yet Uphie could not help but smile a little bit at the hearing mummah speak her name. Unfortunately, the moment was ruined by Bestest babbeh who had awoken from all this commotion and was fuming at the sight of mummah’s mummah outside the cage gate. Bestest babbeh woke up with violence in the mind and began hitting on the bars of the cage gate with her front hooves.

“Dummeh mummah mummah, wet Bestest babbeh n mummah out of boxie wite nao!”

Uphie began to panic and she quickly covered Bestest babbeh’s talky place. Bestest babbeh was still screaming and squirming, but could do nothing more than make a muffled fuss, as Uphie berated her for calling mummah’s mummah a dummeh. Uphie wanted to apologize to mummah as well, but sadly mummah was already gone. Uphie couldn’t believe it. Her chance to convince mummah. Ruined by Bestest babbeh. She threw Bestest babbeh to the side.

“Dummeh Bestest babbeh” She snarled “Mummah n mummah mummah twy talkie bu Bestest babbeh mak woud noisie n mummah mummah wun away!”

Bestest babbeh gave her an indignant look and began to pout as she stared at Uphie, stomping one hoof in annoyance. Uphie would have found it cute if she wasn’t so mad at Bestest babbeh.

“Bestest babbeh nu am dummeh!” Bestest babbeh screeched “Dummeh mummah y gib Bestest babbeh hurties n heawt hurties!”

Uphie glared at Bestest babbeh. Dummeh mummah? Unbelievable. Gweenie Wewe stole mummah and now her Bestest babbeh called her a dummeh. What did she do to deserve such bad babbehs? She remembered her life in the forest. She could not really remember how most of her babbehs died, but Oddah Bestest did not follow mummah when she was running from the munstah and Bwue babbeh was such a dummeh who wanted a nyu mummah. Did she not have any good babbehs?

Her thoughts were interrupted by mummah, who had come back. She was sitting down again and looking at Uphie with a smile, and Uphie immediately knew what to do. She quickly ran up to the bars of the cage gate and gave mummah her biggest smile, then quickly bowed down.

“Uwpee sowwi mummah! Dummeh Bestest babbeh so woud n mak mummah wun away. Uwpee sowwi n wiww teww dummeh tu nu tu…”

Unluckily for her, Bestest babbeh had not gotten the message and immediately ran to the bars of the cage again, hitting the cage gate and screaming.

“Dummeh mummah mummah! Mak mummah gib Bestest babbeh hurties! Wet out wite nao!”

Uphie saw red. How dare her Bestest babbeh call her mummah a dummeh. How dare Bestest babbeh shout at her mummah. How dare Bestest babbeh not listen to her. This was too much and Uphie raised one hoof ready to stomp on Bestest babbeh’s face, but she was interuptted by mummah suddenly opening the cage and grabbing Bestest babbeh. Uphie watched as mummah held Bestest babbeh and mummah was holding something else. It looked very familiar. It was a circle boxie, but not just any circle boxie, it was the circle boxie that Uphie came from.

“Uphie you don’t mind if I keep Bestest babbeh in your can for while do you? I wanna have a private chat with you, if that’s okay.”

Uphie nodded and gave Bestest babbeh a scoff. Of course she wouldn’t mind. Bestest babbeh was a bad foal who did not listen to her orders, so she did not care about Bestest babbeh. She could see the look of betrayal on Bestest babbeh’s face and thought to herself that this was rightly justified, as mummah placed Bestest babbeh in the can. Mummah sealed the can and brought it out of the room, and when mummah came back she no longer had Bestest babbeh or the can.

“Wewwe… Wewee Bestest babbeh?” She asked hesitantly.

“I left her in the living room. Don’t worry daddy will look after her.” Mummah said with that cold smile.

“Dummeh daddeh?”

Even if Uphie was angry with Bestest babbeh, she still loved her foal very much and the thought of leaving her foal with that meanie munstah terrified her. She was about to protest, but suddenly felt mummah grip her talky place tightly. She stared at mummah in horror and could see the rage in mummah’s frown and the coldness in mummah’s eyes.

“I thought I taught you not to call your daddeh a dummeh.” Mummah said coldly

“Bu… Bu… Daddeh iz dummeh n meanie munstah. Gib…”

She felt a cold hard slap across her cheek and she looked at her mummah in disbelief. This was the first time in her life that she ever got ouchies from her mummah and she began to cry.


Another slap. This one felt harder. It hurt more and Uphie could only look at mummah in disbelief.


A third slap. Just as hard and just as painful. Uphie began to cry and she began to shake terrible, as mummah placed two fingers just under her see places.

“One more word Uphie and I’ll make sure you have no more eyes. Nod if you understand.”

Uphie was freaking out. Mummah had never done this to her before. Threaten to take away her see places, and no less in such a frightening fashion. She was scared and panicking yet held enough comprehension to listen. Nodding quickly without a single word. The correct response for mummah suddenly smiled and let go of her face. She pet Uphie roughly and lightly tapped Uphie’s smell place. Not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to make Uphie wince and back away in pain.

“Well would you look at that Uphie, you not as stupid as I remembered.” Mummah said cruelly.

More tears fell down Uphie’s face. She could not understand why mummah was being so mean and it hurt her so much.


Another painful slap, one so strong that it sent Uphie crashing onto the table and before Uphie could react, mummah grabbed her face and pressed her fingers just under Uphie’s see places, pressing so hard that it was starting to hurt.

“Mummah! Mummah! No pwease!” Uphie begged.

“What did I say about saying anything?”

“Mummah! Uwpee sowwi. Uwpee sowwi!”

Mummah sighed again. She let go of Uphie and stood up. Mummah looked annoyed and she was rubbing her thinky place.

“I’m sorry Uphie. I forgot how much of an idiot you were. Let me start slow.”

Uphie put her head down in shame, as more tears fell. Mummah was being so mean. It gave Uphie so many heawt hurties.

“Y mummah be su meanie” She whimpered.

Mummah sighed again and sat back down, and she pet Uphie’s mane. It was painful and rough, but Uphie said nothing in fear of making mummah angry again.

“Let me put in simple. You call daddeh a dummeh again and I continue being mean. Understand?”

Uphie nodded. “Undestan mummah” she said as cute as she could.

She adopted a more submissive pose. Head low and butt up, shaking her tail and giving mummah her cutest look. She hoped that it might make mummah nicer to her, but mummah did not smile, in fact she looked grossed out.

