Warranty Void if Seal is Broken (Part Two) (By: PeppermintParchment) FB ID: 42971

Not often I find something that makes me feel much of anything these days. Very well written, at that. The first part drew me in right away, had never considered how those vending machines must seem from the point of view of a fluffy trapped within. Excellent story all round.


Thank you,there was such a stark contrast between the first part and the second part that I didn’t know if people who enjoyed Part One would enjoy Part Two,so it’s nice to hear that you did.
Thank you for your compliments,and I’m glad you liked it.


Amazing story!


Thank you very much :heart:

Welcome to the website :slight_smile:

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Ive seen cats going for up to 2k and birds up to 999. They may be high, but for special breeds I think 1200 isnt that high really. But they’re fluffies after all.

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He would’ve gotten the asking price he wanted if he had just manifested the balls to crack her can. They would’ve been adjusted. She would’ve been clean. That random father would’ve gotten his daughter an expensive collector’s mare.

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This is the saddest any fluffy story has ever made me feel. It was very well written. Fuck you for making me sad. Thank you for giving us such a great story.


Oh,thank you,that means so much to me. Sadbox is my favorite box,and I try to give the genre some love.
I’m very happy to hear you enjoyed it,and thank you for the compliments.


HOLY shit this story. On one hand it’s a meme of collector culture which I think is funny, on the other the other the foals have a beautifully sad relationship which touches on points of depression and mental health so perfectly I almost felt JEALOUS of Princess Celestia at her moment of death.
100 gorillion points/10.


Thank you! This is probably my second favorite story I wrote,I was worried about how it would be received because the first part is totally different from the second. It makes me happy that people are still reading it and getting feels from it all these years later.
If you like this one,you might like my other sadbox,called Exhume.
Thank you for reading,and your nice comment.


I don’t know why but I really want a sequel with Knight ending up in a breeding farm.

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Beautifully gut-wrenching story


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: And thank you for reading.


Holy FUCK that was a masterpiece!

Bravo! Well Done!

You wrote it so well I almost wanted her to be rescued…
Of course, there would be soooo many possibilities for a crippled Princess eventually being jealous of her brother being healthy…

Great job


Which one is your favorite of your stories?
This one is… incredible… sublime… perfect


Thank you for your high praise!
I like all of my works that are on FC, because if I didn’t like them I wouldn’t post them! However,if I absolutely had to pick a favorite,I’d pick Exhume. It’s just long enough to tell an emotional story,but short enough that someone could read it on their lunch break. I loved writing about the relationship between Russet and his human Mummah,and the ending to Exhume is the best I have ever written,in my opinion.
You didn’t ask this,but my least favorite would probably be Welcome to my Blog! StuffedWithFluff. This story changed directions twice while I was writing it,and I feel like it was too long winded for the story that I was meaning to tell. I’m also the ideological opposite of the blogger,so it was a little hard for me to get into her head and “think” like she did without making her into a parody of a person.
I’d rank Warranty Void if Seal is Broken as my second favorite. It was so fun to write,and really let me sink my teeth into the sadbox genre. I’m definitely glad it survived the death of the Booru.
Thank you for reading,and for the kind words,it really keeps me motivated to write more! I’m very glad you enjoyed it.

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Thanks, main reason I asked was that this is so good, I wanted to know which one to read next.

Glad to see you still post, and are a lot more prolific than I manage to be!
Dunno what it is about fluffies, but even when you get busy with other stuff, eventually you need to scratch that itch again.

It is heartening to see new posters here, but a part of me can’t help but feel the level of content doesn’t really live up to what we had on the booru.

I think some of that may have to do with this place being a lot nicer and friendlier. The booru could be harsh assholes, but it also pushed people to do their best, like being forged in hot coals.

Don’t mean to denigrate the new people putting out content, but I can’t help but notice a lot of it is just pointless abuse.

In the words of Not Sure “I wanna know who’s balls those are and why they are being kicked!”

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A delightful story! Shame he was adamant about trying to sell her brother with her, people definitely would’ve grabbed her without the extra baggage. Ah well, live and learn!

Though since he’s Free…

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I must commend you for the little dark gag of the abusers on the online forum going from rabidly talking about how they just love filling up fluffies with helium until they explode to being perfectly civil as they give legitimate healthcare advice on how to drain puss from an infected eye.