Weak Ch. 1 [By BFM101]

“For the record I still think you’re insane for even trying this.”

“Duly noted Vin, now can I see my product please.”

Vincent Harkness tutted at his twin sister Victoria before leading her to the backrooms of his Fluff-mart. Victoria had well-familiarised herself with these hallways but today she wasn’t here for bloodshed… well, not immediately anyway. No rather she was looking for something in particular, and she believed she had found it.

Vincent opened the door to a private room and allowed Victoria inside, the occupant already inside stopped playing chasies with his ball and looked up at her, a curious look that soon evolved into one of joy and excitement.

“Nyu fwiend?”

It was a stallion, young but still on the right side of adulthood. And what a stallion he was, a pure monochrome white Alicorn with hints of sparkles in his Fluff where the light caught him just right. in layman’s terms he was a fucking goldmine for a breeder. No wonder Vincent was reluctant to let him go. Victoria watched the stallion with interest, there was a look on his face that suggested while he hadn’t allowed his ego to devolve into Smarty Syndrome, this was a Fluffy who knew there was something special about him.

“Hewwo nyu fwiend.” The stallion cheerfully introduced himself. “Namesie am Noba, am it gud bwite-time fow yu?”

Victoria smiled as warmly as her cold heart would allow towards the little guy. “It’s been very good, thank you Nova. I hope you’re having a good day too.”

“Fank yu nice wady, it am gud bwite-time for Noba tuu. Du nice wady wan be nyu mummah fow Noba?”

A glint of sadistic glee flashed across Victoria’s eyes as Nova remained unaware that he had already been bought and paid for earlier that day.

“Oh you know, I think I might just do that.”

“YAY!!! Wub nyu mummah! Fank yu, Noba hab biggesh heawt-happies tu hab bestesh homesie nyo.”

Victoria smiled and stroked the stallion gently on his cheek. “Just you wait my little friend, it’s to die for.”

Nova cooed at Victoria’s touch for a moment before she stood up. “Now I need to quickly sort out some boring paperwork but you all stay right here and mummy will be back in just a few minutes.”

“Ok mummah.” Noba puffed his chest proudly at her. “Nova wait fow yu.”

Victoria gave him one final smirk before leaving the room and joining her brother who had been watching it all through the two-way mirror.

“Not that I’d ever want to deny you your fun dear sister. But why did you have to pick him?”

“What, you mean that pure white Alicorn? Whatever do you mean little brother?”

“You know what I mean Tori. I look at him and I see hundreds of thousands of coin being poured down the drain. You could’ve taken anyone of the thousand Fluffies we have here, and I don’t think you chose him specifically to fuck with me. So why him?”

“You and I both know the only Fluffies worth a damn are the pretty ones, and what’s more the Fluffies know this. I can damn well see on his face that he knows he’s something special. But you know the thing about pretty Fluffies that you just can’t get with any old common or garden variety?”


“They got more to lose.”

Nova gasped as he entered Victoria’s safe-room, it was bigger than his old play-room and that was already the biggest place he’d ever seen, the rubber floor, brightly coloured walls with crayon lines and painted hoof-prints all around and the myriad of toys and games all grabbed the Fluffies attention and refused to let go.

“Safe-woom am su nice mummah.” Nova let out a excited yelp. “Fank yu for bestesh nyu homesie.”

“Why anything for my little angel.”

Nova dashed forward, heading straight for the unstacked blocks, only to stop and sniff the air. “Mummah, wha am meanie nu-gud smeww in safe-woom?

“Oh that, that might be my last Fluffy Peony, poor thing was such a handful, I tried to look after her but she kept on demanding more and more, she was mean to me until I let her have babies, then she was mean to her babies, refused to feed them because they ‘weren’t pretty like her’.”

Nova gasped in horror and pulled his hoofs in closer together to hear the rest of this horror story.

Victoria continued. “Well, Peony was SO mean that one day her leggies had enough and left her, said they didn’t want anything to do with a meanie bad mummah like her. Of course without her legs, Peony couldn’t reach her food bowl, so unfortunately she starved to death.”

“Dat am su howwibew mummah. Noba su sowwy yuh ab biggesh meanie mummah wike dat.”

“It’s ok Nova, I’m healing from it. It just hurts because I tried so hard for Peony but she didn’t love me enough to let me help her. But I know you will be good a Fluffy and listen to mummy now, won’t you?”

Nova shook his head an enthusiastic yes, bringing a smile to Victoria’s face.

“Excellent, now then, since this is our first night together, why don’t we mark the occasion with a good dinner.”

