Wawa Destroys Foaltron Reupload (AMDk7)

Originally this was supposed to be two pics
Foaltron and Wawa Seperate.
But after scanning it it looked like Wawa was responsible for Foaltrons demise and not their own ineptitude
So i decided to keep it as is

Wawa seems the type to want to destroy Foaltron anyway.
Drawing mechanical fluffies was a lot harder then expected from what I recall.

I wont be coloring this one, my coloring skills are stil too pluh to want to tackle fire.
Wawa belongs to @SqueakyFriend

Edit: and Foaltron was created by @Lothmar if i recall.
I just ran with the idea.


Uploading this was diabolical
Replete with errors ( 502 twice ) and dial up speed.
There be fluffies in the server !


@AMDK7 I like to believe Foaltron was created in our collective hearts of nostalgia and I just happened to be lucky enough to whisper it aloud amongst peers. :slight_smile:

Now im trying to remember the emperor that sent out the robeasts in the show. ~Chuckle~

Also I saw this comic and thought foaltron was getting violated so I clicked and while trying to load it the site gave me a ‘due to overwhelming load’ message. I had to go to the bathroom and shut the door to laugh properly.


Works for me.

I have the entire voltron series on DVD.
Well lion Voltron anyway not vehicle Voltron.
( and Go Lion and the 2016 series )
The emperor is king Zarkon (Daibazaal in GoLion) of the Drule empire ( if i recall)
His son is Lothmar

Oh…don’t tempt me or others.
Good to hear you got a laugh out of the happenstance though.