What we meme in what we say. :wandumfwuffy

You are aloe. You are a cute fluffy pegasus. You are green from stem to stern, what ever that means. Mama seems to like telling you that but you still insist your mane is more red than green. She tells you you’re colorblind but you don’t understand, you can see just fine. You are playing with your pretty red ball. “Nawt su fast mistuh baww. Yu unda awest!” You are the fastest fluffy ever. You’re so fast you’re playing catch with yourself! Your mama comes in. She looks not pretty with her mane all crazy and the icky black stuff that gets everywhere on her hands and not fluff. She smiles as she walks over. “Hey there aloe. Having fun?” “Wes mummah! Awoe hasn’t wet mistah baww ge away aww day!” “Good job! Listen, I’ve got a surprise for tonight.” What kinda suwpwisie?" “You’ll see, for now though I think we should celebrate. How do you feel about… skettis?” You gasp in excitement. “Weawwy mummah?! Yus. Yus. Yus. Yus. Yus. Awoe wuv skettis! Fank yu mummah!” She laughs at your antsy sketti dance. “Alright glad to hear it. Just let me wash up first. Don’t need any grease in the food.” You hear the sky wawa boxie turn on as she steps away. You are so excited! Daddy’s skettis are the betterest. You get sad when you remember daddy. You aren’t really mama’s fluffy, she told you that over and over. You are daddy’s fluffy, mama was just daddy’s special friend. Daddy always said not to worry about it, as long as he was around she’d come around. She didn’t get to come around often though. Uncle faggot didn’t like daddy. He didn’t like his shiny black not fluff with all the pretty patches, he didn’t like his silly mane that fell down his face, he didn’t even like Aloe and fluffys are for love! Daddy said he was so mean because he didn’t like his name. You never could get him to like it even though daddy said all you needed to do was say it a whole lot. He hated daddy’s biker friends more than anything else. Daddy said he’s just jealous because he can’t ride. That sounded so sad because rides were the best thing ever! Daddy even got special bags so you could fit in one of them. You still like to wear your special hell-met and goggles sometimes but you haven’t gone for a rid in forever. The last time you came back from a ride uncle faggot said he had to put muffler things on his pipes to not wake nay-bors. That no made sense to you. Daddy always said loud pipes show power and say where you are to scare metal monsters away. You even huffed at him and stamped a little tantrum. “Nu need muffwers dummeh uncwe faggot. Wide pwoud wide woud.” That just made him more mad. “For the last time it’s Roger you little shit. And if you won’t I might need to tell the police about Mr. Pelton.” Daddy got quiet. He didn’t like the pretty blue humans. Mr. Pelton had been helped a long time ago by then. Daddy said he didn’t know the difference between a colt and a mare. Daddy took his biker friends with sorry sticks to teach him. Humans are silly with what they don’t know sometimes. They find silly mistakes too. They say Mr. Pelton was found going forever sleepies with a sorry stick up his poopy place. You don’t know how not knowing that could lead to such bad hurties but you’re sure daddy did everything he could to teach him. Daddy did end up putting on the muffler things. He was so mad nothing you could do could stop it. You hear the sky wawa boxie turn off. Mummah walks out in her fluffiest not fluff. “Mummah am pwetty as a twenty dowwa whowe! Can Awoe an mummah hab skettis now?” She laughs. “I just got out aloe. Give me a minute to make it.” She pulls the big box-fan out of the closet. You understand the box part of it you just don’t quite grasp what a ‘fan’ is. It looks like some kind of knifey monster. Still it is cool in too hot times. “Wha’s coowew den coow?” “Ice cooooold!” You hear her laugh. You never got that one but daddy always loved it. He got a special vine-al sticker to put it on his hell-met. The sticker tore last time you saw it. It was still on the half of the hell-met that you had but the rest didn’t come back. You didn’t know why the pretty blue human had it. Or almost any of what he said. It seemed like some track-tore-tray-lore monster didn’t see him but then daddy would just scrare of the monster. Daddy was bravest and strongest ever! Mama was real saddy those days. She even said she was leaving forever. You thought she was the only one who loved daddy as much as you. If anyone knew what happened she would. Even so she didn’t like to talk about it. “Mummah whewe am daddy?” “Already told you this aloe. He’s dead.” “Buh… buh when am daddeh comin’ home.” “He’s not. Don’t