Walnut Gets Cracked (Ace)

Tinkerbell was the best fluffy mummah ever. The yellow and green mare had taken care of her chirpies to the best of her ability. Her three foals had ballooned in size since being born and were now even even talking, though they still needed milk. She could even see their personalities forming. There was a red and blue unicorn male named Topsy who loved explorin’, a yellow and green filly named Pixie just like herself who liked stacking blocks, and a pure brown colt named Walnut who loved to be the best dancin’ babbeh ever.

Her new daddeh had adopted all four of them from the shelter over Christmas. It was really nice of him and Tinkerbell loved him very much. The shelter had been cold and mean but their new housie was one of warmth and care. The saferoom which had been allotted to them was very colorful and had all sorts of toys for them to play with along with two littertrays: One that she could use and one just the perfect size for the babbehs to learn how to use. They were excellent at learning how to make good poopies and always felt extremely bad when they didn’t make it into the tray.

Their daddeh, Cole, had just gotten off of work and all four were very elated to hear the front door open. Tinkerbell excitedly rattled her hooves on the floor and pranced around, Topsy had shoved himself into a papertowel cardboard tube that Cole had left for him to explore around him and hide, Pixie proudly got three whole blocks stacked together to show him, and Walnut was up on his hindlegs doing his bestest little dance to show off.

As the man entered their saferoom, he gave a smile that caused all of them to giggle and chatter at him excitedly. He had a bag in his hand full of surprises! A new blanket for mummah to nurse on, a small fun maze for Topsy to tumble around in, a stuffy-friend for Pixie. This left Walnut to blink in confusion as he’d received nothing.

“D-Daddeh…yew foh’get Wawnut.” He said, continuing to dance. A total plea for attention, front legs waggling side to side.

“Correction. I didn’t forget you. I just don’t care about you. You want something? Here.” Cole pinched his thumb and index finger between the colt’s mane and sent him flying to his mummah’s littertray, sending him face down in a collection of poopies. Tinkerbell gasped, seeing her precious baby treated in such a way.

“He omwy babbeh! He am gud babbeh!” Hooves tip-tapping in a concerned rush to the littertray, Walnut’s mummah plucked him out and immediately began giving wicky-cweanies to the innocent little thing. She didn’t like having to do this but she truly loved him and wanted him to smell pretty. The colt was crying so hard that he’d started to hiccup which made his brother and sister both give him comforting huggies.

“Am otay.” They both cooed to him, comforting the foal. Cole just clicked his tongue in slight annoyance.

“You’re really going to give that little piece of trash attention? He’s just a poopie. Nobody loves him. Nobody should.”

Tinkerbell shook her head rapidly. “Nu! Wawnut am gud! Aw babbehs gud! Dey am widdew and nee’ wub.” Cole just gave a dismissive wave of his hand and left the room.

This would continue on for a few days. Cole never gave Walnut the time of day yet there he would be every day after he got off work, doing a little dance and trying to curry the favor of his owner. By now the foals had developed their first teeth and would excitedly gather around as their daddeh set out bowls of softened kibble for them to gobble up. They felt really grown-up! It was a major step on their path of maturity. The only problem was that there were only two bowls. Tinkerbell was there to help them take turns and share.

“Gud babbehs shawe nummies. Otay?” She told them, having each gobble some of the kibble up before switching out for another. Cole shook his head, having done this as a bit of a teaching lesson.

“Oh? There’s two bowls because Walnut doesn’t get any. In fact.” Reaching down to scoop the brown fluffy up, he forced it’s mouth open with one finger and savagely flicked another finger out until it’s tooth was knocked out. Walnut squealed and made scaredy peepees, and Cole unceremoniously dumped him into Tinkerbell’s littertray again.

“Walnut is a poopie now. He doesn’t get to eat like you all do. If he wants to eat, he can fill up on shit.” Walnut trembled. The pain in his mouth was tremendous but even more than that was what had just been taken away from him. Growing up like his brother and sister. They were still eating and had kibble all over their faces but now he was just sitting in a bunch of stink. At least Tinkerbell had run up quickly to pull him out, cleaning him off just as before and giving Cole a glare.

“Wawnut nu am poopie! He am gud! Vewy pwetty babbeh!” She nuzzled him and kept him close at her side, wanting to soothe his huwties away.

“Yeah? Well if I think he’s been eating anything but poopies…well, he’s going to have a bad time.” Cole warned her. The mummah gave a huff and puffed out her cheeks defensively until he had left the room.

Of course Tinkerbell wouldn’t let her babbeh starve. He got to suckle from her every day. At this size he should be eating regular kibble just like his siblings but she had to make do. Did he get thinner? No. In fact, he was fatter than Pixie or Topsy. Something that Cole most definitely noticed.

“Tinkerbell. Have you been feeding Walnut?” He asked one day, holding up the colt and giving him a good look over. Definitely pudgy.

