What I've been up to (Federalchemical1728)

I wanted to show what ive been up to since i last posted, but i’m not gonna post photos of my irl front yard. so i turned the family cats into fluffies & drew a more accurate self-insert planting garlic in the mud while our kitten refuses to leave me alone

i did some thinking while i was planting & i realized i have a habit of assuming “[X] will be mad if I post [Z] before [Y]” or like, “The Next Thing I Post HAS To Be [XYZ] and I can’t post anything else until it’s finished,” and THAT is what leads me into ghosting a website. I get irrationally scared that someone will get mad at me for posting other art before the art that they asked me for, but it’s actually a really natural thing to post already-finished art while you’re working on something new. I promised myself i wouldn’t be ashamed of things I can’t control (like the progression of time & having to dry my underwear on the front hedge).

I’m re-learning how to be a person since quarantine w/ my shitshow of a family, and everyone in this community has been so sweet and encouraging with me i’ve been moved to actual tears several times shut up

It’s insane that a website centered around hurting small cartoon horses is the place that reminded me that good people exist and good things are possible. i’m gonna make MYSELF sick this is so mushy

Enough baring my soul, I’ve got some Gratuitous Violence to post later while i respond to messages. ttyl :v:


I love all of these so much, fuck yeah


You post whatever you want in whatever order you like, you have such amazing skills it’s hard for me to imagine people being so selfish to get mad at you for posting something you already finished.

Also that little drawing of baby Josie being so excited is one of the cutest things ever!


We both had cat stuff to deal with, then! We found a few little black stray kittens and handed them off to a cat foster home. We sadly couldn’t keep them, but I named one “Armageddon”. Nice edgy name for a little patch of void.

Also! People won’t get mad at you for posting things, it’s alright! We all have lives to live, and doing everything at the same time is just not something people are made for. Don’t be afraid to take breaks, or say “This will take a little while longer than I thought”.


We only get mad if you post your work to Reddit first.

(Shots Fired!)


your fluffies are so cute


My li’l (notsomuch anymore, lol) house-panther is named Woody (2y old)

It’s really funny…When he closes his eyes his face disappears!

And my other two fuzzbugs, Charlie (1y) and Bobby (17 y).


Hey, sometimes it’s okay to go for something you actually feel like doing instead of forcing yourself to work on a more dull project that feels more like a chore :slight_smile: It keeps up the work flow and keeps you from burning yourself out, as well as losing joy in drawing (and your drawings are absolutely fantastic, I’m definitely a fan :heart:)

There’s nothing better than a bunch of queer edgy fluffies and you, sir/ma’am/person (pick one of the three or other lol), provide UwU Keep on creating at your own pace, you’re doing awesome ^w^

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i miss my house pantheerrrrr :sob:
His name was Milo & he was dumber than a bag of rocks but damn if he wasn’t the friendliest little void i’d ever met

now i have…

'Spwowin Babbeh



I classify as “other.”


Oh, they’re so cute!!! I love cats.


There’s the cutest cat named Milo at the kennel I work at, he’s SO friendly!
He’s an orange cat too, which automatically makes him a himbo. All orange cats have no braincells, and I mean that in the nicest way ever.

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Ooo, dat kittyface!!

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Small nitpick but, and speaking as a hugboxer, I prefer to think of this websote as one about small cartoon horses and not “just” about hurting them. :wink: After all, I’m very much about loving and hugging fluffies :3


Nigga can you go five minutes without interjecting

Do you realize you come across more whiny than Oculus when you say shit like that? Come on man, you can be better than that.


I really don’t care what your opinion of me is but thanks for sharing

Good, then refrain from whining about shit like a baby in the future

can’t have one without the other my dude! Fluffies wouldn’t be fluffies without both Unbearable Cuteness and Unbelievable Suffering right next to each other :hugs::skull:

((pls don’t worry about the rest of this thread :heart: there would probably be fewer openings for ““nitpicks”” if i fully explained/compiled my headcanons. i mean im gonna have to do it at some point anyway soooooooo :scream: RIP me))