WHACK-A-SMARTY (7svendye)

Being a smarty means that you are supposed to get whatever you want, that is what your mama told you when you were born. She called you the “bestest” babby because of your pretty red fluff, yellow mane, and the horn that rested upon your head. It was these things that reminded her of your fluffy daddy, whom you never knew.


When the dummy hoomens took your mama away, they said that she was a “Bad mama” since she kept calling you “bestest”, you are the BEST, it is these hoomnes who are bad. You have pretty red fluff so that makes you the best.


It has been many forevers since your mama went away and you became and older fluffy, you wanted your mama, you wanted an effie mare, you wanted sketties, and the bestest toysies. When you made your demands the humans made dummy faces and said stuff like “Another smarty” and “That’s the third one this week”. There are no other smarties YOU were smarty. Then they put you in a sorry box where it took many forevers and the only humans you saw were the ones who would feed you, yucky kibble, and clean your litter box. Then one bright time you heard them talking outside your sorry box and were saying stuff that was too dummy for a smarty like you to understand.

“So, Tina they here again”

“Yeah, ugh I hate abuse fairs they make me sick to my stomach”

“Hey!!!, Uncle Joe’s fluffy and abuse fairs aren’t that bad they cater to both fluffy lovers and abusers, and they separate so good fluffies will not have to see the stuff, that goes on in the other half of the park”

“Yeah, I know it’s just I feel bad for Red, not his fault that his head is broken”

“I’m not, smarties are the worse Tina you’ve seen what those little shits do, they give good fluffs a bad name”

“I know”

“Good, now if you excuse me I have a little shit bag that I need to toss”

You felt the sowwy box move and shake, this gave you scardys and you made a bit of bad peepees. This dummy hoomen will get the wortest sowwy hoffies when you get out. You hear the sound of a door and a loud rumble of a Musnter outside the box, you tremble from the noise and realize that the hoomen was gonna make you into nummies for a monster.


“SHUT UP!!!”

You then feel the box move and shake and the sound of very loud and scarry music playing outside the box.

2 Hours Later

It had felt like forever since the dummy hoomen took you to the Munster and the loud scary music, then it all stops and you felt your box move again. HA, The dummy hoomen realized that you were not scared of the rumbly Munster, now you’ll show him are amazing you are. It is the you hear very, very, nice fun music that makes you feel tingly inside.

“This the little shit, that yoze guys shelter was trying to get rid of”

There is a new voice that sounds all gravely and rough sounding that makes you a little nervous. It is then the top of your box is open, there you saw a very scary looking hoomen with face fluff that look like there were nummies stuck in it, and on the side of his face there is a weird “t” shaped drawing on his face.

“GU, away ugwy hoomen o smarty gib-”

You were unable to finish your rant as the top part of the box is put back were it belong. This Infuriated you how dare this hoomen put the top part of the box back on, you are the bestest smarty.

“He’s just the fluffy I need Johnny, here’s the usual smarty fee, plus a little extra for the color”

“Thanks Tony, hey good luck tonight hope you make a killing”

“Thanks, and hey say hi ta Tina for me, and ask her out one of these days kid”

The sounds of the dummy hoomen start to fade, you realize that he was giving you a new daddie, well you don’t want this ugly hoomen, you want a better daddie.


“Yeah, yeah, heard it all before you little shit machine”

You felt the world move again until the top part of the box is opened again and you tumble out into a rough landing, where you see an ugly hoomen mare who has bits of metal in her face and drawings as well, as she wears clothes that make you shake in fear.

“Alright Jule get this little bastard suited up for his first game”

“Kay, boss”

The Ungly hoomen mare gives you bad uppsie as she forces a somewhat heavy and tight hat on your head, it was red like you with a hole were your horn will poke out. She then forces you to wear a diaper, this dummy hoomen, you were no longer a chirpy baby, you know how to use a litter box.

“Smarty hachu ugwy wady, nu wan ugwy mama”

“Well good news, I’m not your mama, you should be glad that anyone will want to put up with your shit you little freak”.

This made you even more mad your not a “freak” you are a fluffy. She takes you to another box this one was really big, as you smell and hear other fluffies who are complaining and demanding to be let out.

“Well enjoy your new home asshole and welcome to the job”


The meany homen throes you into the box as she shuts it with a loud bang. You look around and see other fluffies wearing weird hats and wearing diapers like you as they stare at you with mean faces. How dare they give you mean faces you’ll show these dummies whose boss.

“HMPF, dummies dis am smarty wand uo am part of smarty herd now, o get wortest hurties”

A purple wingy fluffy steps to you with puffed up cheeks.

“Yuo no am smarty, smarty am smarty you du wha smarty say”

“Yuo no a smarty, smarty am smarty”

This big box was filed with all kinds of Smarties, some with poopie and dummy colors, some with Pleasant colors as well, it did not matter they were all Smarties, and they were hated by humans. Before any type of violence could happen within the box the fluffies smelled a food that every fluffy loves.

sniff, snifff, Smarty smew sketti, dummy no get sektti, sketti am onwy for bestes smarty”.

The Red smarty looked around the box hoping to find the favored food of all fluffy kind, following his nose he saw an opening on the top of the box, he also found that there were a small thing of stares leading up to the hole. Running up to the hole, the smarty found that it was really bright out and dark and the same time, in front of him he found a little hoomen, holding a sorry stick. You don’t want a new hoomen you want skettis.

“Dummy wittle hoomen, gib samr-”



The smarty was unable to finish his demand, as the little hoomen hit him on his think place with the sowwy stick. Dizzy and disoriented, the smarty looked around and saw that the other dummy fluffies were stick their heads out of the hole, no doubt trying to steal the sketties.

