What a Patient and Welcoming Community (TinyHorses)

You can’t escape your art style, you know. I’ve got plans, I’m not entirely going to be a hugboxer


I’m sorry if people are giving you a hard time - your art is pretty, so it really is just that the fluffies are too thin and long-legged. Fluffies are kinda like chibis, if that makes sense? Or potatoes. Potato chibis.

I’d say you have the posting part down pat, though! Just need to figure out those weird teddybear proportions.


The problem isn’t hugboxing, I don’t think anyone but the oldest users care about that. It’s mostly to do with how it seems like you took stuff on your Deviantart page and shrunk the proportions a little. It’s too, IDK how to quite place it, clean? Rounded out? Fluffies are retarded, chunky little homunculi that are like what a corporation would think is cute. Nothing in your art makes me go ‘Awh, that’s so cute I want to punch it in the throat and kick it’s balls off’. Does your art look bad? No, quite the opposite. It’s just kind of like if a regular MLP OC got a hankering for spaghetti and started talking like a special ed student


I say this as an artist, unrelated to aggressive comments others have left prior:

You can absolutely ‘escape your art style’. You referenced MLP to draw like you do- reference the proportions of fluffies on this site! Try redrawing some pieces on here, search back a bit through older posts, more than one user has posted guides to fluffy proportions on here.


You start posting donut steel OC stuff that is clearly MLP and not fluffies. So, in that regard you aren’t posting fluffies.

Instead of looking at art that came before you you make a post stating “god forbid fluffy learn and get used to posting.”. You know how to post, but you aren’t posting fluffies, you are posting MLP OC characters.


Well put, Dave. There are literally hundreds of other forums for MLP content, there is maybe 4 for fluffy ponies.

This content does not feel like fluffy pony. It feels like MLP.


Exactly this.

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Because it IS MLP.

At Ieast #2 isn’t compIaining about their characters being sexuaIized or something. ~chuckIe~

I need sIeep.

I personaIIy dont mind variety in fIuffy styIe. I think there’s room for semi eIegant fIuffies.

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I think the fluffies are fine there have been more mlp-like fluffies and people did not complain.

Just try shortening the legs a bit.

There’s no right or wrong way to draw fluffies. Your style is great, and you can draw however you want. As someone who also likes drawing more lanky fluffies, yours are adorable.
It’s true that most people draw them short-legged and chubby. But everyone’s vision of the species, as well as their own art style, is different.
Can’t expect everyone to conform when style rules are, frankly, kinda pointless.
These are technicolor mini ponies. It’s not a major deal if not everyone draws them short. If anybody has strong feelings on style, they can just not click the artist’s post or mute the user if it’s that big an issue.
There are no set rules for drawing fluffies, they’re a 100% open species after all. Anybody can make any kind of fluffy character, as well as develop their own subspecies. Nobody really “owns” fluffies as a concept (I don’t think).
There are far worse things on this site than fluffies with less common proportions.

Sorry people are giving you grief, I hope the rest of your time here is more enjoyable!


Star, while you do have more of a lanky design yours are still very puffed up and clearly very fluffy, a trait synonymous with the fluffy ponies. TinyHorses, while a bit more furry, are very sleek and skinny, something associates more with MLP. Obviously their art is gorgeous, no one is denying that, and yes everything will be done differently at one time or another. But we arent the MLP fandom, we are fluffies, we have an idea of what they are like to keep them separate so people dont think we just want to punch MLP ponies, we want to punch retarded pig horses. Fluffies while being any shape and color should be very fluffy and fat not kinda fluffy and skinny. But whatever, thats my take, it just seems unanimous that everyone else here agrees fluffy ponies should actually be fluffy and more round.


Basically this :

Your fluffies

Community fluffies


Are both fluffies? Yes , but yours looks more like an actual horse than a micro pony.

Thing is: yes , your art is pretty but that doesn’t mean you will get praise for it… Hell some of the most liked stories were drawn using mspaint circle tool.
People here won’t care the sexual preferences of your fluffies because unless its important to the story where that fluffy dies horribly (or get loved a lot)

You gotta consider most of the fluffies created in this place are disposable , they breed, they shit, they die and they will be forgotten

People would draw the most beautiful fluffy yet someone will want to hit it into a bloody mess using a cast iron skillet.

Anyway, don’t take this place too seriously, we’re not here to praise art… We’re here to see fictional creatures getting their ass kicked or sometimes cared and loved


Yea you have been here since July. You have seen how this site works. Some people’s comments have been too aggressive but you are bringing things here we do not want. Your style isn’t the problem, it’s the context.


July? I was in fluffybooru years and years ago and was an active member of the fluffy community for several years. I returned back to the fandom in July of this year. But, please, continue to make stupid assumptions.

Oh, let me see what content you’ve created… Huh.

If they want to post things that aren’t fluffies then it needs to be in the non fluffy category.


"Fluffies are kinda like chibis, if that makes sense? "
arms the headcannons
Heeeeeead canon!
(To TinyHorses) Seriously, just use whatever art style you think works. It’s not like there’s remotely any canon design.

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I was talking about op, not you. Op has been here since July. I was supporting what you said.


You replied to me. Hence my reaction and response.

To respond to the poster, hit the reply button at the bottom.

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people are being more on the harsh side instead of actually constructive; this community is an absolute cesspool and i say that in a relatively loving way. your art is good! in my opinion, it just doesn’t read as ‘fluffies’, just normal ponies? but i say don’t give up and don’t let others get to you if they’re not bringing helpful criticism to the table. :hearts: we’re all fucking freaks and outcasts here, literally none of us should have superiority complexes lmao


That wasn’t meant as a “they actually are chibified ponies” thing, but a “thinking of them as this might help you figure out the proportions” thing.

That aside, fluffies being short and stout is one of few things that can’t be dismissed as headcanon. They can lack tails or ears, have no noticable fur or look like a cotton ball with a face, be shaped like anything from a compressed horse to a Mr. Potato toy - all that reads as fluffies. But if they aren’t short and stout, they look like a different creature altogether. And if they don’t look like fluffies, then it’s gonna look like we just draw torture porn of Twilight Sparkle or, worse, of a regular animal. That is the core concern of all this.