“Yay, Noba wan nummies, can dey be sketti nummies pwease mummah.”

The smile suddenly dropped from Victorias face, and dropped hard. “Oh… oh no I… I thought I’d have more time to… No, no this is my fault, I should’ve expected this.”

“Wha wong mummah?”

“Well Nova, I would love to make you a loving, juicy spaghetti dinner, there’s nothing I want more than to make you happy. But spaghetti dinners don’t come for free, you’ll have to pay for them.”

“Pay? Wha am pay?”

“It’s where you exchange numbers for goods and services. Have you ever heard of money before?”

“Mistah Gus say Noba am ‘wasties of munies’ bu Noba nu knyo wha he meen.”

“Money is what human use to pay for things like homes and toys and spaghetti. I go to my job, they give my money for being good at my job, I then use that money to buy things we need.”

“Wike sketti?”

“Like sketti, exactly. Now mummy’s already used her money to buy you, and she’s very happy that she did. But if we’re going to have a spaghetti dinner, we need someone to pay for it.”

Nova slowly looked around the room, then between his legs and under his hoofs, a concerned look growing on his face.

“Wha du munies wook wike mummah? Noba nu can find anee.”

“Oh you’re such a sweet boy, but Fluffies don’t have money Nova, you don’t have a job.”

“Oh… den wha can Noba an mummah du, nu can hab sketti nummies, an sketti nummies am bestesh nummies fow bestesh mummah.”

Victoria put her hands to her mouth, partly to pretend she was deep in thought, mostly to hide the sadistic grin inching its way onto her face.

“Well… there is one thing, but it’s not going to be very nice.”

“Wha am it mummah? Niba pwomise du aneefing.”

“We might be able to pay for the spaghetti, with hurties.”

Nova’s white face got even whiter. “Huwties?”

“Why yes. Think about it, you said it yourself. Spaghetti is the best food ever right?”

Nova nodded, wondering where this was going. “Yeh?”

“And hurties are the worst thing ever, right?”


“So wouldn’t it make sense to take a little of the worst thing in order to be rewarded with the best thing. You can’t have one without the other, how would you know what’s good if you don’t know what’s bad.”

Nova stared slack-jawed for several seconds, a few more seconds than Victoria was expecting as his tiny Fluffy brain tried to comprehend what she had just said. He didn’t really understand, but he figured since she was a human that it had to be somewhat true.

“Dat am… dam make sum sensies. Huu, bu Noba nu wan huwties, bu du wan sketti, nu knyo wha du?”

Victoria reached out and gently stroked Nova’s Fluff. “I’m sure since this is our first dinner together, we can get a discount. Just a little hurt now for a nice spaghetti dinner for us both. You can do that for me, can’t you boy?”

She could feel Nova trembling but with a brave face he looked up at her and nodded.

“Ok mummah, Noba take wittew huwties sum ummah an Noba can hab sketti.”

“That’s my boy, now mummy doesn’t like what she needs to do, but know she’s doing this because she loves you.”

“Noba wun mummah tuu.”

The white stallion braced himself for what was to come, his eyes shut tight to keep from seeing the hurties coming. Victoria paused for a moment, just long enough for the tension to become unbearable, before reaching out and giving a hard pinch to the skin behind Nova’s left ear.

“OOWWWWWIIIESSSS!!! Wowstesh heaw-pwace huwties!”

Instantly Victoria shuffled forward and gently hugged Nova, softly stroking his back. “Oh I know baby, I know, but you’re such a brave boy and mummy loves you so much for being so brave. I think that should be enough to pay for some good spaghetti, now you wait here while mummy cooks up dinner for us both.

A short while later, Victoria returned with two bowls of spaghetti, she’d splurged a little on good ingredients since she knew all Vincent gave his Fluffies was cheap ramen and watery ketchup and she wanted to take a chance that Nova would be able to taste the difference.

And if not, well at least she got a good meal out of it.

“Here you are baby, fresh and hot out the kitchen, I hope you enjoy.”

Nova’s face beamed wide at the steaming bowl of spaghetti in front of him, the rich red of the tomato sauce and the vibrant greens of fresh herbs all made for the most wonderful looking spaghetti he’s ever seen. The bowl hadn’t even touched the floor before he threw himself head-first into it.

Victoria smirked at his excitement, her plan already coming together nicely.

“Yummies, dese am bestesh skettis eba mummah, su guuuuuud!”

“I’m glad you like them hun, but do you know where they’re so good?”

“Cos mummah make dem?”

“Aw you’re sweet, but no. It’s because you paid for them with hurties.”


“Yes, because you had to take something bad, it made the something good as a reward taste all the better.”

Nova was still confused about that, but then again these skettis were the best thing he’d even tasted and he’d never had to pay for food with hurties before.

“Noba fink undastan, fank yu fow ex-pwan mummah.”

Victoria’s smirk grew as the little idiot fell for her lie, hook, line and sinker.

“Anytime baby, anytime.”

The next couple of days went by without incident, being an Alicorn Nova was quick to learn the rules of the house, where to poop properly, how to stay quiet, all in all he was the perfect Fluffy.

It was almost a shame he’d been picked out by Victoria.

Since his arrival, Nova hadn’t asked for anything after the spaghetti incident, part of him too scared to get hurt again for it. But in those days since he arrived, Victoria had been working from home – the micro-invasion of her office wasn’t dealt with properly so now her bosses had to deal with getting a secondary company to get rid of them whilst suing the first company for half-assing their job – and for Nova playing away on his own in his safe-room, knowing that his mummah was just on the other side of the door not playing with him was a hard thing for him to understand. After so many forevers and only seeing mummah for some of those, his innocent little mind burst and he had to ask for more.

Victoria sighed and leaned back in her chair, the phone lines still weren’t connected properly and while the emails had picked up now that the customers had not other way of contacting her, there still wasn’t enough to fill out the whole day, so instead she spent most of her working time gazing out the window. She had moved her office to the upstairs guest room, partly so she wouldn’t get distracted by another feral mare knocking on her door, but mostly so she could be closer to Nova in case anything came up.

And something did indeed come up, when she heard Nova’s hoofs softly tapping on his safe-room door.

“Mummah, am yu dewe? Noba wan tawkies.”

“I’m busy working at the moment Nova…” She called back as she browsed the Instagram page of Reine and her three jewellery adorned micro-fluffies, Diamond, Ruby and Jade “…This better be important.”

“Huu, am sowwy mummah, bu Noba wan pway wiv mummah. Nu see many aww bwite-time bu knyo mummah am dewe an it gib Noba heawt-huwties. Pwease mummah, jus fow wittew bit.”

Victoria looked at her clock, she had just over an hour of work left, and considering how low the work-load was she knew her bosses turned a blind eye to dead-spaces in the log. So long as she jumped back every 20 or 30 minutes to wiggle the mouse and make it seem like she was still at her desk, nobody would mention her not doing anything.

Not that Nova had to know that of course.

Putting on her best disappointed face, Victoria got up from her desk and dragged herself over to the safe-room, slowly opening it to see Nova smiling up at her, a smile that vanished when he saw the tired frustration in her eyes.

“Nova… mummy would love nothing more than to play with you, but mummy needs to work to make money so we can have nice toys and a home and sketti. I know it’s hard but we need to be patient with each other.”

“Noba knyo, it jus… it am su hawd tu knyo mummah am dewe bu nu can pway. Can mummah jus pway wiv Noba fow wittew bit, pwease.”

Victoria pretended to sigh before pretending to relent.

“Ok, we might be able to work something out, I think if we pay for mummy to finish work early with hurties, that might be enough to make up for the money mummy can’t make.”

Nova’s face dropped. “Need pay wiv huwties?”

Victoria nodded. “Mmm, yep, and it’s not going to be small hurties like last time, mummy’s losing a lot of money playing with you. I think… five hits with the sorry stick would do it.”

Nova trembled and a tiny squirt of piss leaked out of him, he’d never been hit with the sorry stick before but he’d seen other Fluffies punished with it and knew how bad it could be. “Noba nu wan da sowwy stick.”

“Then mummy will have to go back to work, I might even need to stay longer to make up for all the time we’ve been talking. We either pay for mummy’s time with hurties, or mummy doesn’t play with you.”

She took a quarter turn and a half-step toward her office, sending Nova into a tizzy.

“Huuu… Noba take da huwties, nu wan mummah tu gu.”

“Good boy, mummy’s very proud of you for doing this, mummy wanted to play with you too. Now hold on while mummy gets the sorry stick.”

Victoria jumped back to her room and grabbed a sorry stick from her collection mounted on the wall, she chose a rough leather model, the coating was old and crack leaving rough patches for extra scratching pain. It was far from the worst item she owned but it would leave a fair mark.

When she returned to the safe-room she found Nova on his litterbox, letting out a stream of scardie-poopies, still trembling like a newborn lamb, tears welling in his white face. Victoria saw his fear and put on her fake concern.