“Uphie your not a baby Fluffy anymore. Stop acting like one, it’s gross.”

Uphie stopped and looked down again. She felt hurt and embarrassed being called gross and continued looking down at the table, as she asked “Bu… Bu Uwpee am mummah foebah babbeh?”

“I seem to recall you ran away because you didn’t want to be my forever baby.”

That certainly shut Uphie up. Mummah was right. She did run away, but not because she didn’t want to be mummah’s foevah babbeh, but because mummah was being a dummeh meanie and didn’t let Uphie have babbehs. Mummah continued talking, asking “Oh! What was that line again. Babies make everything better, right?”

Uphie looked at mummah in surprise. That’s right babbeh mak ebeting bettah. It was Uphie’s favorite line. The reason she had run away and the line that had once given her strength.

“Does everything feel better Uphie?”

Uphie shook her head. Nothing was better. Ever since her babbehs came, nothing had gotten better. She began to cry. She had run away and worked so hard and still nothing had gotten better. She looked at her mummah with tears in her eyes and she tried to hug her mummah, but mummah began to push her away. It broke Uphie and she began to throw a tantrum. This was so unfair, mummah was being a meanie, even though Uphie suffered so much. She began to stomp her hooves on the ground. Mummah was being such a meanie and it was probably because she did not understand what Uphie went through, she needed to tell mummah how hard life was and how much she struggled. She did not care that mummah did not want her to make talksie and she did not care that mummah was being a meanie munstah. She just wanted mummah to listen.

“Mummah nu faiw! Mummah nu kno wat Uwpee du in outsie. Uwpee be bestest mummah fo babbehs n twy so hawd fo babbeh n wook so much fo housie. Uwpee twy so hawd n fin housie n mummah being dummeh meanie munstah!”

Mummah looked at her coldly and she looked really scary, but suddenly her eyes looked sad and she sighed softly.

“Okay Uphie. You wanna go that path? Fine. Tell me how hard life was as a feral Fluffy?”

Uphie couldn’t believe it. Finally! A chance to show her mummah how hard she had worked to bring her foals to mummah. Finally, and after telling mummah how hard she struggled, mummah was bound to be nice to her again. She was so excited, and like a child trying to show their parents their creation, she told mummah everything she remembered, starting from when she first ran away.

She talked about Sanny and how it was just Sanny and her for a while. Sanny taught her so much and Sanny was her bestest friend. Then after so many bwight times and darkie times, they met Sanny’s herd and met Sanny’s special friend. Uphie shared how cute Sanny’s foals were and how she really wanted a special friend, but there was none in Sanny’s herd, so she waited and after so many more bwight times and darkie times, her herd met another herd and she finally had a special friend.

She talked about how wonderful and kind special friend was and how scared she was when the barkie munstahs attacked one darkie time. Then it was just her, special friend and her soon babbehs. She talked about how hard it was in the nestie, how she lost so many of her foals. She talked about how she walked around to find mummah, ran away from munstahs, lost Oddah Bestest, met that dummeh herd and how ungrateful Bwue babbeh was, and how she reached daddeh, and how she finally got daddeh to bring her here. To mummah.

After she finished her story, she raised her head up high and puffed out her chest. She felt so brave, so smart and so strong. She really was the bestest mummah and surely her mummah would see that and forgive Uphie for running away, right? She began to grow less confident when she noticed that mummah was still not smiling, in fact mummah look bored.

“That’s it? That’s eight months worth as a feral shit pig?”

Uphie had no idea what eight months meant, but it hurt being called a feral shit pig, and she looked down in shame. The story did not work. Mummah was still being a meanie munstah.

“So basically your story can be summed up as, you only survived because you were completely reliant on Sanny and your special friend, and when you finally started living on your own, you lost seven of your nine children. Two to birth and five to being a bad mother.”

Uphie looked down in shame.

“Am nut bad mummah” she tried to mutter.

“Oh? But didn’t Bestest call you a dummy? I don’t think good mothers get called a dummy by their foals, but I do have to agree, you are a dummy.”

Mummah’s wordies hurt just as bad as the owwies she gave, and yet she had no retort. It made her so sad and made her so angry, but Uphie knew that mummah was right, she had so many foals at the start and now she only had two, and both were such bad babbehs. Uphie had nothing. She could only look down in shame.

“Do you wanna hear what happened to me when you ran away?” Mummah suddenly asked.

Uphie looked back in confusion and thought about it, what did mummah mean? Wasn’t mummah just the same after Uphie ran away? But mummah might be nicer if she listened, so Uphie nodded

“O…oke” Uphie manged to mutter weakly between her shame.

“Well. I’ll keep it short and simple for you. Hmm… Let me think. Okay! I know. Okay so you ran away. Did you know that I was sad when you left?”

Uphie looked at her mummah meekly and thought about it carefully. Heawt hurties? She did remember daddeh did mention that mummah had heawt hurties, but she never really thought about it, and Uphie looked back down in guilt, after she realized that she had give mummah heawt hurties.

“Well I was so sad that I couldn’t sleep. I was so sad that I couldn’t eat. I was so sad that I couldn’t talk. I was so sad that I wanted to die.”

Uphie looked at her mummah in horror at the realization that mummah’s heawt hurties were so bad that she wanted forever sleepies. A feeling of immense guilt quickly overwhelmed Uphie and she began to tap her hoof on the floor, as she looked down in shame. She approached mummah timidly and began to nuzzle mummah. Only to be pushed away again.

“Oh you don’t want to hear anymore?” Mummah asked.

Uphie nodded. She really didn’t. She was feeling a lot of heawt hurties and she wanted it to stop. She just wanted mummah to be nice to her again. She continued to look down in shame, and heard mummah scoff. She winced feeling more heawt hurties from such and whimpered a little bit. It would seem that no matter what she did, mummah would never wuv her again. With her head kept low, she turned around and walked back into the Fluffy carrier, and laid down.

“Oh?” Mummah responded “Are you running away again?”

Uphie did not respond. She was had too many heawt hurties. It would seem that there was nothing she could do to make mummah wuv her again.

“So you’re okay with going to a shelter?” Mummah asked curiously.

