What a Fluffy is For: Making More Fluffies Ch.3 [by Maple]

A few days later Smarty Beans gave you your new job. You were in charge of the nummie pile! You made sure everyone got their fair share and that the best, safest bits of food went to the mummahs and foals. That was good, because other than the big kibble bag you had no luck finding any nummies with Chip Bag. Not for lack of trying, but how often the two of you got distracted by special huggies certainly didn’t help.

And speaking of special huggies, they were amazing. Chip Bag gave you the best feels every time! He was such a good special friend and you were so excited to have him be a daddy to your foals!

“Hope am bwing nummies!” You chirped, dragging an old hat with the least moldy food you could find in the pile to where the mummahs sat.

“Nyu fwuffy!” A green mare waved at you, her foals sleeping in a pile at her side. “How am yu spechow fwend?”

“Da bestest!” You said, handing her part of a dried out muffin. “He am gib bestest spechow huggies!”

“Guud! Am hab tummeh babbehs yet?” She asked.

You paused, holding the other half of the muffin out to the orange mare next to her. “Hope nu knu.”

“Yu knu when hab!” The orange mare said as she took the muffin.

“How knu?”

“Da babbeh feews.” The green mare said.

“Wha’ du babbehs feew wike?” You asked.

“Dey feew wike babbehs!” A bright blue mare chimed in.

All the other mares made noises of agreement. You puzzled over it as you handed out the food. “Hope nu knu wha’ babbehs feew wike…” You smiled at the green mare. “Buh Hope nu mind extwa spechow huggies tiww Hope am suwe!”

The green mare looked worried. “Nu! Spechow huggies bad fo’ babbehs!!”

“Oh! Den…”

“Nu hab spechow huggies if hab tummeh babbehs!!” She stomped her hoof for emphasis. “It am gib babbehs huwties!”

Hurties?! You could have been hurting your tummy babbehs?! That was horrible! You thanked the mares profusely and brought the hat back to the nummy pile, trying to figure out if you felt babies. You felt… normal. You thought. But what did you feel like before you had special huggies? What if you missed it?!

“Hope!! Am bak!!”

Oh you could have been hurting your babies the whole time, how selfish! You didn’t even know, you had been so focused on the good feels you didn’t even think about your poor tummy babies!


What if they were hurt? What if they hated you?! You didn’t know how to talk to them if they were inside you, how would you tell them you were sorry?!


Chip Bag’s voice made you jump, spinning on your hooves towards him. His smile dropped when he saw your panicked face. “Wha’ am wong?”

“Am… am huwtin’ tummeh babbehs!” You gasped.

The other nummy finders filed past the two of you, adding their finds to the pile. The two of you stood opposite each other, rocks in the river of colorful fluff.

“…Wha’? Hab babbehs?!” Chip Bag asked.

“Nu knu!!” You said, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.

Chip put a hoof around your side and led you away from the nummie pile while the sobs welled up in your chest.

“Spechow huggies am bad fo’ tummeh babbehs…” you finally managed to spit out.

“Dey am?!” Chip replied.

You nodded. “Huuuu… oddah mawes teww Hope…”

“Den Hope hab tummeh babbehs?!” Chip Bag asked again.

“Nu knuuuuu!!!” You wailed, collapsing into his arms. “Mawes say hab few bu nu knu feew!! Wha’ if miss it?! Wha’ if babbehs hab huwties?!”

He stroked your back with a hoof soothingly, kissing your forehead. “Hab Hope ask Oh-shun?”

Ocean? You shook your head, you didn’t know anyone by that name.

“Oh-shun am owdest mawe EBAH! She gib ad-vize tu Smawty, Oh-shun knu wots and wots!”

“Huuuu… an’ she knu wha’ du?”

Chip Bag nodded, hugging you tightly. “Nu wowwy, spechow fwend. Oh-shun teww wha’ babbehs feew wike, an’ if Hope hab dem. If babbehs hab huwties Chip am suwe it am onwy wittow huwties, an’ Oh-shun teww how say sowwy.”

You nodded, wiping your nose with a hoof. “Oh-shun am dat smawt?”

“Yus! Eben Smawty Beans wisten tu hew! Cum!” He trotted off to the couch where Smarty and the old teal mare sat. They paused their conversation to look at the two of you.

“Smawty, Chip Bag nee’ askies Oh-shun someting!”

“Ugh.” Smarty Beans rolled his eyes. “Gu quickies.”

The teal mare slowly and carefully lowered herself off the couch. Her mane was mostly a dusty grey with streaks of green in it, the fluff around her muzzle was greying as well.

“Wha’ fwuffies nee’?” She asked.

