What do you imagine fluffies sounding like?

The few instances of fluffy voice acting I’ve heard depicts them with exaggeratedly high voices, but I always imagined them with much deeper voices, like an actual child’s.


I think they’d have normal voices which match their respective age, but stuck in babyspeak. Usually it’s just my own voice in my head, patch shifted to match.


I honestly think it would be rather high pitched, like a kid’s. Only stuck in baby/fluffspeak. Some toughies may develop to teenager-esque level, but I don’t see lots of “gruff” fluffies, tho exceptions might be cool.


Probably like little kids on helium




Really high, really nasally and really whiny with a constant upward inflection like the shittiest dubbed anime mascot character you can imagine. I always end up reading their lines like they’re ALWAYS whining and ALWAYS asking a dumb question even the “badass” fluffies especially the “badass” fluffies


I think the foals are high pitched and squeaky, but as they grow their voices crack like ours and they sound like normal people, just not able to speak properly no matter the language they use.

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Basically I think of something between Elmo and a Furby. Not really childlike so much as a cartoonish approximation of what a child sounds like. Older fluffies having a slightly deeper or at least more… “lived in” voice like Big Bird at best or Spongebob at worst.
Chirpys I imagine as being very birdlike even with their few words, shrill and surprisingly loud for their size.

Keep in mind that I’m an abuser first and foremost so I tend to think of fluffies as annoying and creepy.


I’ve always imagined them with a high pitch squeaky voice most likely influenced by the videos on youtube I found (the one with the plastic toys in a garage, the instructional video on working at a fluffy lab and the fluffy song).

I can’t imagine them with a childs voice although it makes sense in cannon, hearing a child voice come out of a shitrat would be very uncanny and I think ive even read some stories where fluffy voices were confused for human ones

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Id imagine males sound like from the click… Females, same talk pattern, lighter pitch?

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What if fluffys a heavy smoker and drinks whiskey?


I… I guess it may affect their voice to make it raspy…?

I can’t really picture a fluffy drinking alchohol and smoking regularly… unless it’s for abusive purposes. Mind you, I like more realistic worldbuilding, so I kind of think their bodies would get critically damaged rather quickly from inhaling smoke or drinking strong stuff.

Plus I doubt they’d like the bitter taste or the acrid smell, they usually are always “nu smeww pwetty” this, “nu taste pwetty” that…

Ignoring all of that, I guess you could justify them having a rather… peculiar voice based upon their habits.

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david hayter

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@anon9416460 had, by far, the most-accurate fluff voice
@Dragonixa hits home too


Gayroommate did pretty much perfect voices for the Fluffy Herder game:

Windows download link not working. =/

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When I think of fluffy voices, I think of Tara Strong.

Stallions: Timmy Turner from Fairly Oddparents

Mares: Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls


Like a lisping Fran Dresher on helium, with the males being a little deeper in tone but not masculine.