“N-Nuu…Tinkehbeww nu am gib nummies…” She said but fluffies were notoriously bad liars.

“Yuh-huh.” Cole answered back and gave Walnut’s bloated stomach a squeeze. Immediately he coughed and vomited up a great big slurry of half-digested milk. Tinkerbell immediately looked ashamed and scared. She’d had an owner before Cole and telling lies meant the sorry-stick. He hadn’t used one so far but it just so happened that he had one on his person. It was too small for the mummah though.

“Well, I believe you Tink. So it seems like we got ourselves a milk thief here.” Setting Walnut down with one hand and pressing his face to the floor he began to savagely whip at his backside with the Sorry-Stick Jr, really just a small stick with a teensy leather strap on it. It was still good enough to rend strips of fluff away and leave weeping gashes on Walnut’s ass and back.

“MUMMMMAAAHHHH!” He cried out, trying to crawl away but pinned in place.

“BABBEH! MUMMAH GIB HUGGIES! PWEASE DUN CWY!” Tinkerbell tearfully yelled to him, and eventually the abuse would stop. Walnut had voided his bowels because of the punishment, and Cole would fit something over his head. It was a small basket muzzle which would stop him from eating but give him free reign to let everyone know how miserable he was. The bloodied fluffy was flicked into a littertray where he laid there miserably, shaking and peeping like a little baby. His mummah dragged him out and tried to assuage his wounds, and Cole looked down to Topsy and Pixie.

“You two are good fluffies. You would never receive a sorry-sticking. You’re good and your brother Walnut is bad. Look at this.” He pointed down to the piss and poopies puddle which had been left behind as a result of the colt being beaten. “He made bad poopies. Not only is he ugly, but he makes thing very unpretty.”

Topsy stamped a hoof down. He had loved Walnut but constant exposure to Cole telling him to think otherwise had really done wonders. “Hae bwuddah! He am dummeh poopie babbeh! GIB HOOFIES ‘FOH DADDEH!” The unicorn ran out and delivered a few kicks with his hooves to Walnut before Tinkerbell wrapped her body around him defensively.

“Nu! Toopsie bein’ bad babbeh! Huuuuu!” She watched as the unicorn snorted and flared his nostrils, and even Pixie looked affected by all of this. “Wawnut am su badsies….”

So Walnut wasn’t allowed to eat. The muzzle kept him from getting a drop of milkies and the only time he got water was when Cole got home from work. He stood there and supervised the colt after taking his muzzle off for awhile. The message was clear: The only thing he’d be eating was poopies.

“Tummeh huwties…su huwties…huuu…” He stared down at the littertray in front of him. Tinkerbell was there beside him, trying to encourage him. She loved him. There was no way he was going to live unless he did what munstah daddeh said.

“Gud babbeh…num poopies…yew nu wan fowebba sweepies.” She told him tearfully, gave him a small nudge.

“Mummah pwease. Pwease!” Walnut tried to beg but he was forced to eat the horrible things laid out for him. It was the worst thing ever. Maybe even worse than having his teeth flicked out by daddeh. Topsy, who would grown emboldened by all of this lately, trotted over with sketti sauce still smeared all over his face.

“Poopie babbeh am num poopies. Hewes poopies ‘foh yew!” He shit on his brother, who screeched and protested. Tinkerbell sent a hoof out and gave Topsy a nudge, just enough to send him down on his side. The fluffy look hurt by this, at least emotionally, and Cole gave a small ‘tut-tut’.

“Being a bad mother, are we? Tink, now Walnut has to be punished.” He grabbed Tinkerbell by the mane and stuffed her under one arm, keeping her firmly pinned down. “Topsy, please show your brother what happens to bad little poopies.”

Topsy didn’t really need encouragement on the matter. His mummah had just knocked him over. HIM! He was a good babbeh! Good babbehs didn’t make messes or num out of the litterbox. They got new toys and sketti day. Walnut looked up to his brother, eyes shimmering with tears.

“Pwease bwuddah! Pwease! Wub yew!” He tried to say but Topsy wasn’t having any of it. Sending his hooves crashing down on Walnut’s back legs, he would crush his bones and ruin any chance of ever being a dancin’ babbeh again.

“Yew am dummeh poopie! Gib wowstest huwties!” Tinkerbell could only flail and hopelessly watch as one of her beloved children maimed the other. After breaking his backlegs, Topsy went the extra mile and took a great mouthful of his brother’s tail in his mouth, tearing it off and spitting it out in bloody clumps on the floor. The same process was repeated with his mane until he was left as an ugly little potato looking creature, still covered in shit.

“Alright! That’s enough Topsy. Good boy. Let me get this back on.” The basket muzzle was fitted back over Walnut’s head and the process would begin anew.

Every day he was forced to num poopies. He didn’t have any choice. There was no more dancing when daddeh got home. At most all he could manage was pitiful crawling about on his front legs. It got to the point where he refused to open his mouth when the muzzle came off.