“Spechow fwend nu knu if hab babbehs.” Chip explained. “Hab wots of spechow huggies, buh nu knu if hab babbeh feews. Nu wan huwt babbehs wif spechow huggies.”

Ocean nodded slowly, looking you over. Your breath caught in your throat as her milky eyes shot through you, as if she could look into your tummy and see if there were any babies.

“Whewe mawe cum fwom?” She croaked.

“Uhm… foaw pwace. In FwuffMawt.” You replied, unable to meet her gaze. You wanted her to help you but… she was kinda scary.

Ocean sat in silence for a moment, you snuck a glance at her to see that she looked… sad. A flutter of panic welled up in your belly. Why was she sad?! Did you hurt your babies?!

“Hope nu hab babbehs.” She finally said.

Relief washed over you as you collapsed into your special friend. “Babbehs nu hab huwties.”

“Nu.” Ocean said firmly. “Hope nu hab babbehs ebah.”

You stared at her as you forced your suddenly dry mouth to speak. “Wha’?”

Ocean shook her head. “Fwuffies fwom FwuffMawt nu hab babbehs. Oh-shun see it befowe, many tiems. Am sowwy, buh nu hab babbehs.”

“N… nu!” You said. “Hope hab babbehs! Hope hab spechow huggies, Hope get boon!”

“Hoomans take babbeh-pwace ‘way. Nu get bak.” Ocean said. “Am sowwy, buh dat am how it is.”

You stared down at your belly, remembering vague memories of the times before the foal place. Something in your special place. A burning that didn’t go away. They… took something from you. Something precious. Why?

“…Wai?” Chip Bag echoed next to you. You looked up to see tears in his eyes.

“Spechow fwend-”

“Nu am yu spechow fwend!” He shouted, jumping back from you. “Wai wie to Chip Bag?!”

“Nu! Hope nu knu-”

“Yu jus’ wan spechow huggies?!” You flinched back at his roar. “Jus’ wan’ join hewd? Nu cawe if huwt Chip Bag?!”

“Nu, nu!” You fell at his hooves, pleading with him. “Hope nu knu, pwomise!!”

“Yu am WOWSTEST fwuffy!” He spat at you, every word cutting deeply into you. “Yu wie! How nu knu?! Yu jus wan use Chip Bag! Nu am yu spechow fwend! Nu wan’ see yu ‘gain!” With that he turned and ran to his nest, his pained wails echoing around the herd’s house.

You lay there in shock as Ocean got back to onto the couch. You wouldn’t have babies. Ever. You once again watched a happy future fall apart in front of you, your tiny hooves too clumsy to put it back together.

“Gib Chip Bag sum tiem.” Ocean said as she settled back onto her pillow. “He am huwt, buh mabbeh fo’gib.”

You nodded silently as you got to your hooves. You’d find a way to apologize to him. You watched some of the other nummy finders trot over to his nest, giving you dirty looks as they did. At least he had someone to comfort him.

The rest of the herd eyed you warily as you looked for a place to sleep. Most of them only heard Chip’s outburst, so you couldn’t really blame them for being cold to you. The mummahs pulled their foals closer, fluffies hurried out of your way as you walked. It hurt, but not as much as knowing how badly you hurt Chip. He was the first kind face you’d met, the first person you knew loved you.

And now he hated you.

The kitchen of the house was empty, mostly due to the massive hole in the roof that let in a cold draft. The cabinet door under the sink was hanging at an angle, just enough room for you to squeeze in. There were no soft things for you to sleep on here, but that was okay. It was a private, quiet place for you to curl up.

You wrapped your tail over your nose and let your pain out into it. You cried for Chip Bag and your never-to-be foals. You cried for Tricia and the other fluffies you met at the studio. You cried for Mister Nick and how you’d never know if he really loved you. You cried for Pearl, knowing she would be forever in the foal place with that horrible Lavender.

And you cried for yourself. You had tried so hard but no matter what you did, you were a bad fluffy. That was the only thing that made sense. The humans took your babbeh place away because they knew you were bad. That’s why they gave you to that studio. That’s why they kicked you. That’s why they didn’t want you back.

“Hope… am bad fwuffy.” You mumbled to yourself.

“Yus.” Someone replied.

You turned to see some of Chip Bag’s friends standing outside the cabinet. Peanut, a brown and yellow earthie, Rocky, a grey and blue unicorn, and Napkin, a white unicorn with patches of brown in his fluff and mane.

“Gu way.” You sighed, turning your back to them.

Suddenly there was something on top of you, two brown hooves landed on either side of your head. “Nu. Yu gib wowstest huwties to Chip!”

