Heyo. I’m looking for links to topics regarding the way the website works or useful less known info about the community. The reason is because I have a post under the Quick Start Guide with some links which new people as well as many of the more experienced may find useful. The problem is I’m sure that there are useful topics that I’m forgetting, which is why I’m making this post. Please leave your suggested links below.
There is the FAQ, which has links to helpful topics.
Are you saying I’m doing this in vain or that I should take links from there?
Btw, I know of at least 1 useful topic that isn’t included in the FAQ.
Take the links from it. Also, what topic is not in the FAQ?
Honestly, just linking the FAQ is simpler. And the topic is Chronological Gallery Search.
I believe @Virgil has been looking into that.
Well, until Virgil finds a way, this link will stay under the guide. What I’m saying is, there might be more posts that people should know about.
Maybe the website could use a permanent post\topic that’s always on the front page with links to questions awnsers, the FAQ.
The quick start guide and other usefull links ?
Also the fan-made fluffy translator, that literally works like google translate