Wan Huggies (LittensTinyMittens)

Eh, I do love toetureporn. I just prefer it with adult fictional characters who can actually fight back, because I’m not a weak ass bitch who has to kill baby creatures to feel satisfied.


I am not into torture porn, it puts me off. Normally, I wouldn’t judge someone who enjoys it tho, if you are an adult and so are the porn actors, you do you Bubu. But fluffies is a special case due to them being a cross between animals and children. Abuse only art is not my cup of tea, but I don’t think abyone depicting it is a bad person per se. Only that if someone continously depicts certain extremes it’s because they like thinking about it. Thinking is not doing, but it’s not quite right to always wonder about such things.


Damn right. This is why, when I do abuse stories, I don’t portray it as a good thing. I don’t portray the people doing it as good people. They have their justifications, that’s true, but so do real life abusers, and their justifications don’t actually justify it.

This is also why abusers in my stories usually get some kind of comeuppance for abusing fluffies.


Oh yeah it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I’m not a fan of live action. Writing is where it’s at. Pure fiction and no one gets hurt


I think I get so salty with abuse stuff because so much of it gives “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!” Vibes. There are some interesting stories, but overall it’s not my thing at all


In my stories, the line between hugbox and abuse is the line between good and evil.

You’ve gotta have bad guys doing bad things, because otherwise how do you know that they’re the bad guys?


Clarification of what


Thank. Me no big brain sorry.

This is great!

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Ah it’s a phrase used to describe MLM huns, a parody of the “Live Laugh Love” signs. a reference to how huns often gaslight people they’re talking to if things don’t go their way, or they go off about how “THIS IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN DO x”, and they always call themselves’ girlbosses’. A lot of them are super abusive people.

I hope that made sense!


My appreciation, amigo.

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no worries!

If it was a nice dog yes. But now no.

Since you didn’t get it the first time: this is hugbox, fuck off and go touch grass, troll


What’s this about dogs?

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If the fluffy was a nice dog, No9999999 would hug it. Bust since it a fluffy, they won’t hug it.

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and before that, they posted a nastier comment about crushing her


Hugs indeed. Because hugs are nice.

Disgusting !
…I would pet the fluffy at least.

I’m gonna give the fluffy all the hugs