“Oh I know baby, I don’t want to do this either, but rules are rules. Now come on, the sooner we get through this, the sooner we can play, alright?”

“Awwi….wight mummah.”

With shaky steps, Nova stepped out of the litterbox and walked over to Victoria, she knelt down onto the floor, picked Nova up and lay him across her knee, his behind stick out and raised slightly.

“This is going to hurt Nova, but it’ll all be over soon and mummy will play with you for the rest of the day. Because mummy loves her brave little guy.”

“Fan… sniff… fank yu mummah.”

With one hand, Victoria softly pet Nove on his mane, consoling him as he felt his mother’s affection through her touch. And with her other hand, she raised the sorry stick and sent it slamming into his backside.



With his eyes locked tight from the sharp strike, Nova didn’t see the malicious grin on Victoria’s face.


She was almost insulted at how easy this had gone for her, how simply she had convinced this little white moron to accept pain for cheap rewards.


And she wasn’t done with him, not by a long shot, she planned to take even more and give even less to Nova until he was thanking her for the punishment he received.


Because she had read the notes of Dr Josef Mongola, and while he was a selfish prick with a superiority complex, he had gotten one thing right with his pet Crimson. Having your own Fluffy as a tool in your arsenal opened a lot more doors for abuse tactics.

And she wanted her tool refined and ready for whenever she needed it.


The final strike drew blood, a tiny trickle running down Nova’s leg. He lay still across Victoria’s leg, his shivering the only sign that he was still alive, his whole body tensed up tight with tears on his face and piss staining Victoria’s trousers. Slowly, she lifted Nova up and held him against her chest, stroking his Fluff and cuddling him softly yet firmly.

“Oh you’re such a good boy Nova, mummy’s so proud of you for being a big brave boy.”

“We…weawwy mummah?”

“Oh absolutely baby. Only a strong boy who loved his mummy THAT much would take hurties that bad for her.”

“Nova du… sniff… du wub mummah, mowe dan aneefing.”

“And mummy loves you too.”

With his face still wet from crying, Nova looked up at Victoria and smiled lovingly at her, happy that his mummah loved him and that she knew how much he loved her. The owner and pet stared at each other for several seconds, until the silence between them became slightly pronounced and awkward.

“Nova? Mummy did something very nice for you. Aren’t you going to say thank you?”

“Oh… um… sowwy mummah fank yu fow……”

As his little brain tried to work out exactly what he was supposed to be thanking her for, Victoria distracted him with a gentle kiss on the head and a soft stroke on his back, running her fingers just close enough to irritate his bruised and tender bottom but not make it seem deliberate.

“You’re welcome sweetheart. Just don’t forget next time.”

Chapter 2


Nova’s destruction is going to be interesting to watch. Willingly accepting injury in exchange for pleasure? Hell of a way to die. It like Fifty Shades of Grey without the sex. (There was no education or consent in those books.)


Oh really excited to see where this is going


I want to see what he will charge when he wants a special friend, wow I would be so evil to ask for the lumps xD


That question is coming, but the price might not be what you’re expecting.


I’ll be patient, surprise me!


Gotta say, for some reason when Nova said “thank you nice lady” in fluff speak I initially read “fuck you nice lady” lmao, love the story as always bro!


Every single time I see Victoria’s name my mind instantly goes “that fluffy is doomed beyond belief” also damn she must have spent a lot of money for Vincent to give up such a valuable fluffy.

Also if fluffies had souls Victoria’s saferoom and probably entire house would be absolutely haunted with countless fluffy spirits from all those she killed


I’m very excited to see how this goes. We don’t get enough old fashion psychological abuse of fluffies.


Once Nova asked for skettis he is done for.

And dang, Victoria had read Josef notes, that ain’t good :sweat_smile:

Wonder how long will Nova survived.


Since Victoria is Vincent’s sister she gets a very good discount on Fluffies for her to abuse.

Even still, Nova is a long term investment with plans to benefit Vincent as well


I’m now picturing a house full of fluffy ghosts, all drawn by @Carniviousduck, staring in horror at a happy fluffy eating sketties, all saying various takes on, “Nuuuu”, and, “Wan’ sketties”.


It’s probably pointless for me to feel sorry for Nova. Guess that’s a…no go, eh??


I have been summoned? Hmm i could get that request down pretty quickly…


Awww, thank you! :sparkling_heart:

Love this. I’m working on a story about gaslighting as well. Wonder how far you can push that fluffy.