Vending machine continued (By Labcoat)

Had a thought about what would happen if you set a Foal in a can vertically.
You have two choices.
Setting the foal where it cannot get to its food,
Setting it the other way around, eventually it would unplug itself from the waste tubes and start covering its only source of food in shit.

One is just death, slow and painful but death.
The other is so much worse. It would grow, covered in shit, eating and drinking a milk/shit slurry.
Until one day it would open its eyes to see a world it cannot reach, only centimeters away. That it was born in its own coffin.
Oh how wonderfully horrible.


@Labcoat please draw the alternative <3


I think this little guy is about to learn about inertia kinetic shock and the hardness of glass

Curious, which way would you say is topheavy? Milk resevoir on top or shit resevoir on top?


Plz draw a next part

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Green text box just did the abuse equivalent of action movie hero guy not looking back at the explosion. Doesn’t need to see their handiwork come to fruition; they just know it did.


I would say that depends on how long it has been in the can.
At first milk, over time shit.



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Oh poor Fluffy, now he’s going to fall and break the jar, the glass will pierce his organs and he’ll slowly die in agony. No warm yummy milk, no memories of mommy, he will be starving and bleeding wounds. And only God can keep him from being found by the smell of blood by predatory animals… But do Fluffies know how to pray?


Oof. Either the tube is going to shatter, or it’ll hold up but the fluffy won’t. If his organs liquefy on impact, I can only imagine what happens when someone lets him out.


Jokes aside, I can’t stand lazy assholes who can’t be bothered to walk a few feet to handle a minor task.


well then i say flip the can and let the shit storm begin.

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No baby!?

Always a good day when Labcoat posts


More misery.

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Can’s about to fall anyway, only question now is whether to just walk away, or stick around and watch the crash.

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Am I allowed to write a story inspired by this but with a happier ending?

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I mean, go ahead.

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Please do.
Always happy to see more content.