"Valentine: A Pegasus Story" Chapter 5 by Wangew_Wick (originally posted on FB)


A Pegasus Story

Chapter Five – Adoption

“No, little one. I’m not your new daddy.”

The little pink pegasus foal started. “Bu—whuuaaa? Nu be nyu daddeh fo fwuffy? Bu fwuffy am gud fwuffy!” Tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

“Now, now…don’t cry. This is a fluffy store. Do you know what a fluffy store is?”

“What am fwuffy stowe?”

“A fluffy store is where all good fluffies find new mommies and daddies. You are a good fluffy, right?”

“Yus, nice mistah! Am gud fwuffy—make aww gud poopies in da wittahbawks, an num aww kibbwe aww up, an nu teww hoomins what wan!”

The orange-maned human grinned. “Well then, little one, I’ll bet the next person who comes through that door will be your new daddy, then!”

“Otay, nice mistah! Fwuffy wiww wait hewe fo nyu daddeh.” She plopped down on her rump, facing the door. The nice mister said that the next human who walked in would be her new daddy, and she was determined not to miss him.

Keith chortled to himself as he put the empty crate on the stack of supplier “go-backs”. He couldn’t often afford to buy a new foal from the store to take back to his apartment and abuse—the ones he could afford regularly were the shit colors from the discount bin, but those fluffies already knew they were worthless—so he had settled into a routine of psychological abuse.

He chose the ones that seemed the most positive, though why any of the little fuckers should have a positive outlook was beyond him. By promising them that their “nyu daddeh” was coming for them, he built up their hopes. Then, he would make every effort he could to sell every foal in the pen except for that one.

The pink pegasus would be a challenge for a few reasons. First, it was still five days until Valentine’s Day—the peak time to sell both pegasi and pink foals. Second, Easter fell early on the calendar this year—the second best holiday for pink—though she might be getting too big to sell by that point. Third, pink was always a popular color among little girls (the target market for fluffy ponies).

Still, if he could make it past the holidays, there was a good chance that “pinky” would get a one-way ticket back to the mill as a breeder.

Or, he could always hope that one of those militant #pillowfluffsarehappyfluffs jihadis would walk in.

Thursday is a slow day at FluffMart, much the same as any other retail establishment. The University City store kept a minimal staff—usually just Jack plus one sales clerk—to have coverage on the floor and prepare for the weekend. Jack didn’t like Keith leaning on the counter, so he had the clerk scooping all of the litterboxes along the wall when the first customer of the shift walked in—a balding, middle aged man with round glasses.

“Hello, sir. Welcome to FluffMart,” Keith said in the flattest voice he could muster.

The man replied, “Hi! I need to buy a Valentine’s Day present for my daughter.”

“Ok. She got a color preference?”

“Well, she really likes pink. How about one of these Valentine’s Foals?”

“Good choice, sir. Here, let me help you with them.” Keith shut the side of one of the foal cages, ignoring the fact that he had hit a blue earthie foal in the face causing its nose to bleed. The foal sat on its haunches and “huu huuued” as the clerk continued over to the customer.

“I see you’ve got three pink ones in here. What can you tell me about the one with wings?”

The little pink pegasus got excited and fluttered her wings. “Nice mistah wan be nyu daddeh fo gud fwuffy. Wook! Fwuffy haf pwetty wingies!”

Keith cringed. “Weeeell…pegasi are really popular this time of year…” he said, lowering his voice to a whisper, “the problem is, they’re kind of fragile.”


“Yeah. See, they’re a little more…adventurous than the average fluffy. If she gets up on the couch, or on your daughter’s bed, she’ll try to jump off—they think they can fly, and they’re wrong. Pegasi are much more likely than unicorns and the regular fluffies to end up with broken bones and high vet bills.”

The man took the hint. “I see. Hmmm…how about we go with that pretty boy back there with the horn, then?” He pointed to a little pink unicorn colt in the back corner whose mane was a lighter shade of pink than the rest of him. The foal was crying and muttering about “nu smeww pwetty”, as he had just dropped a turd on his own tail.

