"Welcome to My Blog! StuffedWithFluff" (Author: PeppermintParchment) {FB ID: 42310}

Oh yes,I’m sure they do,they could have rabies! But I imagine parasites like fleas would be a much more abundant aggravation when it came to interacting with feral fluffies.
I knew that peppermint oil was potentially very poisonous to cats and dogs,which is partially where I got the inspiration for this story from. However,I didn’t know other oils in general could do it,thank you for letting me know.

Thank you,I’m glad you liked it so much. It was so long,I thought many people wouldn’t commit to reading it all! Despite being one of my longest works,I actually wrote this pretty fast,due to the blog formatting helping me not have to describe actions.
So happy you like it :heart:

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Dogs can handle them better than cats can, and some oils are worse than others. Better to steer clear of them all without a qualified vet’s input, though. I know I don’t use scented candles or non-pet-specific cleaning products around my ferrets either.

dobrý príbech škoda dalšej rodiny maličkých.

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The scariest part of this story is the idea that hugboxers could ever amass this much political power.