“Gib skett-”


“Smarty wan,-”


“Smarty gib-”


Each time a smarty would stick their heads out they would get hit and fall from the stairs, it was mostly fluffies with pretty colors that would get hit as the ugly and dummy colors would get hit sometimes, but most were left untouched. For some of the fluffies on the box some would get back up, move to a new hole and try to find the skettis, some would not get up though, as they laid on the ground with crossed eyes and Drool. Red was really angery at the hoomens for hitting him and at the dummies who call them smarty, moving to a new hole Red would gib the hoomnes hurties and he would get the sketties before these dummys did.

“Wed gonna ge-”


Yet again, he is hit on the head by hoomens with sorry sticks as soon as you stick your head out of the hole. Dizzy again, the smarty ran to another hole hoping to find the sketties.

“Wed wan-”








Each time you pulled your head up the hoomens would hit you, and each one would focus on hitting you. Every time you get hit your think place hurts, and the dizziness would get worse each time. It finally dawned on you that the hoomens wanted to hit you and they were using sketties to make you go to the holes.

“Smarty,…No wan dummy skettis no moe…think pwase hab hurties”

You lay down on the floor of the big boxie, next to you is the same dummy fluffy that called himself smarty now his eyes were now crossed from each other. This place was…Evil fluffies were for love and Huggies, why were you here you were a good fluffy…Right?. So distracted with these thoughts you did not notice the ugly hoomen mare open the back of the big box in her hand was another sorry stick as she looked at you with angry scary eyes.

“Come on you little shit stick your head out we have customers”

She sticks the sorry stick right on your poopie place and…


SKEEEEEEE, wortest burnie hurties!!!”

The other sorry stick gives you burnie hurties on your fluffy rump. You turn to to the ungly hoomen with tears in your eyes, as you tremble and make scardy poopies in the diaper.

“Pwease mama, smarty nu wan sketti nu moe, will be good fwuffy, pwease nee huggies”

“I’m not your mama, do this job or your not gonna get any food tonight,and keep this up then you gonna end up as food for the Concession stand, now stick your head out or its the shock stick”

“huuuhuuuhuuu, wan mama”

You stick you head out of the hole as a little hoomen looms over you with his sorry stick.





6 hours later


You are hit again on the head, the hat makes it hurtless, but it still hurts, you move to another hole hoping the hoomen Munsters would not hit you again.


It gets hard to move, as you slowly move to the next hole and it gets difficult walking in a straight line as you bump into others fluffies who are also walking in a dizzy way, some can walk normally, but others did take too many blows to the head.

“Nu…Nu wan…be smarty nu more…wan mama…wan milkies…wan huggies…wan die”

you want the pain to stop, as you make your way to another hole, with both tears in you eyes and pain in your head as you stick your head out. There is an older little hoomen who scarily smiles at you as he holds the sorry stick with both hands and he begins to raise it.



this last hit would get you right in the horn as it is pushed into your brain.

You are big Tony you run the WHACK-A-SMARTY game at Uncle Joe’s fluffy and Abuse fair. Right now you are counting the profits your stand made for the day. Right now your co-worker Jule is cleaning out the game of fluffies who took too many blows to the head and cleaning out any poop that may have gotten out of the fluffies diapers.



Running to the game you look in the box to see the red smarty. You hold yourself from cursing because in the middle of the cleaned-out game is the red fluffy that you purchased not too long ago. His eyes were crossed and his horn was pushed straight into his head as you saw the horn become nothing more the a little nub.

“CRAP!?!?! that the third one this week, the other two lasted longer this one didn’t even last a day”

“Well if you listen to me we would not lose a red one as quickly if we just get a smarty foal”

“And what waste money by taking care of the little shit, hell no”

“Well can you at least change the point system”

Looking at the sign you saw the point system graph:

[Brown AND Pink: 1]

[Purple and White: 3]

[Green and blue: 5]

[RED: 10]

“No, look will talk about this later just toss him out first”


Watching your co-worker take the beaten and derped fluffy, you began to think of a way to keep red smarties from getting hit too much.

Being a Smarty was nothing but pain and misery, your mama lied to you. You wonder why you are still alive and not dead. In the trash with other dummy fluffies, you felt the buggy Munsters dig into you, eating your flesh. Nothing works your leggies, your poopie place, your think place, everything was broken.


Your words were broken like your brain, but somewhere in that mess you know what you were saying

“Wan die”


That was a huge waste of roast fluffy. You gotta cook the derped ones!

Also, and I’m just sayin’: fluffalo wings.


would you eat something that shat itself after receiving a concussion?


I mean, at least the poop is out.

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he is still caked in it

plus he is still alive and derped from all those blows

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That’s why you give them a ride through the dishwasher first.

ETA: derped fluffies probably taste better.

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eating him would be a mercy, and there is no mercy to give to a bad smarty

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That’s why you fry the body, but leave the head alive.

again derped, the lights are on but no ones there

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But he’s aware of being eaten. Think of it as the ultimate torture.

alright I concede to that

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How much for a round of Whack-A-Smarty?

I got a pocket full of quarters ready for spending and I’m aiming for the big prize! :smiling_imp:

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Step right up only $1.50


You should feed the dead ones to the living ones. That would reduce the feeding cost.

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true but its important that they don’t go in the wan die loop and then there is the cost of getting a certain color

also, they are not dead just derped from all the head trauma


I look forward to the next part of the Wasteland Fluffy guide Ch.3 part 2. This helped with the wajt,a nice story

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