Vicky’s farm part 4 by (that1hugboxer)

Lorna spoke not a single word as she dragged flapjack by the mane kicking and screaming to the old windmill on the far side of the property

Flapjack began to plead for mercy

“ Miss wowna Pwease!!!”

No response

“Take weggies!!!”

Lorna didn’t even turn her head

“Take see pwaces!!!”

Not even a brow twitch

“ make fwapjack piwow!!!”

It was as if she had not spoken even in the first place

Lorna unlocks the door to the old windmill

She pulled a small chain hanging from the ceiling

A single lightbulb sputters then flickers dimly

There were only five things in the building

An electric razor

A dull pizza cutter

A plastic bin

A pair of shoulder length waterproof gloves

And a faucet connected to a pipe that lead somewhere on the property

Lorna shaves all the fluff off of flapjack

“Nu wan!!!”

Lorna takes the pizza cutter and carves a series of repeating diamond patterns on every part of flapjacks body save for her face


Lorna places the plastic bin beneath the faucet and turns the valve

:musical_note:Muma Wuv B.babbies , HU-HU! Babbies W.wuv muma!!!:musical_note:

From the faucet poured a pungent filthy stagnant water

Flapjack begins sucking her hoof

Lorna puts on the gloves


Lorna picks up flapjack by the neck fat


Lorna lowers flapjack into the water making sure to keep him head
Above the water

The filthy water enters every cut and open wound on her body

“WAN DIE!!!”

After about five minutes Lorna lifts flapjack out of the water and takes her to a plexiglass sorry box in the center of the yard and tosses her in

Three agonizing days later
Flapjack dies

Whether it was the result of maggots eating their way out of her flesh or the infection

We will never know


Bit of advice, it’s more interesting if the fluffy doesn’t give up so easily. Pain is a lesson, death is a cheap solution.

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Thanks for the advice. Maybe I’ll write a three parter one for each of the days she was I n the plexiglass box maybe the first day she thinks she got off Scot free becomes cocky thinking she “toughed” it out

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I recommend 5 days since it takes 48hrs for maggots to hatch.

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Thank you

I’d say make their torture slow and painsful … but then again thats just me … yes i have a demonic side to me and no … the level above abuser is demon level which is rare for me to let out