What is your stance / opinion regarding MLP? [ CoronaryHeatingProcedure ]

I love MLP:FiM mostly because I am a big fan of Lauren Faust. Characters, stories and fun designs & animation by a bona fide animator. Earlier gens of MLP always seemed like a hollow, directionless cash grab to me.

It was entertaining to watch the Netflix “Toys We Remember”/wev and find out that yep, it was a soul sucking cash grab targeting girls and collectors, period. Until Faust put some love i to it.

Currently enjoying her DC Super Hero Girls.


I’ve never paid much attention to MLP. Almost all of my contact with the franchise has been incidental to my participation in fluffy pony.

That being said,

hard agree thanks to her involvement in Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends.


Only thing I know about new mlp is the degenerate brony stereotype and the 80’s cartoon , can’t say I have a good opinion of mlp

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I knew some bronies in school and they were all weirdos in a brand I cant get behind. Never had any interest in MLP or anything related to it. Im a big animal lover but also understand cute aggression. I also tend to agree with the notion that tragedy is the greatest form of art. Saw some foxhoarder art that made me laugh and eventually read some more serious stories. Something about fluffies hits that trifecta of cute aggression, stupid humor, and the absolute tragedy that all living creatures experience in our futile strive for survival that inevitably will end in failure. I thought a lot about why I keep coming back to this and I think thats basically it. This concept manages to be silly but also encompasses everything it means to be alive.

Another way to put it, a quote from the masterpiece that is berserk 1997,

“How delicious, I feel it all over. Love, hate, ultimate pleasure, ultimate pain, life, and death. All here to enjoy before our very eyes! The true nature of man and the devil is here and now!”

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Was into mlpfim till around season 4. Not saying anything about the quality of the show after that. I just lost interest. Other than that I really have no interest in mlp besides the fact that Fluffies spawned from it. Honestly I find it hilarious most of the internet is just now learning about all the degenerate shit that went on in the brony fandom. My brother only learned about the cum jar a couple years ago when he watched whangs video on it. He was trying to show it to me and I had to pull a “I was there gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago.”

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Indifferent, people can like what they like

in my headcannon tho Fluffys have nothing to do with MLP ive never associated them with MLP (yes i know flufflepuff 4chan etc etc)

Fluffys are fluffys and have a interesting enough character design to be completely seperate, when i read a comic and the fluffys are made to look like pinkie, celestia etc etc i just kinda block it out and note them down as being rare breed names.

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Warranty Void if Seal is Broken (Part One) (By: PeppermintParchment) FB ID: 42934 is a great example, i would just say that fluffy has exeptionally good/rare colours explaining the price

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I honestly considered the fandom so far removed from fluffies that i dont even think about them

I discovered it though mlp but I love the science fiction part of the fluffies being man made abominations and their biology and their shenanigans

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(post deleted by author)

I think the worst thing MLP ever did was give us bronies.

I don’t hate bronies. Not really. Not necessarily. I just hate that they made the internet forget to bully furries for so long that the Kero drama happened. That’s really the worst thing I can recall coming from it. Aside from Lauren being asked about NSFW shit at panels, and the handful of criminals that came out of it. But criminals come out of every fandom. What is unique about the furry fandom is its scope. A scope which allows members to create crime rings like the zoo crew.

I am not sure if abundance of internet bullying would’ve affected the creation of zoophilic rings

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In the famous words of Tootsie Pop.

The world may never know.

I just hate that they made the internet forget to bully furries for so long that the Kero drama happened.

Kek, that’s not on us bronies, the internet wanted us death and furries hated that the internet took us as the new punchie pal. It’s really sick if you come to think about it, actually. One day we are minding our own bussiness over 4chan and the next morning the entire internet has a mob with torches and pitchforks hunting us down.
The dumbest part of all that is that the furries hated us not for liking pastel little horses designed for little girls nor for cutting all possible ties with them, but because the world was not shitting on top of them because it was too busy trying to exterminate us like emos.
I myself am a survivor from those dark days and, if you were to ask me, I HATE furries with a passion. You have no idea how really much I despise those sick fucks and all the crap they pulled on me, my very own friends AND, over all, my fiance. I knew it’s a clown world, but I didn’t know how really surreal it was. How much of a fever dream it was.
Now I don’t bully furries just because it’s fun. It’s a personal thing now. I just want them to have a bad time, I don’t care about having fun with it. It’s about farming all the negativity I can, not for amusement.

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I wouldn’t put blame on any groups in general, regardless if they are furries or bronies.

Hating everyone for being in a group about colorful anthropomorphic animals ( that’s both by the way and fluffies as well) is just not the right thing to go about it.

Hate on the few people that do the horrible things and approach anyone else with a neutral mindset. They are not at fault for what happened.

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When adults are part of the fandom of a kid’s show to that degree, it’s weird. You don’t see adults going around raving about Barney the purple dinosaur or Blue’s Clues because it’s not sexualized by those same adults. Not saying being a member of fluffy community isn’t weird but it’s different. I don’t even like when people make “fluffy” content with any degree of anthropomorphized fluffies. It’s not even fluffy content imo. Hell, I can’t even stand hugbox 99% of the time. It’s too close to MLP just being hugbox.

I used to try to take that approach. But I grew tired. For each relatively decent furry I meet, there’s 30 sick fucks. Seriously, I’d call them bad smarties if they were fluffies.
I still keep… what, 4 friends who belong to that filthy cesspool? It would have been 5, but furries eat each other and don’t mind killing their own kin. Sadly.
I can’t blame people from fearing rattle snakes. Maybe one or two aren’t deadly reptiles ready to bite whoever gets too close even if by accident. So I apply the same logic on my interactions with furries. If most have proven to be hostile degenerates disregard if we are supposedly friends, then I’ll keep my guard up. The bad ones are the rule, not the exception, it’s only logic to loathe them.

No. I will continue to hate on these groups as a whole. The number of bronies and furries interested in self-reporting on the crimes happening within their fandom(s) is so minuscule it might as well not be considered a possibility. This is why the kero leaks were so big, aside from the subject matter anyways. Because it’s the only self-report out of the fandom of any consequence.

I bully so many people in this fandom (particularly on the discord and subreddit because Karn only wants kind happy nice words) specifically to keep that kind of fucking trash out of it. I bully Marak for sexualizing fluffies because that’s fucking gross, and if we don’t quality control our fandom then the people on the outside looking in will. All it takes is another Click to find Marak and suddenly the video won’t be “haha funny look at the weird horse torture guys”.

If we don’t manage this shit then people outside will. Just like people outside the furry and brony fandoms manage their shit.


Anthropomorphic = “having human characteristics”

I think the definition of the word doesn’t just stop at anatomy but applies to behaviors and language as well if I understand the term correctly.

If that is true, fluffies are anthropomorphic beings by default because they can speak human languages and act in ways humans would to a degree.

@Jingles @clover @G00mi

This is getting out of topic and Karn is going to close this post if we go on with this discussion.

Let’s move this to controversial chat.
We can talk more about this over there if you guys want.

A long long time ago back when I had cable, good cable and there was hope still in the world and I had Memorial days off, the history channel was running a World War 2 special and unbeknownst to me Discovery Kids was running a My Little Pony special. All of my friends had gone to the beach and I was home alone with a very bad back Injury and higher than a anthro fluff sent up into space for science and abuse on pain meds I decided to have a cookout for just me and my dog and cat, and so I got everything together like a bunch of stakes and burgers a whole ten pound bag of chicken legs and thighs and a four pound pork roast and got to grilling, this at 2:00am due to my being high on pain meds and I was soon done cooking and it was morning and I sat down to eat and watch World War 2 history, and I dropped the remote and the channel changed or something like that but I was high and didn’t notice it right away and I was watching My Little Pony and wondering when the United States was going to fuck up the Japanese but surely this cartoon was going to be over right.

I want to chainsaw your computer apart and then you right after, you terminal internet parasite. I can’t even call you a worthless waste of space because if you go sell your testicles you’d be sitting on an easy 70k.

You might as well do it because you’re not going to use them for anything.