What a Fluffy is For: Making a Profit Ch. 1 [by Maple]

You are a fluffy, though you barely know it.

You have just opened your eyes, expecting to take in the loving expression of your beautiful mother. Instead what you see is smooth white walls and a pair of disembodied milky places.

You blink in confusion, your vision slowly clearing but not revealing the rest of your mother. You have a mother, you know this innately. She must be somewhere!

You stumble towards the milky places, trying to make sense of it. Where is your mummah? You hear your siblings chirp as you crawl over them, single minded in your quest.

Almost automatically your lips move, forming your first words. “Muh…muh?”

There is no reply from the disembodied teats.

“…Mummah?” You say again, nudging one of the milky places. They’re warm, they smell like the mummah you remember feeding you. You feel a twitch from them.

Could your mummah be hiding behind… whatever these white things were? Why? You needed her!

“Mummah!” You wailed, pressing into the milky places. “Mummaaaaaaaah!!!”

There was a muffled noise from behind the white wall, something you couldn’t make out, and then you were falling.

Chirping in distress and shock you tumbled along with your siblings and their accumulated waste down a smooth surface and onto a much rougher belt that pulled you quickly along. You chirped harder, shit in your mouth and piss burning your eyes.

This was all wrong! The loud noises, the sudden falls, the filth; fluffies were for Huggies and Love! Not… whatever this was!

You could hear more chirping, tiny fluffy wails and the occasional high pitched word ahead.




You tried to get up on your shaky hooves but the moving of the belt under you made it very hard to find your balance.

Another voice reached you, one louder and lower.

“Pass…. Red and yellow, pass… Teal and brown, fail… Pink and gold, pass…”

It was a human! You knew deep down that humans would make things okay. You reached up with your filthy hooves as the blue hand descended upon you.

You were roughly hoisted into the air, rolled over on your back with your hooves up. It was uncomfortable at best, but you hoped the human knew what they were doing.

“Purple and yellow, pass…” you held your lavender hooves out to the masked worker, hoping for a hug.

Instead your were roughly dumped onto another moving belt, tumbling head over hooves as it pulled you quickly along.

You curled into yourself, wishing you were back with your siblings. The world was scary and loud, all around you was the wailing of miserable foals. Where was your mummah? Why did she let this happen to you?

Before you could properly wallow in your misery, another hand picked you up and dunked you into cold water.

“Wawa! Nuu!” You protested with your limited vocabulary, up to your neck in sudsy water.

You were scrubbed quickly and then yanked out. You shivered in the cold air as you were turned upside down, tail in the air. There was a pressure in your rear, and then a burning feeling. You chirped in pain and shock, flailing your tiny hooves as you struggled against the gloved hand. The pressure stopped but not the burning, and you were dropped into a padded bin with a bunch of other soaked foals.

“Wumps! Owwies!” A foal next to you sobbed.

You wrapped your hooves around him, hoping to comfort him as much as yourself. As the two of you hugged other wet foals in the bin stumbling towards you, joining into the fluffpile for some semblance of safety.

Clinging to the foal under you you felt the bin move. All around you were voices, fluffies and humans alike. You were cold, wet, and in pain. Where was your mother? Your siblings? You hoped these foals huddled around you were them, but you didn’t get a good look at any of them and with their smells washed away you weren’t sure.

With a thump the floor shifted again and you were sent tumbling into a new space. A cold floor under you, peeping and mewling foals all around in the dimly lit space.

“Alright, ladies. Do your thing.” One of the human voices said.

You lifted your head to see two larger unicorns, both mares, standing over you.

The first was off-white with a grey mane, wrinkles around her muzzle. One of her eyes was sunken in and closed, the other scanned the pile of foals.

The second mare stepped forward, green with a dull purple mane. She sneered down, hoof lifted and wings spread.

You blinked in confusion. Wings?

One of the other foals thought a little faster than you, shouting the thought that was still forming in your head.

“MUNSTAH! SCREEE-” their scream was cut off as the monster mare kicked them hard, sending them tumbling back across the space.

“Wavendah nu am munstah.” She growled. “Am Wavendah. Yu wisten nao.”

“Am Peaww.” The grey mare, Pearl, stated. “Miwkies am dewe.” She pointed to a rack of odd, small milky places along one wall.

“Poopies gu dewe.” She pointed with a hoof to a long trough of sand.

“If yu wan’ be guud fwuffies, hab mummah ow daddeh, yu wisten. Yu weawn.” She finished, looking down her nose at you.

You shrank back into yourself, wishing you had something to hide behind.

“Wan’ mummah!” a yellow foal wailed.

In a moment Lavender was on top of them, horn pressed into their neck. “Hoomans nu wike whiny babbehs. Quiet.”


Lavender pressed forward, a choked scream from the foal cut off suddenly. She lifted her head, the foal speared on her horn. You watched in horror as the foal twitched feebly, then fell limp. A thick red substance ran down her horn and across her face, staining her fluff dark.

“Hoomans nu wike whiny babbehs.” She repeated coldly. “Nu wan.” She trotted off towards the litter trough and tossed the foal’s corpse in.

“Dat am wha’ happen to bad babbehs.” Pearl said, watching Lavender. “Be guud.”

You swallowed heavily. You would be good.



It’s time to start a new long term project. This one is a little better planned than my last.


Fluffies are suffering, humans are making money, all is right in the world.


Wait, right off the bat he knew what a human was and that they can make things better?

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“How to make fluffies pay: a guide to fluffy farming”

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okay if I ever wanted to see a fluffy concentration camp then this is it

good job with the story man


pre-programmed knowledge like that is a very common and very old trope of this genre


Yeah, do not fuck with Lavender and Pearl.

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oh yeah no this will be good


Yup. They’re designed to be human pets, so have a lot of genetically programmed behaviours that are designed around that. It even shows itself in ferals when they knock on doors looking for homes.

While there are some wild animals that also do this, they either take a long time to be tamed (e.g. birds and deer) or were originally domesticated (cats) and even they don’t do it to the extent or with the speed that fluffies do.


Loving it already, looking very forward to this. The belt ride was fun to read