what are the relative values of fluffy race-color combinations (Grim)

Hi Everyone,

I’m working on a thing, and I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions on the relative values (deserability/sales potential) of fluffy race-color combos. You too @G00mi

I’m of the opinion that the most valuable fluffies would be the MLP show accurate color-race-temperament combinations, with the temperament being the least valuable of the three parts there.

Beyond looking like cartoon horse show ponies, I think the valuation would be something like this-

For race, alicorns reign supreme value-wise, their Rarity, along with their usually increased intelligence, means that they are the most desirable, both as pets, and as breeding stock.
Next I would expect unicorns and pegisai to be roughly tied, as they are usually depitcted as equivalent likely to be born, so with this lesser rarity they are still desirable as children are wont to like extra things like the horn or wings, which was surely part of hasbio’s intent, as they are not only extremely aware of their own race, but pegisai and unicorns deeply love their wings/horn, and love talking about them/it.
Least valuable race is obviously the most common by far, earth fluffies who, depending on who you ask are between one and around ten times as common as the rest of the other races combined.

Next I’ll consider coloration- generally speaking I would expect solid, perfectly matching fluff-mane-tail to be more valuable than the more dominant complimentary colors (which most fluffies have to some degree), which themselves are more valuable than mis-matched color combinations. non solid colored fluff or multi colored fluff/mane/tail may be more valuable, but this is not guarantied. For example complimentary colored pokadot fluff would probably sell well, random splotches of brown that aren’t poop would probably sell worse than a fluffy with splotches of actual poop which could theoretically be washed off if one so wished.

as for colors, I would expect pure white and pure black to be two most valuable, followed by the standard ‘desirable’ shades of solid colors, which I have as roughly in the order: pink purple blue red yellow green orange brown.

What does everyone else think about the valuations above? I’d love to hear your thoughts on what I got right or wrong.



Hmm I’d debate that brown or dark colors often called “poopie” colors are kinda valuable as Bad Mummahs or other fluffies abusing or ending thrm early woukd make them more rare therefore probably more desirable and has a nice prive tag attached… in addition foals or fluffies of these colors often have good temperment and are easier to domesticate and train they are basically “Diamonds in the Fluff”


I feel like it would be a point system with the total number being desirability, the higher the number the higher the desirability.


  • Alicorn: 5
  • Pegasus: 2
  • Unicorn: 2
  • Earthie: 0


  • Multicolored: 5
  • Pretty Color: 3
  • Simple Color: 1
  • Shit Brown: 0


  • Loving and Loyal: 5
  • Needs Mild Training: 2
  • Needs Aggressive Training: 0
  • Smarty, Bratty, Horrible: -5

I assume it would be just like dogs are rated a dog show, breed, rare coloration, temperament, and structure/fitness (which would be mostly genetic in the case of animals or fluffies)

I’d agree with your point that pure white or pure black would be even more valuable than a sought after color combo. I imagine a white or black coat is a huge plus regardless of mane and tail color too. Excluding brown or puke green, or grey with white etc. If your head canon allows rainbow colored manes and tails etc that’s another rare bonus.

Heterochromia (2 different colored eyes) can be a huge plus as well. Even if the vast majority of people don’t care for it, it’s so rare that the ones who do would have to pay a premium.

And fluffies aren’t treated like animals so I imagine most people would care way more about getting one that looks cool or cute to them than rescuing one that needs rescued.

I’d say the most expensive possible fluffy would be an Alicorn, all black (or with a rainbow tail and mane of that’s possible in your headcanon) with a good temperament and stature and heterochromia.

All of this is for pets. As far as breeding stock I guess it depends how these things are passed on to offspring which varies between headcanons.

Regardless I guess it would be like GWN suggested, a point system. Many extra points for alicorn here.

5 - Alicorn
3 - Pegasus or Unicorn
0 - Earthie

5 - Solid Black or Solid White
4 - Good white or black coat variants
3 - popular combinations / popular solid colors
2 - good solid colors
1 - too bright but decent colors / not ideal combinations
0 - ugly solid colors / terrible combinations

This would put a popular color alicorn on par with a Pegasus or unicorn of the absolute best coloration. I think that makes sense.

3 - Heterochromia
0 - Monochromia

3 - Best Temperament
2 - Good Temperament
1 - Trainable
-5 Smarty, Bitch Mare
-10 SBS

2 - large, muscular
0 - Average
-2 Runt

2 - extra intelligent
(This is for fluffies who can count past 4, can do more complicated things like herding sheep etc.)

So this scale goes from -12 to +20, but obviously there are traits which aren’t covered here like the mlp clones you were talking about, or for example if your headcanon allows things like star patterns or rainbow tails and manes, they would get bonus points.

A super dark blue alicorn with white dots that look like star patterns and black mane / tail or something, someone would name it galaxy and pay a million bucks for it.

My personal head canon doesn’t contain any random hearts, stars, rainbows, extra tails, extra smart fluffies (beyond the example of some being like a sheepdog who can talk and count past 4) etc. But that’s how I see fluffy valuation roughly


Autocorrect has exposed you as a brony lol




  1. the state or quality of being rare.

oh u mean the capital “R” :stuck_out_tongue:


I was referring to how the autocorrect capitalized the word because he’s clearly written the character’s name enough times for it to notice. :woman_facepalming:

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i wondered how long that would take, but you could have just looked at the hyperlink.

also, my user picture didn’t tip you off?

nope, I did it on purpose as a joke, no autocorrect, again check the hyperlink in the original post


that’s just princess luna/nightmare moon with flipped colors

Oh, okay, then. I was wondering why the other Rarity wasn’t capitalized lol

Man the replies in this thread are so confusing

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I commented about the capital R while you were in the middle of replying to me if that’s what is confusing you.

Otherwise, he was saying he added a hyperlink with a picture of Rarity on another instance of the word “rarity” in his original post.


I figured it was meant as some kind of super autistic joke of switching the capital letters in the two instances of the word. I do stuff like that sometimes. Honestly I just thought it would be funny to call him a brony.

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But I am a brony, and seeing as how you spotted the Rarity, I’d guess you are too.

@G00mi i finished the outline for the abandoned fluffy mill story idea of yours, and this gon b gud


Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. I believe it. Gave me some black mirror vibes.

I can’t stand that prissy bitch ngl

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i might go just a wee bit horrorcore on this one

@ThatsWhy But Darling!

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I saw the original pitch and I’m looking forward to reading this.

Edit: no, she is worst pony after wall paste horse

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Well I think the setting definitely allows for endless horror. Pillowing line for litterpals that just get rotated first in - first out to an incinerator due to no stock being shipped out.

Maybe the birthers are even at a vantage point where they can see the entire process of their foals being processed from birth into food paste to be fed back to them. Lol

takes notes in the background

woah, i just thought of something spectacular for it, hello second draft outline

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Depending on your own canon society can place more value on “poopie” or naturalistic colours than in others, as people might desire “small horse” appearances. I’ve never really liked the idea that brown = automatically worthless to humans, even if fluffy society is wired to see that way. Something worth considering.

Patterns are an interesting outlier because I don’t see many canons that take them into consideration. I think their value should be tied into how common patterns are in your own - a lot that I’ve read generally use patterns as a sign of improved intelligence or a genetic aberration that moves the fluffy away from their standard programming.