“Nu mean tu!” You protested, trying to wriggle out from under him. “Hope nu wan’ huwt Chip, jus’-”

There was something warm against your special place. A very familiar feeling.

You knew what was about to happen.

“Nu, pwease, nu can hab babbehs…” you pleaded.

“Dat am guud!” Peanut said, pressing his hips into you. You felt his nono stick poking around your rear end, looking for it’s target. “Nu babbehs, Smawty nu get fwuffies in twoubwe!”

“HEWP! HEWP HOPE!” you shouted, just to have Rocky dart in and press a hoof down on your muzzle.

“Chip Bag am guud fwuffy. Nice fwuffy.” Rocky hissed. “If yu wan’ spechow huggies su bad, fwuffies hewp.”

Peanut thrusted again, his tip brushing your special place. You struggled but the feral stallions were so much stronger than you. You felt the tip slip into you, and Peanut slammed his entire length in all at once. You yelped with a sharp pain as he began to thrust into you roughly, nothing like Chip Bag’s gentle love. This wasn’t what it was supposed to be like! This wasn’t right!

“Enf! Enf! Enf! Meanie mawe enf! Hab’ tight spechow pwace enf!” He moaned between thrusts.

“Napkin wan’ tuwn!” He protested from behind you.

“Yu, enf! Wait, enf!” Peanut said.

Rocky looked from Napkin to you, a look in his eye that sent a shiver of fear down your spine. “Wan’ mouf enfies?”

“Mawes can du dat?” Napkin asked, trotting around you.

“Spechow fwend nu wike it, buh du it sumtimes.” Rocky leaned down to look you in the eye. “Yu jus’ nee’ be cawfuw, make suwe mawe knu bad tings happen if gib bitie.”

You gave him a tiny nod around the hoof on your muzzle. You didn’t know what he meant, but you didn’t want to find out.

Rocky lifted his hoof off your muzzle and you began to scream again. “CHIP BAG HEWP! AM SOWWY, NU WAN BAD-” and then Napkin’s nono stick was shoved into your throat, making your eyes water. It tasted terrible, salty and musky and he slammed his hips against your jaws with no thought of your need to breathe.

“Enf! Enf! Guud feews!!” You felt a splash of warm liquid inside you and sobbed around the organ in your mouth. You felt disgusting, such a wonderful act desecrated by such horrible fluffies. Somehow you must deserve this. You were a bad fluffy, maybe this was why the humans took away your ability to have babies.

“Am guudest feews!” Peanut panted, stepping away from you. “Hab bestest spechow pwace.”

“Hmm… nu wan spechow pwace.” You could barely hear him over the enfing of Napkin. “Wocky wan twy poopy pwace.”

You closed your eyes, retreating into yourself as you felt a weight land on your back and then a sharp pain.



Fuck man.

Chip Bag’s anger is annoying but understandable, he’s just lashing out at not being able to have a family. The question now is will he stay on the path of victim blaming or will he stand up for his mate after that fucking brutal attack.

Part of me feels that given this trio didn’t want to risk the Smarties wrath that some form of punishment will come, but another part of me recognises that life hates Fluffies and life has not been kind up to this point, why change things now.


Hope is getting fucked over left and right and by every fluffy. Don’t care if Chip Bag is just lashing out, right now I’d love to see him get his shit smashed in. Great writing as always lol


Ngl I’m all for no hope endings, but I’m crossing my fingers that Hope gets a hopeful ending

Congrats you’ve officially made me feel sympathy for this fluffy lol


Great story!


Welp, Chip Bag’s new name is Ball Bag. His friends suck, too.

Sorry, I really feel for Hope right now. I’ve been in a similar situation.


the poor chip bag,I felt it a bit dramatized,but I understand that fluffys are very sentimental,and they practically told him that his dream family can’t be,and I hope the story continues to be a downward swirl until all “hope” is lost :slight_smile:


However much I hate that image, I agree with the sentiment lol


This chapter was such a brutal twist of the knife! I kinda wish she went ahead with biting Napkin’s dick off…

Makes me wonder if Hope would’ve fared better not staying with these shitty fluffies. Could she ever bear to be near Chip Bag after this?


This image is quite useful for most stories involving fluffiest … Or fluffies in general :ahahaha:


I just want pearl to be okay tbh


Chip Bag can die in a fire. If you love someone you dont fucking turn on them like that. Nothing he can do now should earn Hope’s forgiveness. I want to see her go on a vengeance tear. Her name can symbolize the hope that her abusers might have that she wont find them.




Naturally the sad fluffy story descends into gang rape with one of 2 options a sad painful end or something close to a good ending but not quite