Welcome To The Real World, Buttercup! ~ MaliceKiotsu

Am fwuffie. Am goin’ to be mummah as weww! dis bwings fwuffy bigges heat happies! buh daddeh no wan’ fwuffy to hab babbehs. Daddeh say that babbehs onwy cost money an’ time. Fwuffy nu cawe though, fwuffy know that fwuffy wiww be su happy that am soon mummah! fwuffy come to house an’ teww daddeh wiff su much joy in fwuffy’s heawt…but daddeh nu wike. Daddeh huwties fluffy… Fwuffy nu know what fwuffy did wwong! babbehs am meant to bwin’ joy! why isn’t daddeh happy? Daddeh has sowwy stick an’ am quickwy comin to fwuffy. What shouwd fwuffy do?! Fwuffy panic an’ do sowwy poopies aww obah dah cawpet. Daddeh mowe mad… fwuffy wan fwom him an’ hid undah dah housie. Fwuffy heawd him scweaming, yewwing, cawwin’ fo’ fwuffy. “Buttercup you stupid fucking bitch! Where the fuck are you?” Many forebuhs pass untiw dawkies came. Fwuffy come out fwom undah dah housie an’ go to dah doow. What’s dis? Daddeh wocked fwuffy out of housie? fwuffy knock on dah doow, onwy to heaw stampede of angah appwoachin’. “Buttercup, is that you? You’re fucking dead!” Daddeh sounded scawy. Fwuffy wun. It was dah onwy thin’ fwuffy couwd do to pwotect fwuffy an’ tummie babbehs. Fwuffy miss fwuffy’s housie. It’s been many bwight times since den. Fwuffy know daddeh wiww take fwuffy back though when fwuffy bwing babbehs! Daddeh wiww be so happies.

Fwuffy nu feew su pwetty. Fwuffy nu feew pwetty. BIGGES’ POOPIES! Fwuffy speciew pwace hav bigges’ owies. Friday no huwties, but sweepy. Fluffy heaw chiwpie babbehs. Fwuffy’s babbehs! fwuffy awmost fowgot. Fwuffy must wicky cwean weaw nice fo’ daddeh. Am su sweepy an’ fluffy huwties ebewywhere. Dah chiwpie babbehs wan’ miwkies aftah wicky cweanies. Fluffy suuu sweepy, but babbehs nee’ miwkies. Am such gud mummah. Daddeh wouwd be pwoud of fwuffy. Fwuffy hear growy munstah! Nu just one, wots of bawkie and growy munstah. fwuffy can see them in dah darkies. Fwuffy must wun…but am su sweepy. Fwuffy get babbehs on fwuffy’s back an’ twy to wun, buh nu can go any mow. Sooo sweepy. Barkie munstah wun at fwuffy, wammin’ into fwuffy as fwuffy twy to stand up again, fwuffy wand onto fwuffy’s back an’ onto babbehs. Fwuffy wawm on fwuffy’s back. Fwuffy got up to see babbehs go forebuh sweepies, cobewed in boo-boo juice, crushed undah fwuffy. Though befowe fwuffy couwd undewstand, bawkie munstah num fwuffy’s neck an’ stomach. Nu, pwease! am sowwy! am gud mummah! Nu am nummies! Pwease, someone! Anyone! Fwuffy taste boo-boo juice an’ fwuffy nu can see. Pwease, daddeh, hewp fwuffy…. he…wp…fwu…ffyyyyy……


Don’t forget to put your name in the title


Thank you for the reminder.


Really liked this short story!


Yeah, short, but sweet.


Moral of the story: FIX YOUR DAMN FLUFFIES.

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