Welcome To This Shitshow (federalchemical1728)

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i don’t even really like how these came out, colored pencils are annoying & end up covering the black lines and it is NOT worth going over them all again. at least not right now @_@

i dont have the patience for coloring like this, which is why i don’t do it often (which is probably also why i feel like i’m not good at it & get frustrated. it’s a vicious cycle but stupid. a stupid cycle.)

i did some other stuff with my gold paint pen & waterproof india ink my beloved <3 idk if i’ll color them. we’ll find out together UwU

rambling shmambling

something’s gotta give. soon. this way of life is not sustainable. im crossing my fingers that the missing puzzle piece is my ADHD & finally getting real treatment for it. i just got a new psychiatrist so she wants to try other stuff before ADHD meds & it’s like every step towards getting on meds is designed to be as discouraging as humanly possible. and like i get it, because drugs, but i figured out that this is what was wrong with me like 3 full years ago. this is taking even longer than transitioning.

also i built my first shed yesterday, so im officially A Real Boy yaaaayyyyyyy

My therapist convinced me to text my dad finally for father’s day & it’s been a whole week and i still dont know what to say.

i really gotta start packing up all my stuff & getting rid of the things im not going to take with me. i gotta do a lot of things. that’s kind of the running theme here.

thank you so much everyone for your kind words and support :heart::heart::heart:


I think it came out nice. I find it funny how your fluffies can have beards.

As for your life situation, I just want to say take care and good luck.

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I think these drawings came out pretty good. Love how detailed their manes are, and those little beards are funny too.

Good luck with your situation, though.

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I’m in love with Midge,what an adorable fluffy.

I hope your situation improves soon. I had a lot of trouble getting medicine from my doctor,too,it took nine months of appointments. I hope you get what you need,I’m sending good thoughts your way. Keep on keeping on.


Midge is giving me “That 70’s Show” Midge


I think they turned out well! Coloured pencil is a fussy medium. It’s hard to get the effects you want.

I get your IRL situation. Mine has been much the same for a long time. ADHD is no joke. I need to get back on Ritalin, but I don’t know if I can due to my cardiac arrhythmias.

Whatever happens, you’re not alone in this. I suspect a number of us know what you’re facing. (HUG)

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They turned out great! From experience, you can lay down the colors a lot lighter across the art, and only increase the intensity is the negative space between the lines. While not ideal, it really helps to preserve all the finnicky linework.

Getting the right treatment is tough. Getting the right drugs is tough. Hell, even getting the right doctor is tough. The fact that you’re still pushing is a feat in itself. If I were in your position, I wouldn’t have made it. The fact that you are is fucking inspiring. Keep on keepin’ on!

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VERY nice art.

HOORAY! Glad you get a rest from her.

Also WOO shedbuilding! I reinforced the chicken run yesterday and carried like 80 pounds in my arms so I am sore but Gender Euphoria

(Also if you haven’t already, I suggest talking to a non-mental doctor about your ADHD. I think that’s how I got my own ADHD meds so quick? I can’t be sure though. Either way it’s super good to keep all your doctors and therapists n stuff ‘in the know’ about the same medical info!)