Vincent Harkness and Augustus ‘Gus’ Kemper belong to @BFM101 . This is probably non-canon.
The end result of @Doomsgray choosing the male Luna alicorn filly from my Pick a Fluffy’s Fate: Forgotten Foals giveaway.
Give the little alicorn a cruel fate at the hands of an uncaring fluffy breeder, Please?
Gus and Vincent were walking along the street. Gus was very happy as he looked at his new ring.
“Thank you so much for the ‘Best Friends Forever’ ring you got me! I love it!”
Vincent nodded.
“Yes I got it for you because I want you to be my Best Friend Forever and spend the rest of my life with you. I want to get married to a woman and have a legal number of children. I not gay.”
(Brought to you by The People’s Republic of China: No gays allowed and your children are limited.)
They then heard chirping coming from an alley. Looking inside they saw a nest with fluffies in it.
“OHO! Forsooth, let us see what profit might be found in yonder nest!” Gus exclaimed.
Vincent agreed.
“Verily, I mucheth liketh makething lotseth ofeth moneyeth! We should journey hence anon!”
The two men walked up to the nest and saw it’s content.
They mainly saw the almost perfect Luna alicorn foal.
Gus and Vincent’s eyes turned into dollar signs and shot out of their heads on springs.
“Ow, I hate when that happens even if it means there’s money to be made” Gus complained.
He and Vincent grabbed the foal and absconded with it, leaving a live grenade behind in the nest.
Luna-Maker was a happy fluffy. His Daddehs said it was time for him to have a special-friend!
She kind of looked like him, but that just meant she was pretty.
“Enf enf enf enf enf GUD FEEWS!”
“Am Soon-Mummah nao!”
Luna-Maker went to cuddle with his new special-friend, but Daddeh Gus just took her out of the room and then brought in another mare who kind of looked like him.
“Daddeh Gus, wai take speciaw-fwiend? Hu dis nyu fwuffy?”
Vincent reached down and used a modified taser to shock Luna-Maker’s head.
Luna-Maker was a happy fluffy. His Daddehs said it was time for him to have a special-friend!
She kind of looked like him, but that just meant she was pretty.
“Enf enf enf enf enf enf enf GUD FEEWS!”
“Yay! Habe tummeh-babbehs nao!”
Luna-Maker went to cuddle with his new special-friend, but Daddeh Vincent just took her out of the room and then brought in another mare who kind of looked like him.
“Daddeh Vincent, wai take speciaw-fwiend? Hu dis nyu fwuffy?”
Gus reached down and used a modified taser to shock Luna-Maker’s head.
“Gwbbbbywwfdhdfgasifsfdagvb…bweh. GUD FEEEWS!”
Luna-Maker was fully derped, the taser having slowly melted his skull from overuse.
Not that Gus and Vincent cared, they had waited months for Luna-Maker to be old enough for use as a stud and they were going to get as much out of him as they could.
Vincent put the taser to Luna-Maker’s head yet another time. But Vincent had put the batteries in the taser upside-down after changing them after the 100th time shocking Luna-Maker so the reversed shock un-derped the alicorn and brought back all the memories that he’d lost.
Luna-Maker shuddered and then his body started falling to pieces from the strain.
It took him hours to die, with his genitals being the last to go, exploding into dust.
Luna-Maker’s soul made it’s way to Skettiland, where he met an angry brightly-colored man.