Well it's 2023

Things already reached rock bottom, so it wont hurt if we dig even deeper.

More immsense suffering isnā€™t something Iā€™d like to witness or endure, let alone celebrateā€¦

Look, the world is a chaotic place. You could be hit by a bus or fall down an open manhole or drop dead from a random brain aneurysm. It could happen today, or tomorrow, or ten years from now, or fifty. I imagine that there have been very few people, if any, who had the dubious honor of knowing the exact moment theyā€™re going to die. Even someone with a terminal diagnosis can hold on longer than the doctors said they would. Doctors arenā€™t infallible. And even if a terminally ill man recovers from his illness, he could be run over by an out of control ambulance on the way home from the hospital.

Me, I have the dubious honor of knowing that I was supposed to die at a certain point in time, but I didnā€™t. Do you know what that means? It means Iā€™m already in the bonus round. Every day I live, I spit in Deathā€™s eye. If I die tomorrow, I wonā€™t complain, because I got waaaaay more time than I deserved.

I guess that explains a lot about my worldview. And if I told you when I was supposed to die, that would explain even more.

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HAPPY New Year :tada:

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Honestly life for me might be better if I had your mindset. lol

Unfortunately mine is a weaker one.

I dunno about that. Itā€™s definitely easier, but you donā€™t become as cynical as me without some serious shit happening to you.

As George Carlin said: inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.

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True, true.

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I didnā€™t mean to celebrate suffering, I meant to make the most out of life. To try and make it so that when itā€™s time to check out of this realm you may have had a roller coaster but in the end it was worth it. Yes, life can be cruel and uncaring but there is also good to be had. Itā€™s the small things that does it. Even if everything seems dark there are small flickers of light that makes life kinda okay. It might just be something as tiny as a cat snuggling up to you showing affection, having somewhere warm to sleep when itā€™s cold, a pleasant meal, etc.

Expect and prepare for the worst but still hope for the best. NaĆÆve of me? Maybe, but itā€™s kept me alive and kicking for 40+ years so I guess Iā€™m doing something right. :smiley_cat:

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Iā€™d still rather take the easy way out. Agree to disagree, I guess.

I donā€™t know what lies beyond death, but I find all of the possible outcomes acceptable.

If I go to Heaven, I wonā€™t have any problems ever again. Except trying to figure out why the fuck they let me in.

If I go to Hell, fair enough, I have it coming, makes more sense than me going to Heaven.

If I get reincarnated, Iā€™ve got another chance to not fuck up.

And if thereā€™s nothing after deathā€¦ I wonā€™t have any problems ever again.

Just to be sure, maybe I should make sure I die in battle, in case going to Valhalla is an option.

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I personally would skip Valhalla because fighting, drinking and partying just isnā€™t for me. The valkyrie bringing me there would make the biggest mistake of her career and get one hell of a tongue lashing. Not by me, mind you, but by Oden & co. :sweat_smile:

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Theyā€™ve probably got a cool lounge upstairs for the people who donā€™t like the mead hall. Very chill, and with bottle service.

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That sounds fabulous. Lets meet up there in the afterlife and have a toast. :grin: