Wendy's Nightmare part 3 (By Kersploosh)

“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Beatrice was sitting in the living room with her dad and brother the day after Kathryn’s funeral. It was Johnathon who found her in the morning after she never got up for work. The autopsy showed it was an aneurysm that killed her. “She never loved anyone but herself and that spoiled brat of a fluffy. You know it. I know it.”

“You still should have come to the funeral.” Brandon wasn’t really mad at her, just disappointed. Kathryn was an emotionally manipulative bitch. She was never directly violent with him or the kids, but she would take and destroy things, ruin relationships, and even killed Beatrice’s pet iguana, Zippy, because he wouldn’t go out for cheerleading. The only reason Brandon even stayed with her was to try and keep the kids safe.

“And what, talk about how my life will never be the same without her or fake crying.” Beatrice narrowed his eyes. “I hated her.”

Brandon sighs, “I know. Truth be told, I couldn’t stand her either.”

Johnathon was busy bottle feeding the brown alicorn chirpy. In the week since it was born, it had opened its eyes and would wiggle its little legs while in traction. Fortunately, it’s legs had healed thanks to fluffies healing at an accelerated rate that was even faster at early stages of life. An adult in his situation would have spent a month or more in casts. The bad news is he would have a limp for the rest of his life. Johny looked up once the foal finished feeding. “I don’t think it is such a big deal. Mom was a jerk.”

“Well, while we’re all in agreement that your mother was terrible, we still need to figure out what to do with the brat she left behind.”

“Honestly, even with her legs gone, she is still a demanding bitch. I swear, if I hear her demand spaghetti one more time…”

“Hmm, you know what? Why don’t I leave her in your care?”

Beatrice was shocked. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am, but you don’t have to be nice to her. As long as she has her foals just fine, you can do whatever you want to her.” An evil grin appears on Beatrice’s face. “And Johnathon.”

“Yes Dad?”

“That brown one will be your responsibility. When it is bigger, we will set up a small pen in your room for it to stay in.” Johnathon was hoping for this. He was quite attached to the little colt and really wanted to keep him.

“What about the saferoom? Seems like unnecessary work,” said Beatrice.

Brandon sighs yet again, “would love to put him in there, but Wendy keeps yelling at him. Calling him a baby killer and monster. Apparently she has rare genes or something and her foals that I threw away were apparently worth quite a bit.” He looks at his older son, “so I want to get as much money out of her as I can before we dispose of her. I’ll also split the profits with you 50/50.”

It didn’t take Beatrice to agree. He almost skipped to the safe room to tell Wendy the not so good for her news. Wendy was in the same place as usual, on her bed with a litter box behind her. Granted she wasn’t the overly happy ball of fluff she used to be, thanks to being a pillow fluff now, but she still thought highly of herself. “Hello Wendy.” Beatrice noticed her food dish was still fullish. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“Nu wan dummeh kibbwe, wan sketti NAO!” Beatrice took no time to take a sorry stick down and beat the fluffy’s ass black and blue. “Owwies, why huwt bestest mummah.”

“There are new rules Wendy. I am in charge now and there will be no begging or demanding. Eat your damn kibble or your tummy-babies will go forever-sleepies.”

“Nu wisten tu ‘ou, onwy tu mummah.” She blew a raspberry at him. The fact she still loved Kathryn after pillowing her was confusing.

“Oh shit, we forgot to tell you the good news. Your mummah went forever-sleepies. She will never never love or hug you ever again. Just like you will never run or play or hug your children.”

“M-m-mummah wen’ fowevah-sweepies?! Nu-nu-nu-nu, how wiww Wendy get weggies back nao?”

“Oh Wendy, you were never getting your legs back, but let me tell you something your life could be much worse. See, all I have to do is keep you alive. In fact, I could take your eyes, tongue, ears, and tail. I can kill your babies any time I want.” The fluffy breaks down into ugly crying. “Now eat your damn kibble, do what I say, and I will let you keep your foals.” This was a blatant lie, but all he had to do was wait for the fluffy to slip up and use that as an excuse to take them. All the while, Wendy would blame herself.

A bit later, Beatrice was standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror. The brown hair was the only thing he got from his mother’s side of the family. He took out a box of black dye designed to be permanent. After using it, he looked in the mirror again and liked what he saw. His black hair went with his naturally pale skin quite well. With that the last trace of his mother was gone from his face.