No response. Uphie had nothing. She never had any plan to convince mummah to not bring her to the shelter. She thought that she might just talk to mummah and show her cuteness, but it would seem that mummah really did not wuv her anymore and gave her mummah so many heawt hurties. She was a bad Fluffy and there was nothing she could do to convince mummah otherwise.

“Okay then” mummah replied “Well I suppose its not all bad. At least you brought me one nice thing…”

Uphie’s ears perked up. A compliment? She was desperate for even a single nice word from mummah and though she was still faced away from mummah, she listened intently.

“… At least you got me Veve. What a cute green foal she is.”

Uphie’s heart broke and she began to sob on her front leggies. That was it?! That was what mummah was happy about? That Uphie had brought dummeh Gweenie Veve? This was the worse. This was so unfair. Why? Why? WHY? She stood up and quickly got out of the Fluffy carrier, facing her mummah, she began to pout and tap her hooves on the table.

“Gweenie Wewe am dummeh babbeh n woud n bad babbeh!” She screamed.

She refused to believe that she had been replaced by her dummeh Gweenie Wewe. That was her babbeh. Not mummah’s babbeh. She was mummah’s babbeh.

“Gweenie Wewe am Uwpee’s babbeh! Uwpee am mummah’s babbeh!” she stated, reaffirming her stance

Mummah had a frown and she rolled her eyes. That was so mean, and it just made Uphie madder. She stomped her hoof on the table a couple of times and stared at mummah angrily.

“No mak wollie see pwace!” She demanded.

Mummah sighed and smiled “Okay Uphie so Veve is your daughter right?”

Daughter? Uphie thought about it. What was a daughter?

“Gweenie Wewe am Uwpee babbeh.” Uphie stated in matter of fact tone

Mummah sighed again and rolled her eyes. Uphie was going to say something, but mummah tapped a finger on Uphie’s talky place.

“Okay. Veve is your baby, right?”

Uphie nodded. Yes. She was. Mummah was starting to understand.

“And you are my baby, right?”

Uphie began to smile and nod energetically. Yes. Yes. YES. Finally mummah was getting it.

“So how would you feel if I called you a dummy, loud and a bad baby?”

Uphie looked at mummah with shock. How rude! Why was mummah so rude.

“Nu wike” Uphie replied with a whimper

“So how do you think Veve would feel about you calling her a dummy, loud and a bad baby?”

Uphie thought about it and it suddenly occurred to her that perhaps she was a bit rude to Gweenie Veve, but then again, Gweenie Wewe was a bad babbeh. So it was different.

“Nu Gweenie Wewe am bad babbeh n wuv thiew n nu cawe bout mummah wike Bestest babbeh!”

Mummah had sat back on her chair and she had a little smile. Did she like this? Did mummah like Uphie talking bad about her Gweenie Wewe.

“Gweenie Wewe…”

“Veve” Mummah suddenly mentioned.


“It’s Veve, Uphie. Not Gweenie Veve. Not Gweenie babbeh. Ve… ve…”

Uphie nodded and repeated after mummah “We… we…”

Mummah smiled “Good girl! Continue.”

Uphie smiled proudly at the compliment and nodded. She was finally feeling close to mummah again and began to shake her bum in excitement, as she prepared to rant about Veve.

“Wewe am noiwy babbeh n too woud dat owange bawkie munstah tak Oddah Bestest, n Wewe nu stwong n bwave wike Bestest babbeh n Wewe awwways cwy n wen mummah hab hurties, Bestest babbeh awwways cawe bout mummah bu Wewe nu cawe about mummah!”

Uphie noticed that mummah had a smile. It was kind of scary, but it was a smile nonetheless and Uphie was happy to take it. She was going to continue, but mummah suddenly raised a hand, and her smile turned back into a frown.

“Mummah?” She asked

“You really are a bad mother…”

“Nuuuuuu!” Uphie shouted in protest “Uwpee am nu bad mummah!”

“Don’t worry Uphie. It’s my fault. Clearly I never raised you right. I raised you as my baby, when I should have raised you to be a fully grown girl.”

Uphie looked at her mummah in confusion. She was not really sure what mummah was saying, but she did not like it. She still wanted to be mummah’s forever baby and placed a hoofsie of mummah’s hand gently.

“Nu wan. Wan be mummah forebah babbeh.”

Mummah swiped away Uphie’s hoofsie and Uphie backed away once again, looking down in tears.

“Uphie. Babies don’t have their own babies. You are a mother now whether you like it or not. Understand?”

Uphie nodded. She didn’t really understand. Why couldn’t she be a mummah and still be mummah’s babbeh, but she didn’t want mummah calling her a dummeh again or some other meanie words, so she just nodded.

“Good!” Mummah replied “Clearly it is my fault that you became such a bad mother and it is my responsibility to teach you up to be a good mother, so with that in mind I won’t be sending you to the shelter.”

There was a lot of big words that Uphie did not really understand, but what she did understand was that mummah was not sending her to the Fluffy shelter and she could not believe her ears. She stared at mummah wide eyed and had a big smile, as she bounced around happily.

“Weally mummah?! Nu shetew?!”

Mummah nodded, and Uphie wanted to hug her, but again mummah pushed her away. It gave her heawt hurties that mummah still did not want to give wuv and huggies, but at least mummah was not sending her to sheter now.

“Oh, but from now on you cannot call me mummah. Call me Landlady” Mummah suddenly said

“Wand… wand wady?” Uphie repeatedly hesitantly.

“There you go!”

Uphie gave mummah an incredulously look. Why was she not allowed to call mummah, mummah anymore? What was a wand wady? Did this mean mummah was no longer Uphie’s mummah?

“Nu wike” Uphie muttered “nu wike caww mummah, Wand wady.”

“Too bad Uphie. You can’t call me mummah after you ran away.”

Uphie wanted to protest, but she knew better, there was no point. Mummah was being a meanie who did not listen.

“Mummah…” she muttered

“Landlady!” Mummah interrupted

Uphie looked down with a frown. This was annoying. She did not want to call mummah, wand wady. Mummah was mummah simple as that, and it filled her with heawt hurties calling mummah, wand wady. But then she thought about it. What would mummah do if she kept calling mummah, mummah?

“Mummah…” Uphie muttered timidly

“Landlady.” Mummah said with a frown

“Mummah.” Uphie said, this time with more conviction.

“Landlady.” Mummah replied again.

“Mummah!” Uphie said boldly.

