What morons they are. I hope mummah follows.
We both know she won’t
I normally don’t like the crudely drawn low-effort “art” but wolfram does such a good job. I think it’s the sadness in the eyes
Like with bears, the offspring are disposable.
So long as the mother survives they can usually have more. ~shrug~
how to lose 2 foals quickly xD
The fluffies have a lot of personality too despite how dumb they are.
Gotta love the idiotically self-destructive nature of the fluffies lol
I’ve never heard that about bears. In fact, I’ve always heard the opposite; that the “mama bear” stereotype rings true.
Maybe you’re thinking of hamsters?
It may be Iimited to hibernation.
But I thought I remembered that if the mother is starving she’II eat the kid cause she can aIways have more but if she dies the baby dies anyway.
I thought that was hamsters?
Effective population control: themselves
Their art is great, it isn’t low effort at all
It’s been a while since I saw this one. So simple, yet so masterfully told.
Almost every animal on the planet besides humans and some elephants will always sacrifice their babies first to save the parents. A dead baby can be replaced next season; a dead parent means the entire family dies. That’s my ecology rant for the day.
2 foals 1 pond
i love how fluffies literally cannot comprehend that wingies can’t fly, even though they have never at any point observed one fly.
There are some type of marsupial that can eject the baby from its pouch and run away to have more, I just can’t remember the species atm
Dumbass mummah is best mummah