“Ok, I’ll be happy to get him ready to go home. Now, one special that we’re offering is free neutering for all colts through the weekend. I highly recommend it to keep him from getting randy once he’s fully grown.”

“Wow, thanks! How much do I owe you for the foal?”

“He’s $29.95 plus tax. You’ll also be needing a litterbox and a sorry stick at minimum.”

“What’s a ‘sorry stick’?”

“When Hasbio made these little beasties, they programmed them to be most receptive to corporal punishment. If he starts talking back to you, demanding things, or pooping outside of his litterbox, just give him a swat.”

The customer nodded, and took the sorry stick that Keith recommended. He passed on the litterbox, saying they still had one in the garage from the last cat they owned. No way in hell this little bastard can get over the lip of a cat’s litterbox. Have fun with that sorry stick, kid. By the time Keith was done with him, the man had also agreed to a ball, a set of blocks, a collar, a microchip, a carrier/sorry box, a fluffy-safe water bowl, a leash, and a 50 lb. bag of Bestest Babbeh Organic Foal Kibble.

“Ok, your total today is $234.36.”

“Jesus, these things are expensive.”

“I know, right? The things we do to make the ones we love happy.”

Keith handed the man his receipt and picked up the unicorn foal. He carried him back to the Fluffy Treatment Service area, with the colt babbling incessantly about his “nyu daddeh”, “nyu howsie”, “pway baww”, and all of the other bullshit that fluffies talk about all day. His mood changed once his hooves touched the cold metal countertop.

“Huuu…nu wike cowd fwoow! Pwease gif upsies, nice mistah?” The foal held up his front hooves.

The sales clerk shook his head, and then shoved the colt’s head down onto the counter. He grabbed a scalpel from the drawer. Holding the foal’s neck down with his elbow, he grabbed its tail with his right hand.

“Nuuuu, pwease nu huwt pwetty taiw!”

The foal shat all over the wall. There. Now that’s out of the way. He then placed the scalpel next to the unicorn’s tiny scrotum.

“Nu touch speshuw wumps! Babbeh wuv speshuw wumps!”

You don’t even know what these things are for, you little faggot.




Keith squeezed the foal’s ballsack, and out popped two testicles—each the size of a pea. He cut them off and waved them in front of the now-gelded unicorn before dropping them in the biowaste bin.

“Huu huu…pwease, mistah…gif back speshuw wumps…”

“Your ‘special lumps’ are gone, and they’re never coming back. Now shut the fuck up and stop blubbering before your ‘new daddy’ sees you like this.” He rubbed some antibiotic salve on the foal’s mutilated genitals—that would heal the skin and prevent infection—and shoved him in the owner’s new carrier. The unicorn sobbed and begged his “speshuw wumps” to come back as Keith carried him back to the front counter.

“Here you are, sir. He’s all fixed and ready to go.”

“Thanks a lot. I’m sure my daughter will love him.”

“I’ll bet she will. Have a great day.”

Hours passed, and the sky in front of the store became dark. The little pink pegasus sat in the same place she had all afternoon, save for the quick trip she made to the litterbox.

The nice mister with the red mane and another, older human with dark brown hair headed for the door.

“Hey, hang on a second, Jack. I forgot to put in more kibble for the Valentine’s Foals.”

The older man nodded, as the red-maned one ran to the back of the store. He came back with a scoop of kibble, which he poured into the feeding trough. Then he bent over in front of the pink foal.

“Your new daddy didn’t come, did he?”

sniff “Nu, nice mistah.”

“Hmmm…well, all good fluffies get new mommies and daddies. Maybe you’ll be a good fluffy tomorrow.”

“Yus, nice mistah. Fwuffy wiww be gud fwuffy. Wiww be bestest fwuffy EVAH!”

“That’s the spirit!” he said, as he turned out the lights.