She stood on all four and locked eyes with mummah. She was not going to back down. She was going to call mummah, mummah and there was nothing mummah could do about it. She would immediatly regret it, when mummah suddenly flicked her smell place. Again her body was filled with the worstest hurties and she let out some scardy poopies and scardy peepees as she screamed in pain.

“Landlady” she heard mummah say, and she could only look back in horror.

Suddenly mummah flicked her smell place again, and again came the worstest hurties.

“Landlady” mummah said again.

Uphie saw mummah ready to flick her smell place again, and she quickly tried to hide her smell place with her front hoofies, but mummah suddenly punched her hoofsies with in turn hit her smell place and gave even more hurties. She let out a loud scream, as she tumbled into the Fluffy carrier and writhed around in pain as the hurties spread all across her body.

“Wand wady!” She screamed “Wand wady!”

She did not know how Wand wady responded. She was too busy screaming for the hurties to go away and it felt like forever until the owwies left. When she got back on her feet, Wand wady was gone and Bestest babbeh was in front of her, she was inside her old housie can. Bestest babbeh was trapped inside with some poopies and peepes, and she was panicking while she tried hitting on the housie can with her hoofsies.

“Mummah!” Bestest babbeh screamed “Hewp Bestest babbeh, nu can get out”

“Mummah hewp!” Uphie exclaimed in a panic

She began hitting on the housie can with her own hooves. It was not hard enough to break the housie can, but it was just enough to make housie can fall onto its side, and suddenly housie can began to roll of the table.

“Nu nu nu nu!” Uphie screamed, as she tried to stop the housie can from rolling.

However, it was not enough and the housie can fell. Uphie screamed in a panic, when suddenly mummah appeared next to her and grabbed housie can, placing it back on the table.

“Mu…” Uphie was about to say.

She stopped mid-sentence, covering her smell place with her hooves.

“Wand wady” She muttered quietly, correcting herself.

Wand wady did not smile, but she did give Uphie a nod and pet Uphie’s mane. That made Uphie a little bit happy, but not that much, she really did not like calling mummah, Wand wady, but she was scared of Wand wady giving her smell place more hurties.

“Tank yu… Wand wady, can Wand wady wet Bestest babbeh out of housie can?”

Wand wady shook her head.

“Not yet Uphie. I still have something to teach you, and you’ve already proven that fear and pain are excellent motivators for learning.”

Uphie looked at Wand wady in confused fright. How was that supposed to work? She did not understand, but she did understand that Wand wady was saying some very terrifying things.

“Pwease mu… Wand wady. Uwpee am nu dummeh fwuffy, nu need scaries and hurties fow learnies.”

“Oh? Is that so Uphie? Okay, let’s put it to the test.”

Wand wady suddenly put something in front of Uphie. It was circular and kind of heavy, and it was yellow but more sparkly. It looked like a nummie, but when Uphie licked it, it did not taste yummy and she looked at Wand wady in confusion.

“Wat am dis… Wand wady?”

“That is one Happy Coin, Uphie”

“Wan Hwappy Cwoin?”

“That’s right! Very good Uphie”

Uphie broke out into smile. Very good? Very good? Mummah just called her very good! She stared at mummah. No! Wand wady and sat on her rump. She was ready to show Wand wady that she was a good Fluffy, and she was ready for more compliments, but Bestest babbeh ruined her focus, banging on the housie can and screaming “Bestest babbeh wan out wite noa!”

“Uphie do you think you can tell your Bestest babbeh to be quiet?” Wand wady asked politely.

Uphie nodded and turned to Bestest babbeh. “Bestest babbeh be gud fwuffy n nu be woud okay?”

Bestest babbeh gave her a shocked look and began tapping the sides of housie can with her hoofsies.

“Nu!” She screamed “Wet out wite nao!”

Uphie couldn’t believe it. Bestest babbeh was not listening to her now? She turned to mummah in embarrassment and noticed mummah frowning. That caused her to panic and she began tapping the housie can in anger.

“Dummeh Bestest babbeh, mummah teww yu nu woud n yu nu wisten mummah!”

Bestest babbeh began to panic as Uphie began hitting the housie can, and suddenly the housie can fell on its side again. It began to roll and in rage, Uphie began pushing the housie can towards the end of the table. Bestest babbeh realized what her mummah was doing and began pleading to Uphie.

“Nu mummah! Nu mummah! Bestest babbeh sowwi! Be gud babbeh. Be gud babbeh.”

Uphie stopped pushing and looked at mummah with pride. See! She was a good mummah. She got Bestest babbeh to say sorry and be a good babbeh. She was so absorbed with self-praise that she did not notice that the housie can was still rolling, until she saw mummah suddenly grab the housie can before it fell, placing it back on the table.

“Bestest babbeh!” Uphie screamed, as she ran to the housie can

Bestest babbeh backed away as far as she could in the can, trembling with fears in her eyes. It made Uphie feel so guilty and she hugged the housie can.

“Pwease mummah!” She pleaded “Wet Bestest babbeh out of housie can?”

“Mummah?” Wand wady questioned.

Uphie began to panic. Oh no no no. She quickly turned away from Wand wady and covered her smell place.

“Wand wady! Wand wady!” She screamed, desperately hoping for no hurties.

Fortunately, Wand wady did not give hurties. In fact she gave Uphie upsies, carrying Uphie in one arm and the housie can in the other hand. Uphie was so happy. Did she finally do it? Was showing mummah what a good mummah she was and remembering to call mummah, Wand wady, enough? Was this enough for mummah to wuv her forever baby again? It had to be, right? That’s why mummah was giving her upsies, right? There was no other explanation and she began to hum in excitement as mummah carried her out of the room and into a bigger room, where dummeh daddeh was watching teebee, and it was not just dummeh daddeh. Gweenie Wewe was watching teebee as well. No fair!

“Gweenie Wewe?!” Uphie uttered incredulously.

Gweenie Wewe saw her and hid behind daddeh. What? Why? Was Gweenie Wewe scared? Well she should be. Uphie had not forgotten that Gweenie Wewe was her replacement and the reason that mummah was being such a meanie munstah. She began to struggle, trying to break free of mummah so that she could confront Gweenie Wewe.

“Stop it right now Uphie!” Mummah suddenly commanded.

Uphie looked back at mummah in fear. Oh no. Mummah was getting mad at her, just when mummah had started become nice to her. She immediately stopped struggling.

