In reaction to some rekindled vigor, I thought I would post about Battlefluffs, the brainchild of @Carniviousduck and @AMDk7. It ran last year and was a huge success with the community. Many have asked about it and want to see it return. So I’m asking for volunteers to create a new tournament.
What is Battlefluffs?
The concept is a simple one. Fluffies that are chosen to fight other fluffies in the ring to the (not so permanent) death. They can be as imaginative or as dumb as you’d like, from some mutated berserker fluffy to one that is strapped to a landmine.
Below are just a few examples.
Bockscar By Eded-Ted
Says it all right there.
Pepsi Power By Swiftbitches and AMDk7
A fluffy that grows more powerful by drinking Pepsi.
Mr.Hugs By Princess Purrpaws and myself.
A love starved, insane fluffy that is covered in spikes.
How does it work?
The rules are simple. Anyone can submit a Battlefluff concept, but what we need are artists willing to draw multiple fights in a tournament. Those that are willing to help will get picked first. Once we have a healthy roster, the fluffies will be paired off at random and then the fights will likewise be handed out at random. The artist then draws a depiction of the pair fighting, pre-fight, ect and creates a Poll on the post, allowing FC members to vote on the outcome. After three days, the Poll is closed and a winner is declared (in the rare event of a tie, the artist gets the last vote on who wins. Once a winner is declared, they move down the bracket and so on until there is a final victor.
What is needed?
To get things off of the ground, we need two things. Battlefluffs and artists willing to draw the matches. Anyone can submit a Battlefluff but whether they get selected or not depends on how many are made. As stated, volunteers will get picked first, followed by those who submit drawn Battlefluffs but don’t wish to participate further. Concepts and ideas are fun but without any art of the potential combatant, they simply will not be picked. To start, I’m thinking a simple tournament of 12-16, and we’ll see how easily that’s filled up to prepare for future ventures. Most importantly, this is a collaboration and is just for fun. Please, no one take it too seriously.
If you want to volunteer or have an entry for Battlefluffs, please let me know and either post art and details of said Battlefluff, or link it to this post so I can easily find it.
And as a great man once said.
Good fight. Good night.
Bloody Boots
The Master Butcher
Septic Tank
Unlimited Power Mk II
One Hoofsie Fwuff
Tit-A-Ton 69000
The Fornicator
Kevin (SqueakyFriend)
Spin to Win Pastry-Knight
Shitstorm (Reddit-Word_H83r)
The Bronze Bull (Swiftbitches)
BullDozer Carniviousduck
Wasabi Appletesseract
Dave Larur
Rosco FederalChemical1728