Welcome to Battlefluffs [Roster is now Full! See you at Fight Night!]

I’d be keen to submit mine again (Especially since I’m pretty sure at least one of mine won their round).

Let me know if you’d be interested in them returning or if you’d like me to create some other abomination.

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You can create a new entry or re enter a past battlefluff.
Either is fine


I’m SO ready, I’ll make an updated picture of them and shit

Edit; 1000% in, if you need an artist to draw multiple fights in a round, I happily volunteer myself


I wanna participate this time but I’m also a bit anxious to do so. There’s always so many great ideas.

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No reason to be intimidated. It’s just for fun.
Submit a battlefluff here or link it here and let me know if you want to volunteer to draw some fights.

I am in!

Going to use one of my adopted fluffies for this so I have to draw them ready for battle first.

I’m willing to draw multiple battles and if necessary, take over work that’s left over if there are not enough artists to draw everything.

Please @ me once a deadline is set!

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When you have your battlefluff done, post it here and tell me that you are wanting to volunteer.
Or link the post here and tell me on the post.
And it’ll be fantastic to have you.

Took me a second to see the link.
Septic Tank is now a Battlefluff and I appreciate you Volunteering.

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Sending in Headcanon as a filler fluffy if needed.


I do love Headcanon but I’m starting to suspect he isn’t a fluffy.

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[Sweating intensifies]

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his name is septic tank
This happened last time too lol, except they thought his name was recruitment

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I went with the words at the top and thought that he had a septic tank at the bottom.
Fixing it now.

The tiny troll in me did think of changing the name to Hammer Controller as a goof.

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Can… Can I join with Unlimited power mk. 2 ? :martini:


Battlefluff Entry, Spin to Win, (Pastry_Knight) - Fluffy Image Self-Posting - FluffyCommunity (fluffy-community.com)

my entry


Of course
Unlimited Power Mk II is now a Battlefluff and thanks for volunteering.

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I don’t think I 100% understand what you mean by this.

What are my options besides what I already mentioned?

All it means is that you need to post your battlefluff and let me know at the same time. Either by posting it here or linking it here.
Apologies for the confusion.

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Alrighty I spent a lengthy amount of time verifying the fluffiness of Shitstorm for a house fluffy. And aside from the oddly racial connotation of the phrase “house fluffy”, the only thing I find troubling is Shitstorm’s previous beheading and subsequent explosion seemingly having no damper on her willingness to kill.

What a stupid bitch.


Shitstorm (or Headcanon for that matter) can just be entered in as normal Battlefluffs.
We’ll only need extras if there aren’t enough entries.
Let me know which you’d rather use.