The pink pegasus sat alone in the dark. Most of the other fluffy foals had huddled together in the fluffpile, sobbing about “nu wike dawkies” and sucking on their hooves. But she wondered—what if her new daddy ran away just like her fluffy mommy had? Was she a bad fluffy?

The pegasus awoke with a chill the next morning. She had slept away from the fluffpile, not wanting to miss her new daddy if he came for her in the night, and that cold was exacerbated by the freezing air that rushed into the store when Jack opened the front door.

The pink foal stretched out her wings, yawned, and waddled over to the food trough for some kibble. It felt good to eat, as she hadn’t had anything on her stomach since shortly after she arrived at the store. From the food trough, she shuffled to the litterbox and made good poopies—new mommies and daddies only wanted good fluffies, and good fluffies always made good poopies in the litterbox!

And then, it was time to wait again. She sat on her rump in her familiar spot and stared at the door. She stared…and she stared…and she stared…

A few hours later, the nice mister with the red mane came through the door. As always, he had a big smile on his face.

“Hewwo, nice mistah!”

“Hello, little one! Did your new daddy not come for you last night?”

“Nu, nice mistah. Nyu daddeh wiww come dis bwight-time?”

“I sure hope so. But only if you’re reeealy good.”

The nice mister walked off, chortling to himself as he went. He must really want my new daddy to come for me, the wingie-foal thought.

Keith knew that he was in for a hard day. Fridays usually got crazy in the afternoon. Combine that with the fact that it was a holiday weekend, and the workload doubled.

At least Jen comes in this afternoon, he thought. She’s not much to look at, but at least she’ll be able to deal with some of the assholes.

Just then, a customer walked in the door. This time it was a fat, fedora-wearing neckbeard.

“Hello, sir. Welcome to FluffMart.”

“Good morning, sir. I have need of a fluffy.”

You’ve come to the right place, fatass. “Well, sir, are you buying for yourself, or for someone else?”

The man replied, “Oh, it’s not for me. I need a Valentine’s Day present for my mother. I myself don’t really have time for pets—I’m more of a gamer, as you can see.” He pointed at his Final Fantasy VII t-shirt, which featured some kind of a giant chicken.

Ah, so that’s the kind of faggot who buys his girlfriend a shitrat for Valentine’s Day. “Well, I think I’ve got just the one for her. Let me show you our Valentine’s Foals.”

Keith walked the customer over to the Valentine’s Foals pen. A pink and white banner adorned with red hearts hung over the pen, and a giant cutout of a white fluffy pegasus holding a bow and arrow stood alongside.

“Oh, she’s going to love this!” the fat man said, as he rubbed his sweaty palms together.

“Hewwo, nice mistah. Be nyu daddeh?”

“Oh, I don’t think so, sweetie,” he said, quickly shifting his glance to a white unicorn that was playing “huggie tag” with two other foals. “How about that one?”

The sales clerk grinned as he scooped up the foal. The filly protested, as she was enjoying her game. “Of course! Now, our Valentine’s Foals are $29.95, and I recommend you get at least a litterbox and a so—“

“That won’t be necessary,” the customer said, with his hand raised in a “stop” gesture. “See, my mother doesn’t get around very well, and I’m afraid she won’t be able to keep up with a…regular fluffy. I’ve been reading some about ‘pillowing’ online. Is that a service you offer here?”

Oh, this is going to be a good day, he thought. “I’ll be happy to take care of the pillowing for you. Now, allow me to suggest some items that will help keep her happy…”

The pink pegasus cast her eyes downward. Rejected again. What was she going to do if her daddy never came? She couldn’t stay here in the store forever!

She covered her eyes and sobbed into her fluff. She was already so sorry that she was such a bad baby that her fluffy-mummah ran away. Now, all of these other new mommies and daddies were running away from her, too!

The pink filly uncovered her eyes in time to see the gigantic not-new-daddy carrying his teary-eyed unicorn fluffy back to the front of the store. But something was wrong—her white pointy friend didn’t have any leggies! And his facie-pointy was gone!

“Huu huu…why meanie mistah take weggies? Nu mowe wun, nu mowe pway, nu mowe huggies…huu huu…”

“Thank you so much for suggesting the de-horning, my friend! I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know that my mother’s pet will be completely safe.”

“My pleasure. Don’t forget—when your mother leaves the house, she’ll need to leave the TV on so her pillowfluff will have company.”

The neckbeard tipped his fedora. “Will do.” Then, he pushed the door open. When he noticed a petite young woman with black hair walking towards the door, he held it extra long so he could tip his fedora again.



The woman shook her head as the neckbeard walked out the door. She was well dressed, and immediately walked up to Keith.

“Hi, welcome to FluffMart! Is there anything I can help you find today?”

“Actually, I’m here for an interview. Is Jack available?”

“Yeah, I think he’s back there. Hold on, may I tell him who’s here?”

“I’m Katie. He and I agreed to 1:00, so I’m sorry I’m here so early.”

The sales clerk went to the back room and retrieved his manager, who showed the new applicant back to the office. The red-maned nice mister looked up at the not-sky and said “Oh my god. If there is a god, please let her work here.”

I didn’t even get to ask her to be my new mummah, the foal thought as she continued sobbing in her fluff.

Keith leaned on the sales counter, facing away from the door. The calm before the storm, he thought. Oh well, as long as Jack hires that goddess, then I don’t really care what happens.

He was startled, and nearly fell on his ass when another customer walked in. This guy looked about college-aged, and Keith could see he had a lot on his mind.

“Hello, sir. Welcome to FluffMart.”

“Uh, hi! Um, I’m wondering if you can help me with something.”

“Well, I’ll do what I can. What is it you need?”

“You see…uh…I’m going to propose to my girlfriend when we have Valentine’s Day dinner tonight.”

The sales clerk nodded. “Uh huh, so you’re wanting to buy her a fluffy?”

“Oh, hell no. Besides, our landlord wouldn’t let us keep one, even if we wanted to. I really just need to rent one.”

Keith frowned. “Well, strictly speaking, we don’t rent fluffies here. I think I may have an idea, though.”

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. He had frequented abuser forums online for years, and gotten all kinds of ideas for tormenting fluffies, but this one was just delicious. The problem was, it required a unique set of circumstances to make it happen.

“Are you sure? That sounds like a lot of money to waste on fluffies that we aren’t even going to keep.”

“Come on, what guy spends thousands of dollars on an engagement ring—you did, didn’t you?—and then goes cheap on the presentation? I’ll bet you’re taking her to a nice restaurant beforehand, right?”

“We’re going to Fahrenheit.”

“Exactly. You’re making a big to-do out of the ring. You’re making a big to-do out of dinner. Let’s make a big deal out of the presentation, too.”

The would-be fiancée thought momentarily, and then nodded. “Ok, let’s do it.”

Keith clapped his hands together. “Ok! First, let’s pick a couple of foals. I’d suggest pegasi, for that ‘Valentine’s Day, Cupid’ vibe.”

Immediately, he scooped out the white pegasus who had trained with the pink pegasus. She waved goodbye to her pink friend, who waved back with tears in her eyes.

“Goobai, wingie-fwend. Fwuffy neva fowget yu!”

The sales clerk scratched his chin. Hmmm, this seems an appropriate use for pinky, but I was really hoping to get in more delicious psychological abuse. Ah, well, fuck it. He scooped up the pink pegasus, who gave out a cheer.

“Yaaaaay! Wook, wingie-fwend! Am fwyin! Wiww fwy wif yu aww da way tu nyu howsie!” The two pegasi giggled and cheered, fluttering their tiny wings.

“Uh, no. No. Going to need a different one—she hates pink.”

Meh. Works either way. Besides, pinky gets more heartbreak this way. He shrugged his shoulders and dropped the fat pegasus on her chest.

oof “Bu-bu-bu fwuffy wan gu wif daddeh tu nyu howsie! Why weave fwuffy?”