“Sowwi mummah…” she replied quietly

“Landlady” mummah replied back coldly.

“Wand wady! Wand wady!” Uphie exclaimed in a panic

Uphie was quick to protect her smell place, as mummah put her on some kind of table. She looked around and knew where this was. This was where mummah made nummies and sketties, but why was she putting Bestest babbeh and the housie can in the wawa place.

“M… Wand wady? Y put Bestest babbeh in wawa place fo cweaning nummies?”

“So that you can learn” mummah replied.

Uphie was confused and continued to look at mum… Wand wady as she opened the housie can. Well at least she was freeing Bestest babbeh, but why was she not letting Bestest babbeh out? Uphie began to realize that something was wrong when mummah began to fill the housie can with wawa, while Bestest babbeh was still inside.

“Wawa bad fo babbeh!” Uphie and Bestest babbeh screamed in unison.

Mu… Wand wady closed the housie can, causing both Uphie and Bestest babbeh to panic. Bestest babbeh had started cry and Uphie began to tap on wand wady’s arm.

“Pwease mu… Wand wady. Wawa bad fo babbehs nu gud tu keep in housie can”

“Shush Uphie” Wand wady said firmly.

Uphie nodded and kept her hooves over her talky place to signal that she understood. However, Bestest babbeh was still screaming.

“Lize baby. Do you know how to leak proof these foal in cans?” Wand wady asked.

Dummeh daddeh approached and inspected the housie can. Leak proof? What did that mean? If m… Wand wady asked dummeh daddeh, then it could not be good and Uphie began to tap her hoof nervously.

“Nu…” she wimpered.

Wand wady n dummeh daddeh ignored her. Dummeh daddeh was too busy looking at the housie can and Wand wady was too busy looking at daddeh. This made Uphie jealous. She wanted m… Wand wady to look at her.

“Mummah…” she muttered

Suddenly Wand wady grabbed her mane and lifted her up.

“Bad upsie!” Uphie screamed, as she felt hair pulling against her body.

She was left dangling by the hair for a while, as Wand wady dragged her out of the housie. She recognized the place it was the pway gawden and mummah brought her to the little housie. Placing her on some table.

“Y mummah gib Uwpee hurties?” She moaned.

Uphie quickly realized her mistake and protected her smell place with her hoofies as she stared at wand wady in fear.

“Wand wady! Wand wady!” She quickly shouted.

Wand wady did not say anything. She just left the little housie for a few seconds and then suddenly she came back, tossing a foal next to her. Uphie looked at the foal curiously, tapping it with her hoofie. It smelt like forever sleepy babbeh, and it was hard and cold. She back away when she realized it really was a forever sleepy babbeh.

“Mummah?!” She asked in horror.

She quickly realized her mistake, but before she could correct it, Wand wady suddenly stuffed the forever sleepy foal in her talky place. She wanted to scream, she wanted to spit the forever sleepy foal, but Wand wady closed her talky place with sticky paper, and the sticky paper also wrapped around her smell place, making her smell place have hurties as well. She tried to remove it, but it was too sticky and she began to squirm about in a panic, look at Wand wady desperately for help.

“Mmmm mmmm! Mmmm mmmm! Mmmm mmmm!”

She had tried screaming Wand wady numerous time, but the words were not coming out her talky place.

“Shush, or I’ll put Bestest babbeh in your talky place next.” Wand wady replied coldly.

Uphie could only nod. She place her hoofies over her talky place and just kept nodding. She could feel the forever sleepy babbeh slipping down her talky place and it disgusted her, so she kept her head down to stop the forever sleepy babbeh from going into her tummy.

“Oh? You don’t like the foal in your talky place?” Wand wady asked

Uphie nodded slightly. Enough to show mummah she hated it, but careful not to let the forever sleepy babbeh slide down her tummy. She also began to lie down, keeping as straight as possible, but Wand wady picked her up and brought her back into the housie. Uphie dared not move and dared not speak. She dared not to do anything in fear that the forever sleepy babbeh would slide down her tummy.

Wand wady brought Uphie back to the nummie making place where dummeh daddeh was still doing stuff to the housie. Bestest babbeh was still inside, still trying to get out and still screaming, but she could not really hear Bestest babbeh. It was like Bestest babbeh was speaking somewhere far away. Muffled and no matter how hard Uphie tried to listen, she could not understand what Bestest babbeh was saying. Was it due to the sticky paper that dummeh daddeh had wrapped around the housie can.

“I sealed the whole can with water proof tape.” She heard daddeh say “It should prevent any leakage and as an added bonus it kinda sound proof the thing…”

Wand wady suddenly kissed dummeh daddeh in the cheek, and Uphie could only look down. She remembered a time when mummah would kiss her thinky place for anything she did. She wished she could go back to those times. She wished she never ran away.

“Thanks Lize. You’re such a doll.”

She heard dummeh daddeh make some weird laugh and looked down in disgust. It pissed her off how nice mummah was to dummeh daddeh, but so mean to her, it was seriously unfair. However, maybe if she listened to mu… Wand wady and did what Wand wady said, maybe Wand wady would be nicer to her again? She thought about it, as Wand wady walked to another room, with the housie can and Bestest babbeh in hand.

“Oh!” She heard dummeh daddeh say “Uh… I had to seal all the air holes, so you won’t have much time before Bestest babbeh suffo… Uh … Chissoku suru.”

“Nihongo jouzu. How long?” Wand wady replied.

“um… I dunno, maybe like 30 minutes?”

Uphie did not understand, but she noticed Wand wady smiling, so dummeh daddeh was probably just saying some kind of joke or something. Regardless, she was finally getting some alone time with Wand wady. She was back in the room with the boxies and the Fluffy carrier and as she looked around, she noticed something. The colorful floor, the walls that looked like a pretty sky and even the pretty table. She was not in any old room, she was in her safe room.

Her eyes widened in realization and as soon as Wand wady placed her on the table, she began to walk around and explore her surroundings. The no see wall had the same view of the forest she remembered from so long ago and there was those soft white things on the wall that stopped her from getting hurties if she hit them, but at the same thing, there was so much missing. Her castle bed, her ball pit and slide, her toys and her TV. This was her safe room, but also not her safe room?

“Focus” Wand wady suddenly said.

