Wasteland survival guide Animal directory: ch.3 Fluffy Biology, diseases, and Mutation pt.1 (7svendye)

When I discovered that Vault-Tec and Hasbio put some time and effort into what they called “Bio Toys” I had assumed that it would be like the Institute in a way, androids that were given flesh but no when it comes to fluffies they have an anatomy similar to that of other animals and humans. To put it in a simple term they have blood, guts, can eat, drink, sleep, and defecate. Just like any other creature out in the Wasteland, these creatures are susceptible to diseases, mental disorders, and of course mutations.


When you wander the Waste you often at times come across your fellow man who may try to kill you for the items in your possession and the key factors for a human to do this to another human is these key factors: ego, greed, and psychotic tendencies. In an unlucky fluffy herd the leaders who display these characteristics are called smarty’s, but to the people of Vault-Tec and Hasbio call it Smarty-Syndrome.

The holo-tapes left by both Vault-Tec and Hasbio describe this mental disease as a strong form of narcism and psychopathic tendencies. The tapes say that when the development of fluffies was being made and educated in their adoption center in California, the adoption center was understaffed since fluffies could reproduce at an extreme rate. The robots in the center did minimize the work of the staff but they needed more help, so the current foremen at the time suggested in using fluffies that exhibited more intelligence to be the eyes and ears of the staff. It is this incident that created the word Smarty, however, it was in the coming weeks that they began to notice how some fluffies were acting more violently and egotistical something that went against their programming and their main purpose.

The Tapes exclaim that the fluffies that began to display this behavior began to call themselves Smarty, upon here this phrase the management began to interrogate the employees on picking “these” fluffies as their watchers, however, each employee gave the same answer “I never even pick this little shit”.

The behavior got worse over time as none of the normal discipline methods worked and in turn led to mares being sexually assaulted alone with foals, the death of foals that did not belong to the “Smarty”, and other forms of bad behavior. It was decided by both companies that if a fluffy adult or foal were displaying any of this type of behavior the fluffy would be liquidated. You think that over 200 years these little uneheliches would die out, unfortunately, you be wrong as these pests are harder to get rid of like a radroach. It’s these fluffies that often give herds who trying to survive a bad name.


Every Child has a Parent who favors one sibling to another in the case of fluffies they take it to an extreme. Bitch-Mare a very colorful name made by Wastelanders to describe a fluffy mare who has not matured enough to become a mother and often spits upon the tiled when it comes to her young. When it comes to babies fluffies were programmed to love all their babies a design made by Hasbio and Vault-Tech to ensure that when each foal is ready to be adopted it understands their purpose of going to a human owner. Just like with Smarty syndrome this mental disorder seems to be an odd form of depression. It’s because of this disorder that a mare will favor a piacular baby that they call the bestst baby and In turn provide more milk or food to this favored foal.

Upon choosing the bestst baby The mare will at times forgo her other young for that of the favored one [IMPORTANT NOTICE: for any Wastelander who owns a fluffy mare the young foal must be disciplined right away as at times the mare overfeed the young foal that leads to health problems and obesity]. These Mares often don’t last in the wilds of the Waste as their constant complaining and whing often attracts dangerous predators. The Followers of the Apocalypse have an odd fascination with these mentally ill mares as they have been testing certain antidepressants and psychotics to help these sick mares.

S.B.S (sensitive baby syndrome):

My colleagues in Followers of the Apocalypse directed me to the disease after their mascot Mary gave birth to a litter of foals after getting attacked by a random feral stallion. Through my studies through Vault-Tec and Hasbio, I discovered that this oddity is a genetic disorder due to overbreeding in older Mares. In their Holo-Tapes, they explain that certain growth hormones in a foal’s development are not released due to cellular anomalies during the development.