“Wan die, mummah.” Was all he could do when presented with the only meal offered to him one day. Tinkerbell nudged him.

“Babbeh…nu wan fowebba sweepies. Mumma wub yew. Nee’ babbeh Wawnut.” She gave him an encouraging lick but he refused.

“Mummah nu sabe babbeh. Ba’ mummah. Wawnut wan die.” So he laid face down in the littertray and refused to look up. No matter how much encouragement Tinkerbell gave him, he refused to budge. Even after the muzzle was fitted back on his face he didn’t move.

This continued on for two days or so. She would lift him out of the littertray and gave him licks to be clean and pretty again, he just laid there limply. The muzzle was taken off, he was thrown back in, and again he refused to fill his belly. This happened until one day Cole had picked up the colt and found him stiff and unmoving. Cold. Yup, he was definitely dead. He dangled the foal out to his mummah.

“Look, dipshit. You killed your baby. Wow! You’re the worst momma ever. Now I’m going to have to go put him in the ground where he’ll get eaten by worms. And bugs.”

Tinkerbell tried to reach her hooves out to Walnut, refusing to believe the reality. It was true that he hadn’t moved all day but they were steadfastly willing to try and refuse the truth right in front of them. “Wawnut am otay! He am sweepies. Dat is aw…” Wiggle-waggle, trying to get her beloved little guy from munstah daddeh. Cole let go of the corpse and let it drop, watching as it went headfirst into the floor and had it’s neck corkscrewed.

“Whoops! Well, time to get him out of here before he stinks up the place.” Tinkerbell had tried to get the now mangled corpse to hug and give life to but Cole was too fast and picked him up by one crooked hind leg.

“C’mon crew, lets go plant this retard.” Whistling to himself and leading the three remaining fluffies out to the backyard, he got himself a shovel and dug a shallow grave. Unceremoniously chucked Walnut’s corpse inside.

“Any of you got words of remembrance?” He asked the three.

“Wan skettis…” Pixie mumbled, not really caring all that much about what had happened.

Tinkerbell stepped forward and gave a swish of her tail. It was hard to believe and this was all moving along so rapidly but she wanted to say nice things about her babbeh. “Wawnut su gud. Bestest dancie babbeh. He am make Tinkehbewws heawt su happeh. He am in skettiland naow and hab wots ob funsies, ‘n huggies, ‘n….”

Cole smacked her with one hand. “Alright, your times up dumbass. Poopies aren’t allowed in skettiland. They’re too ugly, smelly, and everyone hates them. Topsy, my dude, any last things to say to the fuckface in the hole?”

Topsy got to the edge of the hole and sprayed his brother’s corpse with a fresh load of shit. “Haechu bwuddah! Buggies ‘n wormies num yew naow!” Cole nodded. Honestly such a sendoff could bring a tear to his eye. He scraped some dirt on top of the corpse but not enough. One of Walnut’s hooves still stuck stiffly through the grave, partly because Cole was lazy and also so Tinkerbell could get a good look every time they went out to play.

“Alright, gang! Let’s go get some sketti.”


what an asshole


i wonder what would happen if Tinkerbell suddenly yelled " DUMMEH MUSTAH DADDEH! WALNUT NU AM POOPIES! U AWE! U AM BIGGEST POOPIES EBAH!"


Well now that depends.

Before or after he died? If before, Walnut would get punished.

If after…now that’s something different altogether


will it be pretty? ( that’s sarcasm BTW of course it wouldn’t)

A momma actually caring about the brown foal, a rear thing indeed.


Except for one of my parody stories the fluffies in my universe almost always have unconditional love for their foals regardless of fur color or being a unicorn/pegasus/alicorn. The only notable exception (so far) being Cinnamummah who killed all hers because she’s a big fat bitch.


I love your stories Ace. Also this one takes me back to the days when people used to make fun of /b/ and the whole “Hierarchy canon” (Bestest and poopie nonsense) they came up with for “justified abuse” including the turncoat fluffy who always teams up with the human instead of having empathy for their family. Wonderfully done.


I’ve had kind of a hate boner for what I call ‘poopie savior’ content lately especially in regards to justified abuse. Like bro if you wanna write/make art about boogying down on a bunch of fluffies just do it, you don’t need to gas it up with a poor little peepee poopoo baby.

Turncoat fluffies tie into one of my other least favorite tropes, The Big Bad Exterminator™. Fluffies aren’t scary or a threat. They’re retarded. No heat to those who write it (I actually very much like someone who does) but it isn’t my bag.


I cackled


Ants aren’t a threat individually either but you still gotta exterminate 'em.

haha poopie fluffies don’t get to go to skettiland, they go to poopiland, where there’s nothing but poopies, so all they can do is eat poopies and cry.


I prefer Shit Samsara where they don’t even get to go to an afterlife.