Uphie quickly looked at her and nodded vigorous, but she quickly toned down as she felt the forever sleepy babbeh sliding down her talky place. She kept her head down, to make sure the forever sleepy babbeh did not go into her tummy and quickly laid down, as Wand wady placed the can housie with Bestest babbeh next to her. Wand wady also put down the weird heavy, circle, sparkly yellow thingy done.

“This is one Happy Coin” Wand wady said, pointing at the heavy, circle, sparkly yellow thingy.

“Hwwmm Huoi” she tried to say.

“Good. Now I said I was going to treat you like an adult, and I am going to do just that. One thing you need to know is how important these Happy Coins are. Nod if you understand.”

Uphie did not understand, but she nodded anyways, hoping that the faster they finished this, the faster Wand wady would remove the forever sleepy babbeh from her talky place and the smell place hurties. Wand wady was giving her a suspicious look, but shrugged and continued.

“One thing you will learn about real life is that you need to work to live.”

Work? What was work? Uphie did not know, but again she nodded slightly, to pretend that she did understand and she noticed Wand wady roll her eyes, which hurt and made Uphie feel like a dummeh, but she could not say anything and dared not do anything.

“To put it simply. I will not be giving you anything for free. If you want anything you need to pay me. Food, toys, bed, cleaning, a roof over your head. You need to pay me and in order to pay me you need to work. ”

Uphie still had no clue what Wand wady was talking about, but continued to nod her head. However, she noticed Wand wady was still frowning.

“God I’m making this too complicate aren’t I?” Wand wady said “Okay! Let’s make this simple.”

Wand wady pointed at the heavy, circle, sparkly yellow thing again “Happy coin.”

“You do stuff for me and I give you Happy coin. You give me Happy coin for… Um… What do you call it? Oh right! Nummies, toysies… Uh… Huggies and wuv.”

Uphie immediately nodded. She actually understood this time, and pushed forward the Happy Coin towards Wand wady. She then stood up and stretched her front leggies for huggies. A Happy Coin for a Huggie. This was what Wand wady was talking about, right? It would see that she was correct, as she noticed mummah nodding in approval and then it happened. Mummah reached in and gave her a hug. Uphie practically melted as she felt mummah’s softness and warmth. It was so good and Uphie tried to cling even harder, as mummah pulled away. She wanted the huggie to last longer, but it would seem that was it, and she looked around for more Happy Coins.

“Well what do you know. You actually do have a brain Uphie” Mummah said “And now I feel stupid for having Bestest babbeh sealed in the can. Let’s get that foal out of your talky place shall we?”

Uphie nodded excited and as she moved her head up and down, when she suddenly felt the foal slide down her throat and get stuck. She began to panic, as she struggled to breath and began trying to scream as she squirmed around. Wand wady did not understand and looked at her in confusion. Uphie tried to show that she was choking tapping her neck and it seemed that mummah finally understood.

“Lize! Lize! Help!” Mummah screamed

Dummeh daddeh came running in “What’s wrong?!”

“Hold her down!”

Dummeh daddeh looked just as confused as her, but he suddenly grabbed Uphie and kept her still. This made Uphie panic, as she tried to breathe. Mummah suddenly pulled out some sharp looking thing.

“Keep her head still so I can cut the tape” mummah

Dummeh daddeh held her head still. She tried to break free, but his grip was too strong, and Uphie was helpless as mummah began cutting the stick paper, only capable of making scaredy poopies and peepees, as she struggled to breath. Suddenly the sticky paper broke and Uphie could open her talky placesie. She tried to cough, but could feel her throat blocked, when she felt a painful slap to her back. It caused her to scream so loudly that the forever sleepy babbeh came flying out, landing on the floor.

“What the fuck?!” Dummeh daddeh said aloud.

“Fuck! That could have ruined everything” Mummah muttered

Dummeh daddeh looked so confused and mummah was rubbing her thinky place with a big frown, and as for Uphie. Well she had enough. This was all too much.

“Nu mow! Nu mow! Nu mow!” She screamed “Uwpee nu wan. Wan mummah bac, nu meanie munstah Wand wady n dummeh daddeh!”

There was a pause. A moment of silence as they all just stared at each other. Mummah was staring at the forever sleepy babbeh, dummeh daddeh was staring at Uphie and Uphie was staring at mummah and dummeh daddeh. She was waiting. She was not sure what she was waiting for, but she was hoping that her outburst was enough to wake up mummah and make mummah realize what a meanie munstah she was being. However, dummeh daddeh was the first to speak.

“Um… Lets get this cleaned up first, huh?”

Mummah nodded and she kissed dummeh daddeh on the cheek again, giving such a nice, kind smile and it made Uphie so jealous. It made her so angry and she realized that maybe mummah was being such a meanie munstah because of dummeh daddeh. That’s right! Dummeh daddeh was a meanie munstah and must have made mummah into a meanie munstah.

“Giv bak mummah!” She screamed at dummeh daddeh.

Mummah and dummeh daddeh both looked at her in confusion, and dummeh daddeh pointed at mummah.

“Uh… She’s right there.”

“Nuu!! Dat am meanie munstah mummah! Wan owd mummah bac! Wan Uwpee mu…”

Unfortunately, mummah had enough as well, when she slammed her fist on the table causing a loud bang that quickly shut up Uphie.


Uphie whimpered and tried to back away, when mummah suddenly grabbed her and began slapping her face. Each as painful as the last and when Uphie tried to protect her face with her hoofies. Mummah grabbed one of her hoofies and began to crush it in her hand.

“Staph mummah!” Uphie pleaded “Hurties! Hurties!”

“It’s Wand wady you absolutely idiotic dumpster pig!”

Uphie let out another whimper, as she was dropped back onto the table. She really hated this. Mummah giving her hurties and saying such meanie words. She desperately wanted to go back to a time where mummah was nice and loving. She backed away and quickly bowed down.

“Uwpee sowwi mummah! Sowwi fo wunning away! Sowwi fo gibbing mummah wostest heawt hurties! Sowwi fo…”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!” Mummah screamed.

Uphie backed away in terror. The look in mummah’s eyes. Frightening rage. So angry that Uphie actually felt like her life was in true danger, and she felt that she would have gotten hurt if daddeh did not pull mummah away. He dragged her out the room and slammed the door, leaving Uphie all by her lonesome.