you get it? He’s gone. He left. He’s hurting and burning or he’s eating skettis off of every bitch he’s ever seen and he’s never ever coming back!” Mama sounded like fluffy mama when she spoke like this. Daddy said fluffy mama wasn’t really a monster she just wanted to hurt aloe so she didn’t feel most hurt. There’s only one way daddy could make you feel better. Mama sounded like she needed help too. You ran up and held her like your life depended on it. Maybe hers did. “Awoe gib best huggies, so meanie saddies gu 'way!” “I told you not to touch me shitrat. Your huggies do nothing so fuck off.” “If best huggies not enough awoe just use betterest huggies!” You held her tight as you could. So tight your hugging leggies hurt. Daddy always cheered you up when he said that. No saddies could be stronger! You thought it worked when you heard her laugh; but, when you looked up at her she was still making saddie wawas. She kept tearing back and forth between happy laughter and crushing painful sounds and your fluff soaked through where held her face. You were never more scared than that night but you were a good fluffy. You held her until she fell asleep a woke up again. It just felt like you were the only thing holding her together right then. You waddle your way into the kitchen. “How wong tiww skettis mummah?” “I know you’re excited aloe but quit it. Mummah just needs to let it soften up a bit more.” Mama did end up moving away one day. To your surprise she took you with her. Sad as she was she always laughed at your favorite jokes. It’s been a forever since then, no, forever forevers! You wish she would tell you about her heart hurties, or come to you so you could hug them away. Still she seems to be better with what little you can do. You hope you’re being a good fluffy for daddy’s special friend. You also hope you get skettis before it gets too dark out. You try to stifle your huus as your tummy makes a meanie growl. You don’t want to scare mama into thinking you’re bad. You try to think of not skettis anything but skettis but it just makes you think of them more. You look at the scary fan monster but you just see its long white sketti instead. You see a glint of light on the sketti and you’re captivated to look closer. This no am regular sketti, is shiny bestest color sketti! Your mouth waters at the thought of trying it but you don’t want mama to miss out. She seems so busy with the sketti and you are so hungry… you try to remember what uncle faggot said about shiny skettis like this but it was too long ago. It was something about black tv sketti and when it shines… you decide it doesn’t matter. This is white sketti not black, and its box fan sketti not tv. Besides uncle faggot was a dummy what would he know about good sketti. Maybe just one bite, you still really want daddy’s skettis. POP.

You are Clara. You were just simmering your favorite spaghetti sauce and toasting garlic bread for your fluffy Aloe when the lights went out. You almost heard the difference before you saw it with a screech of “EEEE Tu dawk! Nu wike!” “Just a minute!” You call to try and calm him. You stumble over to the breaker panel thankful for once that it’s in the kitchen. It takes a minute to feel for the trip but the second you flip it everything lights up like magic. Hard to believe these cheap ass electrics can’t handle one extra box fan. You think to calm aloe before you finish up dinner. Little guy must be freaked out by lights cutting out. He didn’t even use his usual battle cry of “come ou’ fuckews, fwuffy fight naked!” He’s crying a bit when you reach him. You try to be as soothing as possible when you kneel down to talk to him. “Hey, aloe it’s ok. You’re safe here.” He sniffles when his eyes meet yours. “F-fwuffy hab nyu namesie? Am a-awoe?” You stare at him trying to figure how the only name he’s ever responded to could possibly seem new. Figuring the dumbassery of a fluffy is best put by the fluffy itself you decide talking through it is easier than thinking. “What do you mean by that aloe? Is everything ok?” He messes with his chin a bit before answering. “Awoe wuv pwetty namesie buh teefies stiww huwt. Wiww yu be nyu mummah? Gib nummies and wub? Su hungwies.” None of this makes sense. It’s like some dumb college prank but your fluffy is too dumb to act that stupid. “I… yeah, I was already making dinner for us. It’s just about ready.” “Fank yu mummah wha’ awoe eatin’?” You can’t let him get away with that one. Way too obvious a ploy. “Well I don’t know, what’s red and yellow and a fluffy’s best friend?” He gasps predictably likely just wanting to do his little prancy hooves. “Weawwy hav skettis? Awoe wuv