Another three weeks went by and Wendy was bloated all over again. Wendy was was given just enough care to keep her healthy and relatively stress free. However she still had an attitude and would complain constantly, but those complaints would either fall on deaf ears or result in a sorry sticking. Never anything hard enough to hurt the foals. Then she felt it, it felt like she had to poop really bad. Then she realized this was her going into labor.

“SCREEE! HEWP WENDY! BABBEHS COMIN’!” Beatrice had a baby monitor set up and heard everything. He wasn’t happy about it being this late, but what could anyone do.

He entered the room to find a panicking Wendy. “Calm down!” She didn’t calm down and kept complaining about being in pain. Beatrice sighed and got to helping deliver and clean the foals. Like last time, there were eight. A silver unicorn colt, a pink earthie filly, a white alicorn filly, a sparkly white unicorn filly, a light blue alicorn filly with the cloud pattern(just like the sibling he gave to frank), a black alicorn colt, a nice brown eartie colt with a few white splotches, and light green pegasus colt with an unfortunately shaped pink spot on it’s face that looked like a dick.

“Bestest mummah wan babbehs!”

“Ok, but only if you give this one a hug.” Beatrice sat the white unicorn in front of Wendy.”

“Babbeh su pwetty.” She then spent about five minutes wiggling her stumps trying to hug it. “Nu! Nu can gib huggies! Bestest babbeh needs huggies an’ wub!”

“There are no bestest babbehs. Also, seeing as you don’t love the foal enough to hug it, you don’t get to raise ANY of your foals.” Beatrice picked up the chirpy and bottle fed it some milk he pumped from Wendy earlier. “All babbehs are good babbehs. There are no bestest babbehs.” He repeated this mantra over and over as all the foals fed.

“NU! BABBEHS NEED MUMMAH’S MIWKIES! NU FAKE MIWKIES!” Wendy, like a lot of fluffies, had trouble with object permanence. She didn’t understand that the milk the foals were drinking was actually hers. “Huuhuuhuu!” After the foals were full, they were placed in an incubator and taken out of the room before Wendy could see most of them. “NU BABBEHS NEED MUMMAH!” Lucky for Wendy the walls were sound proofed, or else she would have gotten an angry Brandon beating her to death.

As soon as the incubator was in his room, Beatrice returned to the saferoom with a special sorry stick. It was designed to tear out fluffy fluff with every swing. “Now Wendy, I know this is hard to understand for a fluffy as dumb as you, but there is no excuse for yelling at me. Twenty lashes for yelling.” With each hit the fluffy could feel her fur being ripped out. She pleaded and begged but no respite would find her.

“W-wendy sowwy, nevah yeww again.” Beatrice knew the fluffy could never keep that promise. However, at least she knew what she did.

“Sorry, but that wasn’t the end.” Wendy looked up in horror. “You also called a chirpy bestest. Only bad mothers do that. So twenty more lashes, plus ten for not hugging them. So thirty in total. Brace yourself.” By the time her punishment was done, there were bald patches and sores all over her body. Beatrice leaned down. “Now, I’m not satan, so I will give you another chance to be a good mummah.” The fluffy’s eyes lit up at that. “Not to these foals but to the ones Parker is going to put into you later today. Do you understand?” Wendy just nods, there is a glint of hope in her eyes behind the tears. “Good, now get your rest. You have a busy day later.”

The second Beatrice left the room Wendy broke down into relentless sobs. She needed to be strong for her children and her mother. Her days had gone from eternal bliss into eternal suffering. Wendy used to get everything she wanted and now all she got was misery, but that small light at the end of the tunnel kept her going. Babies would make everything better. They just had to.


Love it, cant wait for more


Dumb bitch still trying to be a spoiled shit and lashes you get.

Well at least she still had a purpose, those foals are good to sell.

To think the mother died in her sleep what a karma.



I know Wendy losing her first litter was a tragedy but this is way fucking worse, what kinda limp dick stupid ass fucking smooth brian derpeh dummeh dickshit of a human calls their son Jonathon ?

God I hope the dad fucking falls down the stairs, cracks his neck and is fucking paralyzed for life for that shit.


I feel a bit bad that the younger brother who is 9 years old had to discover his mother’s body. Sure, she was a munstah as much as anyone could be, but that’s a pretty disturbing revelation.


Jonathon, brother of Jaymes and kristi

I’m surprised Beatrice didn’t kill her on the spot.