“Sorry, little one. This new daddy doesn’t want you,” he said, picking up the red pegasus.

“Nuuuuuu! Nu take wed wingie-fwend! Nuuuuu!” She could only helplessly paw at the side of the pen as Keith took the red pegasus colt, who waved sadly back at his friend.

Keith grinned devilishly as he listened to the sobs of the pink filly. Delicious.

Keith whistled an old Linkin Park song as he unceremoniously dropped the two pegasus foals on the metal counter in the Fluffy Treatment Service room. He reached for the antibiotic salve under the counter, and then remembered he had left the blow dryer plugged in over at the grooming table.

“Whuh doin, nice mistah? Fwoow am cowd.”

“Fwuffy wan gu wif nyu daddeh tu nyu howsie! Nu wan cowd fwoow! Nu wike!”

“Shut the hell up!” He slammed the blow dryer on the table, causing both foals to chirp and then go quiet.

He resumed his whistling while he checked the salve tube to make sure he had enough. “Stawp Huwties Fluffy Antibiotic Salve” was a sort of miracle gel. Fluffies naturally have excellent healing qualities, and their blood congeals very quickly, but the salve drastically speeds up those processes.

He picked up the white foal first. Holding her over the sink, he squeezed her downward like a tube of toothpaste. Shit spewed from the fluffy like a foul fire hydrant.
“Owwies! Tu hawd huggies am bad fo babbehs!”

Not as bad as this is going to be. He pulled a scalpel from the drawer and held it up to the foal’s anus. He inserted it slowly and turned it in a circle.

“SCREEEEEEE! Haf wowsest poopie-pwace owwies! Pwease, nice mistah, nu gif babbeh huwties!”

The white pegasus started dripping blood on the counter. Her red companion simply covered his eyes and sobbed. “Huu huu…tu scawedy!”

Keith set the scalpel on the counter and reached for the salve. Rather than put a little on his gloved finger, as he would normally do, he shoved the tube in the filly’s ass and squeezed.


In order to speed-dry the salve, Keith turned the blow dryer on, using the “cool” setting. A couple of minutes of “huu huus” later, and the foal was ready. He set her down on the counter, and looked at the red pegasus.

“And now, it’s your turn.”


The customer waited anxiously as the sales clerk handled his services. He was surprised when, ten minutes later, Keith told him that he was done.

“Here, I want you to check this out.”

He opened the red, heart-shaped box to find the two tear-stained pegasi lying in the box.

“Be nyu mummah?”

“Fwuffy wuv yu!”

The man laughed. “Oh my god, that’s awesome!”

“I know, right? You think she’ll like it?”

“She’ll love it! Thanks, man. You’ve really helped me out.”

“No problem. Just put the ring there between their front hooves. I guarantee they’ll say exactly that every time the box is opened.”

“Sweet. How much do I owe you?”

All together, Keith charged him $59.90 for the foals and $250 for “Miscellaneous Treatment Services”. He threw in the packaging for free, and neutered the colt just for fun.

Jack’s office door opened twenty minutes later and Katie walked out with Jack behind her. She had a smile on her face that nearly made Keith pop a boner in the middle of the store.

“How’d it go?”

“I start on Sunday. See you then!”

Keith walked back to where his manager stood, straightening fluff-safe toys on the shelf. He noticed that Katie had bent over next to the Valentine’s Foals pen and was talking to the fluffies.

“Dude, thank you so much for hiring her?”

“Why? You don’t have a chance in hell with her.”

Left with nothing else to say, Keith went back to shoveling shit in the foal pens.

“Hello, little wingie-friend! Why are you crying?”

“Nyu daddeh nu wan fwuffy. Fwuffy am bad fwuffy! Huu huu…”

“Now, I’m sure that isn’t true. Don’t worry! I’m sure a new mommy or daddy would love to have a littlepinkfilly of their own. You just wait!”

“Fankoo, nice wady! Gif huggies?”

The nice lady reached her hand down and the pink pegasus hugged it tightly. She then waved goodbye as the black-maned lady walked out the door.

The rest of Friday came and went. Saturday meant a steady flow of customers all day long. By the end of the day, the little pink pegasus was the last foal left in the front display.

“Hey, Jack,” Keith asked, “should we pull the ‘Valentine’s Foals’ display? We’ve only got the one foal left, and I know how corporate hates for a display to run that low. I could put that one in one of the pegasus cages.”

The manager shook his head. “Nah, don’t bother. Nobody from corporate is coming up here from Atlanta on a Sunday. Leave it out. Maybe the low stock will make people think twice about not buying a fluffy tomorrow.”

The pegasus lay on her stomach, crying to herself. No one wants a bad fluffy.

Jack scheduled Keith off on Sunday, so he, Jen, Allie, and Katie, the new employee. The store was only open from 1pm to 7pm, but it was a gift-buying holiday, and that meant wall-to-wall customers all afternoon.

Jen was the expert on adult fluffies, so she tried her hand at moving some of the “Soon-Mummah Specials”. “Why in God’s name would corporate come up with something so stupid? Most people have enough trouble handling one foal, let alone four to eight of them, plus a territorial dam!”

Allie was the best at suggestively selling foal accessories, so she stayed at the foal wall all afternoon.

Jack taught Katie the register before the store opened, so he left her there to check out customers while he kept himself available to offer Treatment Services. That kept him busy with spaying and neutering foals for most of the day.

The only major negative of the day came when one red-faced man with round glasses came in carrying a dead pink unicorn. He screamed at Katie until she called her manager to the front, and then he screamed at him. The man complained that the foal had cried about—“I don’t know, something about ‘speshuw wumps’”—for the last three days, and then his daughter found him with his head down in his “fluff-safe” water bowl this morning, drowned. Jack told the man that he couldn’t refund either a dead fluffy or one that had received treatment services, and that this one was clearly both, having been neutered. The man threw the dead foal at Jack and stormed out.

The little pegasus did as she had been taught. “Hewwo, nice mistah! Be nyu daddeh?” All day long, she tried to get customers’ attention, but most of them ignored her.

Then, at half past four, a blonde man of average build walked in the door. He looked off to the left, as that seemed to be where most people were starting around the store.

“Hewwo, nice mistah. Be nyu daddeh?”

The man jerked his head back to the front display, seeing the one little foal standing on her hind legs and waving her little hooves. She was obviously a pegasus, as the man saw tiny pink wings on her back.

“Hello, sir. Can I help you today?”

“Yeah, I just saw this, uh, ‘Valentine Foal’. Can you tell me about her?”

The black-haired sales clerk brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Oh, this one is very sweet. May I ask who you’re buying for?”

“I’m looking to buy one for my daughter. She’s been begging me and my wife for one for a long time, and I thought I’d oblige her.”

“How old is she?”


“I’ll bet she’d get along really well with this little pink cutie.”

“Now, I’ve heard that pegasi are really fragile. She’s not going to shatter when I get her home?”

Katie laughed. “No. All fluffies are fragile. Pegasi just get that reputation because they are more daring than earthies and unicorns—they like to run, jump, and play, and they love being picked up, because it’s the closest they’ll ever get to flying.”

The man nodded. “Ok, you’ve convinced me. I’ll take her.”

Katie winked at the foal. The filly’s eyes lit up. gasp “Mistah be nyu daddeh fo fwuffy, an take fwuffy tu nyu howsie?”

“Well, I won’t be your ‘new daddy’, but I’ve got a little girl at home who would be the perfect ‘new momma’ for you.”

“Yaaaaay! Fwuffy haf nyu mummah an nyu howsie! Fankoo, nice mistah!” The pegasus fluttered her wings as the man picked her up.

Katie talked the man into a litterbox, sorry stick, sorry box/carrier, ball, blocks, food bowl, fluff-safe water bottle, a collar, a leash, and a 50 lb. bag of “Gwowin’ Babbeh” kibble. She tried to convince him to get her spayed (and even told him it was free today), but he refused.