Uphie looked around her safe room that did not look like her safe room. Nothing was like she remembered. Her housie was different. Her safe room was different. Her mummah was different. Everything was different. It was confusing, frustrating and it made her incredibly sad. No matter how much she worked to make mummah happy, it would seem mummah was always angry at her and she did not understand. Sure she ran away, but she suffered so much already in the wild, it did not seem fair that she had to suffer once she returned home and she did not understand what she did wrong. She could tell mummah was upset but in the past, she did a lot of bad stuff and mummah never got upset, so why was she upset now. Uphie could not understand and the more she tried to wrack her thinky place the more head hurties and heawt hurties she got. Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed Bestest babbeh.

Oh no! Bestest babbeh was still in the housie can, with the housie can still half filled with wawa. She stared in horror as Bestest babbeh was still trying to escape. Still talking but not talking. Uphie freaked out as she had forgotten about her Bestest babbeh’s predicament and rushed to her foal’s aid. She began tapping the housie can again, but was a lot more careful. She remembered the housie can rolling on the table before and dared not make a repeat. Instead she thought about giving hurties huggies and wrapped her hooves around the housie can, giving a tight huggie in the hope that she could break it, like mummah almost did to her hoofies. She was interuptted by daddeh who had come back.

“Daddeh! Pwease hewp Uwpee fwee Bestest babbeh!” She pleaded.

Daddeh seemed to be listening as he grabbed the housie can, but he did not free Bestest babbeh. Instead he just stared at Uphie.

“Your mu… No wait that’s not right. Oh right! Your LANDLADY needs some time to rest. She’ll be back in a while. So just wait quietly.”

Uphie kept her head down, but she still had stubbornness in her

“Mummah am nut Wand wady… Mummah am mummah.”

Daddeh did not say anything, but he suddenly placed the housie can the wrong way on the table. Bestest babbeh’s head was now on the bottom on the housie can and was submerged in the poopie & pee pee tainted wawa that took up half the housie can. Uphie began to panic as she could see Bestest babbeh have breathing hurties in the gross wawa and she tried to knock the housie can down, but daddeh had placed one hand on the top of the housie can, preventing any such actions and preventing Uphie from saving Bestest babbeh. Uphie looked at daddeh in terror.

“Pwease daddeh, Bestest babbeh nu can bweaf!” She pleaded.

“Land lady” Dummeh daddeh repeated.

Uphie nodded “Wand wady! Wand wady! Wand wady!” she screamed.

Dummeh daddeh turned the housie can the right way up, freeing Bestest babbeh from the gross wawa. However, Bestest babbeh was still trapped in the housie can and dummeh daddeh had began to shake the housie can, causing Uphie to panic even more.

“Wand wady! Wand wady! Wand wady!” She screamed.

Dummeh daddeh did not say anything more. He cleaned up Uphie’s scardy poopies and scardy peepees, picked up the forever sleepy babbeh and left with the housie can, with Bestest babbeh inside, all the while Uphie only repeated “Wand wady” over and over again, and she did not even stop after dummeh daddeh had left.

Uphie lied down. She did not move. She did not whine. She simply repeated “Wand wady” over and over again, even as her talky place began to hurt, and she just waited. She waited and waited for what felt like so many forevers. She ignored the tummy hurties, the face owwies, the heawt hurties and the talky placei ouchies. She just wanted to be a good Fluffy again. One that mummah would love. One that did not have a such a scary meanie munstah mummah.

The door open and mummah came in. Uphie quickly scrambled behind the Fluffy carrier and continued staring at her mummah warily. She watched as mummah sat back down.

“Uphie. Come here.”

Mummah’s voice was stern but not angry, rather it sounded tired and mummah looked sad. Uphie felt bad and she approached her mummah. She felt the need to console mummah and began nuzzling her hand. Mummah did not push her away this time, but she moved her hand to remove the broken sticky paper that was still clinging to Uphie’s talkie place and smell place. It hurt, but she looked at her mummah gratefully and smiled, hoping that maybe, just maybe, nice mummah was back.

“Mummah” Uphie whimpered softly

Mummah sighed as she closed her eyes and looked up. Uphie could see mummah rubbing her thinky place and she had a big frown. Uphie let out another whimper. It was clear mummah was upset at her, but she had no idea why.

“Mummah hab saddies?” She asked innocently.

“Landlady” mummah said in a quiet tone.

Uphie stared at her mummah wide-eyed, as she realized her mistake. She immediately protected her smell place and backed away, as she prepared for hurties or heawt hurties, but mummah simply sighed and petted Uphie again, as roughly as before.

“It’s that hard to call me landlady, huh?”

Uphie nodded. It really was hard. “Mummah am mummah. Mummah am nu Wand wady.”

“So what was I when you ran away?”

Uphie looked at her in confusion. She did not understand the question.

“Mummah am mummah” she repeated.

Mummah nodded and petted Uphie. Much gentler. The kind that made Uphie’s heart flutter, as she realized that mummah was being nicer.

“Wanna know what’s the saddest thing Uphie?” Mummah asked.

Uphie gave mummah her cutest inquisitive look “Wha mummah?”

“On the day you ran away, I was already considering on bringing you to Fluffy mart to let you pick a mate. If you had just waited a few days you would have had your foals without having to run away…”

Uphie looked at her mummah in disbelief. If she did not runaway, she would have had both her mummah and babbehs? She would have had it all? The housie, her safe room, all her toys, her yummy nummies, her castle bed, her ball pit and slide, her tee bee, and she could have shared it with her babbehs and special friend? All she had to do was wait? So many bwight times and darkie times spent out in the wild, hiding in poopies, from the scary munstahs. The ouchies. The heawt hurties. The times where she almost wanted to have forever sleepies? All of that for babbehs, and all could have been avoided if she had just waited?

The realization was heart breaking and Uphie began to tremble. She was feeling so many things. Shock. Anger. Sadness. Rage. Shame. Fury. Mummah was talking about how she had felt so guilt for giving Uphie hurties and meanie words before she had run away, but Uphie wasn’t really focused, she was too busy processing the fact that she could have spent so much time living comfy and cozy back at home, with the foals that she had wanted, and all she had to do was wait.

“Y… Y mummah nu teww Uwpee befo Uwpee wun away?”

