Weiner Fluffies (kininin)

Cocaine & narcissism bordering on solipsism seems to do the job in real life.
WARNING: this is what Hell looks like



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That song should have gone, “Whatcha gonna do with all that poop, all that poop inside your chute.”

In other news, G-d is dead, and we killed him.

That gosh darn G-d never should have given us free will

It really was a mistake of Biblical proportions.

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The ways of God in nature, as in Providence, are not as our ways; nor are the models that we frame in any way commensurate to the vastness, profundity, and unsearchableness of His works, which have a depth in them greater than the well of Democritus.

Joseph Glanvill

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Everything with a high length to width ratio is now a sketti even if it’s way too big? Now I want weirdbox with fluffies deeming a tree a sketti… Even better, fluffy pony drowns because by that logic a river is a sketti.

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Hasbio laughs in the face of God everyday

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felt like sketching


that little orange one cant even scout right

also are those foals they look like them

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Long fluffy is long


Obvious comment is obvious!

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remind me of them worms with a ball you get for a cat to play with, also love this idea


more like this, in microgel