“She’ll be an indoor fluffy. She won’t have contact with anyone except me, my wife, and our daughter.”

The foal chirped and cheered with excitement as she fluttered her wings on the sales counter.

“Ok, then. In you go.”

“Whuh? Nu wan sowwy bawks! Am gud fwuffy!”

“Come on, sweetie. You have to go in the box if you want to go to the new house and meet your new mommah.”

“Nuuuu! Nu wike dawkies! Nu wan! Nu wan!” The foal scrambled her hooves, trying to get away, but a whack with the Sorry Stick put an end to that.

“See? It’s coming in handy already.”

“Yeah, now I see what you mean. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. I hope she gets a lot of love.”

“She will.”

Ian Smith had a saferoom already picked out downstairs next to the laundry room. He and Christy, his wife, lived in one of five hundred identical 3000 square foot houses off of Harrisburg Road. Christy had insisted they buy the place when Susie started kindergarten, because “our family is growing out of this starter home.” Never mind that the “starter home” was over 2000 square feet and had three bedrooms and a bonus room.

Once he had filled the litterbox and gotten out the toys, he opened the carrier. The nervous pegasus foal shuffled out.

“Welcome to your new safe room, sweetie!”

gasp Fankoo nice mistah! Wook, bwockies!”

Ian laughed as the foal scurried around the room to explore. A few minutes later, he heard someone fumbling with the front door. Susie must be done with dance practice.

“Huu…what dat woud noisie, mistah?”

“Shhh…nothing to worry about. Can you be very, very quiet, while ‘nice mister’ walks to the door?”

The pegasus wasn’t sure. Maybe the nice mister was going to run away and leave her all alone. “Uuuhhh…otay, mistah. Pwease nu weave fwuffy!”

Stepping over the baby gate, Ian looked back. “I’m not going to leave you. Just…shhhhh…” Putting his finger over his lips, he stepped out of sight.

The little pegasus heard more commotion, and then heard other people talking. Then she heard a thumpthumpthump coming down the hallway. A small head with a yellow mane like the nice mister’s peeked in the doorway.

“Hewwo, nice wady. Be nyu mummah?”

The little girl gasped. “Oh, thank you daddy! She’s so cute.” She tripped over the baby gate and ran over to pick up the foal.

The girl’s parents came and stood in the doorway. The foal looked up to see the nice mister smiling at her, and a serious looking lady standing next to him.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie. You’d better give her a name!” the nice mister said.

Susie considered that for a moment while she hugged her new fluffy. She noticed that the foal had wings, a pink coat, and a red mane and tail.

“I think I’ll call you…Valentine!”

The fluffy gasped with excitement. “Vawentine wuv nyu name! Fankoo fo nyu name mummah! Fwuffy am Vawentine!” She spread her wings and flapped them with joy.

Ian watched his little girl playing with her new pet. The pair of them giggled as Susie held the foal in her arms and let her pretend she was flying. He was only snapped out of the happy moment by a loud huff as his wife stomped up the stairs.

“What? What did I do this time?”

“You know exactly what you fucking did, Ian! You brought a shitrat into our house! Wasn’t I going to have a say in this?”

“Christy, we’ve talked about it—over and over again. Susie kept saying a fluffy was all she wanted, and she was crushed when there wasn’t one under the Christmas tree. Do you have any idea just how fucking hard it was to keep her believing in Santa Claus?”

“Oh, fuck you, Ian. It’s always about you being the good guy in the end. I guess I’m just a shitty mom, right?”

“Come on, now. You know I never said that. Remember you ended up telling me ‘do whatever you want’? Well, I did. And now our little girl has a fluffy pony.”

The house was soundproofed well, and so the contrast of anger and screaming upstairs went unnoticed by the giggling, joyful playmates downstairs in the safe room.


Something about this story really sticks out. The raw harshness of the human dialogue mixed in with the steady narrative flow and genuinely funny moments makes this a story I can read without looking away.