Used Tampon (by Newb_ronswek)


. . .And yet I cant look away.


Well, I did tag it as “gross”…



This made me gag! Which is honestly an honor because I rarely do that.


i feel like we missed a few stops somewhere before we got to this point

same bro

Can somebody pass me a whole gallon of bleach?

Beyond the fact its cotton and plastic, why would a Fluffy care?

Hell, plenty of animals wouldn’t have a problem with cotton. Like rodents.

Most canons don’t present Fluffies having menstrual cycles, many depicting estrus instead, so its unlikely they would have any context for what it is beyond having “mummah’s weg smeww”.

If anything Ferals would tear into trash bags to get to them.

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It’s bloody. The fluffy is alarmed by the blood.


Fair point. A Domestic used to kibble may be alarmed, maybe not so much a Feral used to the scent of blood who ate or witnessed the consumption of other Fluffies for survival.

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Wouldn’t most ferals at least be reluctant to eat something soaked in blood?


Depends how you write them, but food is scarce anywhere and protein is protein.

Ferals afraid of blood probably wouldn’t last long enough to breed another generation successfully unless there is very little competition from other Fluffies and animals as well as a general disinterest in them from most humans. Trash isn’t that easy to get to, most trash isn’t food, and a Fluffy’s ability to access garbage bins or rip through plastic is more questionable than just saying they kill and eat smaller creatures of all kinds. If they can’t take blood then they probably can’t take the ichor in carrion either.

Pretty much any herbivore eats insects and corpses. Deer were found to eat most of the bodies donated to science left in the wilderness with cameras.

Anything with no ability to predate should be unlikely to survive long enough for infestations and lawn invasions to be a thing.


@staff can we give Thk a badge.

I don’t know what badge it would be but he’s consistent with the effort he puts into every cursed paragraph he writes.

He has big this energy.


record scratch
“Yes, dis is fwuffy. Yu pwobabwy wondewing how fwuffy got hewe…”


I have no idea how to distill that idea down into a badge.

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I think Stone and RAP did a good job

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Could I give you an idea for a superior menstruation-flinging experience?

What about cannibals?

it’s just ketchup calm down fluffy ahahha right? right??

Not pwetteh.