“Huh? I didn’t know you were going to run away Uphie, and I had wanted to surprise you. I already had it all planned out. I was gonna tell you that we were going to the doctor and I knew that you would make a fuss, and I already imagined you making one of your tantrums before we stopped at Fluffy mart, and then you would have been overjoyed when you realized that I had actually planned to buy you a special friend. It was all going to be so funny and cute… Well it was, and then I came home and found out you ran away…”

Uphie looked down in shame. The realization that she could have just waited. The realization that there was no one to blame but herself. She began to lie down, tears falling down her eyes, as mummah continued speaking.

“… Well anyways. That’s from a time when you were my still Fluffy forever baby. Once you ran away, you stopped being my Fluffy. You became a feral Shit Pig and one who just happened to bring me her stupid ugly pig rat babies…”

Mummah grabbed her mane roughly and lifted her from the table, causing Uphie to scream “Bad upsie” as she was forced to stand on her hind legs. She stared at her mummah in horror and trembled at mummah’s cold angry stare, as mummah continued speaking, this time in a much scarier, angrier tone.

“… Fuck it. Call me mummah. Call me Land lady. Heck, call me meanie fucking munstah. I’m done playing teacher. Con-fucking-gratulations, you graduated from fucking school and now you are ready to join the work force. It’s gonna be tough, it’s gonna be painful, and your gonna hate it…”

Uphie tried to shake her head and she flailed her front leggies in protest.

“Nu! Nu! Nu!” She screamed “Nu wan wok. Wan be mummah’s gud Fwuffy. Pwease mummah Uwpee wan be mummah’s fwuffy agwain! Wan be mummah’s foebah babbeh!”

“Too fucking bad Uphie. You ran away and took my heart with you. You have kids, so you’re a fucking adult now. Welcome to adult life, bitch.”

A smack to the face and Uphie had no more say. Mummah’s cold, angry eyes told her this was it. Whether she liked it or not. Her mummah was gone. There was only meanie munstah land lady, and if she wanted to continue living here she had to work. Uphie could only nod and look down in resignation.

“Am aduwt” she muttered in defeat

First ch.
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You’re really good at this :heart: another banger chapter. Do you mind if I use Veve for art practice?


If yes, please let me know the exact colors you have in mind for her, to the best of my recollection she’s just generally dark green


In my opinion, Millie is trying to train Uphie with too technical language; much like how she reworded the exchange system from ‘food, toys and affection’ to ‘nummies, toysies and huggies and wuv’, she needs to reword ‘work’ into terms that Uphie understands like ‘nummie finding’ or ‘toughie stuff’.

That said, Uphie is too much of a dense narcissist to understand. At no point in time, does Uphie shed any tears for the hurt that Millie has had, Uphie’s only feeling sorry for how bad she feels for making Millie sad and even turns away from hearing more of Millie’s story, despite Millie letting Uphie pour out her whole story as a feral.

The more I think about it, the more I despise Uphie - good job on making such a loathsome character. Bestest is still really just a one note character at this point, but Uphie has some nuance to her, particularly her reversion to infantilism with Millie, from her competent living as a feral in the first few chapters.

The sudden switch to Japanese was jarring; I’d expected Hebrew or a similar language, based on Alize’s presumed ethnicity.
I’d also argue it’s merely ‘daijobu’ rather than ‘jouzu’, given that Alize has used suffocate in the unconjugated verb form, unless Millie is using ‘nihongo jouzu’ as a condescending backhanded compliment that it’s sometimes used as. :stuck_out_tongue:


@AliceFluff Please feel free to draw Veve. I’d love to see an artistic rendition. She is specifically an emerald green foal with orange stripes and a reddish brown mane and tail. Pegasus. There’s a reason later on why I’m so specific on this haha.

@BrotherOni yeah I don’t think it’s gonna work out well for Millie later on. Also for Alize Japanese things. It’s more he watches anime, it was kind of mentioned in Chp. 5, so he likes to learn Japanese kind of attitude. Millie’s comment is more a reference to some streamers I watch who can speak a little bit of Japanese and then viewers respond by saying Nihongo Jouzo. I’m glad Uphie was still hated. Was worried people might start to feel sorry for her :rofl:


Dude, agreed. I’ve been pretty vocal about my dislike of Uphie, but honestly I love what Millie is doing here. I actually think it’s fair for Millie to expect chores from Uphie instead of beating her. I was hoping Millie wasn’t just gonna kill bestest to show Uphie how much losing a baby can hurt since Uphie has already lost so many.
My distain for Uphie is how she refuses to consider that she had done something wrong. She blames other bestest for not holding on when she ran away, which, to be fair, despite being similar in size, Uphie’s a fluffy and stands no chance against a fox that has to kill for every meal so her fear was warranted, she should consider the possibility that maybe she panicked and is at least somewhat to blame.


Great work. I love the idea you’re going with. Uphie wants to be an adult or a baby depending on what she wants at the time, and I feel that Millie making Uphie do chores is a fresh and interesting way to torment a fluffy, who in most stories never have the mental capabilities exceeding a 5yo. Plus, turning the family against each other is pretty funny. I wonder if Uphie will get to the point where she wants to wish her foals away and regrets ever having them


Oh dear, Alize is a short king weeb. :rofl:

Watching anime is one thing, watching it enough to pick up a verb that doesn’t frequently occur in everyday conversation is something else, leading to an implication about the type of anime that he watches; as far as I know, ‘to suffocate’ doesn’t come up that often outside of certain BDSM genres.
The fact that Millie knows what it means as well, also raises some interesting questions about their bedroom habits. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the streamers getting nihongo jouzu’d, I suspect that their viewers are being polite or encouraging. It’s a running joke with a Youtuber I watch, Dogen; the dude is fluent in Japanese with barely a trace of a foreign accent, still gets ‘nihongo jouzu’. :stuck_out_tongue:


Uphie confuses consequences with punishment ,she thinks she has already paid for her affront(which in her mind is not so,she only went out to do what she had to do) and everything that happened to her is not a punishment,they are only the consequences of her actions,the punishment is still coming,and I suspect she will never understand that it was all her fault posdatta:I think uphie’s escape was the best thing for her owner,if not right now she would be full of spoiled and pampered fluffies demanding the same as their mother.


Oh wow I just binge read all the current chapters. This is probably one of the best fluffy stories I read.

I love how the writing make me able to sympathize with Uphie in some moments, before being reminded how entitled and bitchy she is.

Keep up the good work!


So, when does Millie get fucking sectioned? :rofl:

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