This, in turn, keeps the foal from “growing up”, that is not to say that can grow up physically as both me and the followers have discovered that they can grow to a mature size they never undergo puberty. This, in turn, affects the foal into believing that it is still a Chirpy Baby [Refer to: Chapter 2 Fluffy life cycle and life in the Waste]. This in turn will slow down the development of teeth and shorten the lifespan of the foal. Due to the slow development of their teeth, they are unable to eat certain foods found in the wilds of the Waste and must rely on nutrients provided by the mother’s milk, however, this type of diet will kill the foal due to obesity.

It is a rare sight to see an SBS foal survive out in the Waste as their disorder messes with their ability to speak. Another factor to consider is the fact they are extremely sensitive to bright lights and loud noises. Despite their disability, they can survive in settlements that do tolerate them as they can eat mashed-up fruits and veggies, the most successful fruits that these foals often favor mashed-up Mutfruit. Although they can be raised properly they often are euthanized in farming communities due to their constant need for milk, which often hurts production for farmers who use fluffy mare milk.

The Loop/Wan Die Loop:

When It comes to living in the Wasteland we all have our limits and for these Bio Toys who are trying to survive their limits hit hard. When Traveling in the Waste we often see horrific sights, due to the programming of fluffy ponies, it gives them a false sight that the world is full of wonder and amazement when that innocence is shattered however they enter what Hasbio and Vault-Tech called the loop and it would take 200 years for Wastelanders to call it the Wan Die loop. Hasbio only recorded information of this loop coming from an incident when a light fixture fell on a stallion family, the
scientist and staff tried everything to get the stallion out of this Loop, unfortunately nothing worked and so they euthanized it.

There is no way to get a fluffy out of this loop as it often leads to suicidal tendencies for the fluffy.

Out in the Wastes, many travelers often have fear the effects of radiation along with the effects of the FEV virus that will transform a human into a horrific monster. In the case of fluffies they themslefs are not safe from the effects of radiation poisoning and FEV and other forms of mutations.


During the time of the Master and of The Unity the super mutants often found ways to kill humans let it be with gunfire, their Centaurs or their Mutated Hounds. If they want to blow up something they will often use Super mutant suiciders or their FlufFEVS.

The FlufFEVS is a mutated fluffy pony that has been exposed to the Forced Evolutionary Virus the same Pre-War concoction that gave the Wasteland the super-mutants. The FlufFEV are bloated fluffies with limbs and other appendages such as legs, eyes, horns, and, wings. The most common mutation is the extra legs, which gives it better speed than that of their non-mutated brethren. These creatures are in constant pain due to the amount of radiation they absorb, and due to their bloated size they often lose both their fluff and their skin (Which is green underneath) to tear and strain.

The purpose of this mutation is that these fluffies have essentially become walking mini-nukes. Some of the smarter tribes strap explosives to these fluffies and will donate them usually as a means to take out a human settlement’s or Brother Hood of Steel bases. Some Super-Mutant suiciders will often carry these fluffies when they have no Mini-Nukes available.

There are three types of FlufFEVS:

+Normals: The standard FlufFEVS that super mutant raiding parties will use

+UniBomb: A unicorn that has grown multiple horns all across its body as the super mutants use these as a special Shrapnel bomb.

+SoonMines: “Soon Mamas” who were exposed to FEV along with foals inside their wombs, the best comparison that can describe these creatures are the Bloat Flys and their larva. Upon detonation the foals inside the mare act as parasites that can cause radiation Poisoning. Super Mutants often use these fluffies in boobytraps and defenses for their camps.

FoalGrenade: Foals that were exposed to FEV and bloated up like their adult counterparts. The super Mutants have turned these innocent young fluffies into living grenades that have the same power as a regular grenade with a bonus of spreading radiation.

ShoutOut to SqueakyFriend who gave the name of this mutated fluffy had to cut this chapter into Pieces as I’m still working on some other stuff hope you guys enjoyed and appreciate the feedback


I look forward to the next part of this chapter :slight_smile: