Whatever happened to Poonity? (The Master Butcher)

Oh, a diaper bin. Got it.


Basically yes, that’s the American term for it.


There are 3 possible reasons why Poonity died from lack of air, The Diaper bin had an airtight seal, they choked on the poopie sketties, or was just so stupid they forget how to breathe.


It is also possible that all of what you described took place


I like this comic,
I want to see more of the fluffy idiots.
Tldr, that bin is a dirty cheater
Edit: wow, love the detail on that stool, was going through this again and saw the words, cute

I have no issues if the fluffy dies I suppose, but how did that can not tip over, it doesn’t look nearly full enough to anchor itself. I can’t imagine it being airtight especially if it’s that easy to open, a human baby would be just as vulnerable in this case…

sorry if I nitpick, but I wouldn’t mind a bin like that that doesn’t fall over from pet interaction, these owners must be new to pets also, good in an easily opened trashcan SMH, you learn that lesson immediately even the best behaved cat will teach that one to its owners.


You’re the first one to mention the writing on the stool. I was hoping someone would notice it. I actually own one like that, from a charity shop. The real one also has little pictures of animals on it, but that would have taken longer to draw.

Yes, the bin probably would have fallen over. Basically this fluffy had to die because it was temporarily used as the website header, and all of the fluffies that are used for this eventually get killed off.


Was the foal crying because of the low air or was it happy to eat the shit of its friends?


It was supposed to be tears of joy because it thought the worms in the other fluffies’ faeces were spaghetti. It only ran out of air a bit later.


His plan kinda fell through

The text on the stool feels extremely cute for some reason, perfect contrast to the poopie sketties

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I really enjoy the fluffy design in this comic. They look like stuffed animals you can win at a fair.

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Thank you, I actually own one like this, from a charity shop.

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Smart enough to use tools, but not smart enough not to eat shit. Lol

Beautiful work.


Amazing find!

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A fluffy that eats it´s own shit, and does not measure the consequences, is better off dead


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you know that bin had a foot peddle on the bottom but fluffys are too dumb to think logically in high stress situations :f_martini:

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Too bad, that must have been one of the most intelligent fluffys I’ve ever seen, I mean few fluffys manage to use their minds to move a piece of furniture and climb on it

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A lot of these shitrats do belong in the garbage, so fuck them.