We Suckin' Diesel Now, Bois (Federalchemical1728)

This Bad Boy is what ive spent the last couple weeks making. im not great at taking photos but holy SHIT am i proud of myself.

all those little screws are from an old desktop computer i dismantled while harvesting the hard drive & his flamethrower nozzle was built around a nail that was too bent to use for actual handiwork. i had the idea of sticking one of those little lego dragon fire pieces in his flamethrower but i dont have any & im juuuust stubborn enough to call him done as he is.

he’s an absolute heel & i love him. Stinky Bastard Man :green_heart:

((hoooooooo wee am i burnt tf out))

quitting weed has definitely left me cranky and off balance, but what keeps me going is the knowledge that ill be able to get my new ADHD medication in about 25 days as long as i stay on the wagon. i’ll live, shit just sucks. but at least the medication for my depression seems to be working (knock on wood :grimacing:)

weed was definitely a crutch that helped me ignore my burnout & now that i have to quit it’s catching up with me. it’s a fucking nightmare bc drawing is my number 1 coping mechanism & burnout means i have to take a break & i haaaaaaate iiiiiitttt. i COULD potentially do sketch/doodle commissions to fill the void. nothing big or long or complicated, just cheap lil doodles so i can still keep drawing while my own creativity recovers.

im also having trouble with my diabetes supplies which is fuckig nerve-wracking bc thats some life-or-death shit. it’s 100% my fault for ignoring important emails & forgiving myself doesnt guarantee that it won’t happen again. looks like im gonna have to pay the anxiety tax, the depression tax, AND the adhd tax. thoughts & prayers for my bank account :pray:

also here’s the birdhouse i made with my friend:


Looks great. You’re quite the multi talent!


What a wonderful young man wearing wonderful little Dress Shoes

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Holy shit that looks so cool!

I hope things start looking brighter for you buddy, I know just how much of a bitch burnout can be while quitting something.

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That is so awesome!! What is he made of, Sculpey clay or?

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I love him so much.

And I know it sucks but we love you and you can do it FedChem :heart:

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He looks great!

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Damnnnnnn now I gotta make one too!

I also love that birb house

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Ho. Lee. Shit. This is awesome! This is the first (Professional-grade in my opinion) sculpt of a fluffy I’ve ever seen. Great job!!
Sculpting fluffies sounds fun, should try doing that myself and see what I can come up with.

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Thats so metal <3