skettis! Skettis am bestest nummies!” That cuts your smile a little short. “What happened to betterest?” “Siwwy mummah nu am bettewest onwy bestest!” You feel a cold creeping feeling up your back. Something is very wrong with aloe. But he is a fluffy and what fluffy can’t be fixed up by a heaping bowl of skettis. You ladle him out a bowl and decide to pile it double high. It is supposed to be a good night so hopefully this will perk him right up. When you put it down he’s up to his cheeks before you can even let go. You wait a moment but he doesn’t look like he’s coming up for air. “Aloe, aren’t you… forgetting something?” His thouroghly red snout eats its way through the top rather than pull away from the bowl. “Fank yu mummah!” He squeals before plunging in again. He’s really not going to say it. Not one time has he ever missed a chance to harp on about a favorite. You can’t count how often he’s used that “it ain’t much but it beats starving” line. You never thought it was funny but not hearing it just feels… empty. “Well, it ain’t much,” he spills his pasta bolting up to look at you. “Buh i’ am! Mumah’s skettis am bestest skettis!” Hell no. “Daddy’s.” “Wha?” “Daddy’s skettis are betterest skettis. Now say it.” “Awoe hab daddeh? Whewe am daddeh?” We are not fucking doing this tonight. He’s going to stop this shit and you have just the thing for it. “I think sketti night is over.” “Wha? Nu! Awoe sowwy! Nu kno wha’ du bu’ nu take skettis!” “No I think it’s time for that surprise now. You’ll love it. Let’s get you out to the garage.” You scoop him up and head out to your little pet project. You turn on the light and see your half assed attempt at a dramatic reveal. “Look aloe. You know what’s there?” “Wes, is bwue fing.” “What? No under the tarp you twerp.” You throw it back and hear that awestruck coo as he sees the bike in its new form for the first time. “Am pwetty!” “Hell yeah it is.” It took a year getting all the pieces together to get this beast up and running. The only part that wasn’t bent to hell getting wrapped around the semi axle was the throttle assembly but that didn’t stop you from saving every single part you could. Took ages scraping together every part just as it had come out of the bike from countless other ones like it. Just managed to get a straight pipe for the muffler today. Fuckin environmental laws limiting sales. “You ready to go for a ride aloe?” “Yeah!” “Can I get a hell yeah?” “Heww yeah!” “Hell yeah!” You feel that infectious excitement. You throw open the garage door and hop onto the bike throwing aloe into his saddlebag. You stomp the kickstart and open up the throttle just waiting for that delighted squeal and giggling to carry over the pipes. As you listen carefully you’re dissapointed to hear quiet sobbing coming from your little saddlebag of delight. He’s trying to stuff his face deeper and he’s not even trying to look around. You give him a little pet to try to calm him down. “hey, hey, what’s wrong little guy?” He looks almost ashamed as he looks at you. “A-awoe scawed. Nu wike tu noisie.” Your heart sinks. He’s really gone. You close the garage door and look to the little fluffy. He still has that green on green color, that little lip cut from drinking beer from a broken bottle, the bald patch on one leg where he touched the exhaust. It doesn’t matter though. This isn’t your fluffy. He’s gone. He’s… been gone for over a year now. It might have helped, holding on, letting these little echoes pull you onward, but there’s nothing left. The world feels wobbly. Like you can’ttrust the floor to hold or the walls to stop closing in. “Why don’t we uh… why don’t we just sleep out here. Just show you that it didn’t mean any harm by the sound ok?” “Otay mummah. If yu say so.” You sink to the ground and pet the fluff feeling numb. You try to talk but the only one to listen is this fluffy pegasus. You say everything you ever wanted to knowing it doesn’t mean anything now. Aloe chimed in where he could with little bursts of “wuv yu tu” or “dem gud babbeh names” but he couldn’t understand. By the time finished you voice hurt and the tears were starting to freeze on your face. You kept petting the green stallion, his head drooping from the time and the skettis. He looked innocent as could be like that. “Goodnight aloe. I hope you feel better on the other side.” He murmured a bit but settled deeper in. You lay down on the rough ground blanket curled up to sleep beside him. You closed your eyes and waited for sleep to take you. Forever.

Just a shit post of some minor sadbox. Got this idea as a brain worm. Don’t expect much more I like feral stories too much to do a lot of reset.